2010, l Toluuboutyourtopplfholes, 'Ibll us about your favourite York Region golflwles. Our contest will feature categories for par- 3s, 4s and 58, with an opportunityto win great prizes, including a foursome with carts at Silver Lakes Golf and Country Club and a golf package from Cleveland Golf/ Srixon. \ Tellvus in 150 words or less about what it is you love, hate or tolerate about your selection(s). All submissions will be entered in a random draw for prizes. STORES o FLYERS o DEALS o COUPONS - BROCHURES o CATALOGUES o CONTESTS 0 SPECIAL FEATURES 0 PRODUCTS Contest entries cloSe May 31. Eâ€"mail your entries to jcudmoreflyrmg. com from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. The whole family is invited. The rain date is May 6. For teens who want to ï¬nd out more about the youth council, it will be holding a meeting at the Stouï¬'ville Arena, 12483 Ninth Line, Thursday from 4:30 to 5:30 Kids aged 11 to 18 are invited to attend. The age for membership used to begin at 13. Youths needed to serve on local council From "(a 1. “We opened it up to 11 years of age because most of our executive are grad- uating." said len McEachen, recreation progmmer for the Town of Whitchurch- Stoufl'ville and oonvenor of the council. “It makes a good transition from elementary to high school because they know the kids and have gained more con- ï¬dence," said Erik Fraunberger, co-chair- person of the council. “By opening up the council to a young- er age bracket we’re opening them up to new experiences," Mr. Cilia said. gflyerla_nc_i.g:a - â€" Om: M nï¬mumcefcmax egdï¬mw . .mâ€" 9 a my aFumï¬ure I“: PFAFF M -- J; an: W :21:- The week-long celebration ends next Saturday with a youth dance at Latcham Hall from 7:30 to 10:30 pm. Once people are in Lath Hall, they will not be able to leave and reâ€"enter, according to Ms McEachen. The dance will be supervised by vol- unteers from the Stouï¬'ville Community Policing Centre, the Maym’s Youth Council and the town’s leisure services' staï¬. “We want it to be safe for everyone,’ Mr. Cilia said. Tickets are $7 at the door. Save Time, Save Money.