This opportunity occurred unexpectedly, thanks to the generosity of Patrick Leblanc, direc- tor of Stoul‘fville’s O’Neill Funeral Home. I took son Paul along. While I’d been to the site before, this particular evening was special. For we were truly treated like Very Important People, on a par with a premier or prime minister. Examples? A recep- tionist accompanied us to an elevator. An usher- ette brought us popcorn and hotdogs and an usher called me “sirâ€. Not the red carpet treatment ‘two country guys close to the city' expected. But we gladly accept- ed with thanks. Also the free parking. But that's ahother story. These thoughts coursed through my mind last week while seated in the VIP section of Toron- to’s Rogers Centre. It was a game between my beloved Blue Jays and the Kansas City Royals. Similarly, today’s Stouffville Mennos, man- aged by Howie and Art Burkholder, can hold their own with any team in their league. While not a big-city lover. 3 Rogers Centre Nor did our women play secondary roles. The skills of Helen Snowball. Marg Brignall, Helen Pais- ley, loan Haynes, Helen Goudie and Barb Hare are well recorded. Who among us can recall Bob Hassard, Earl Cook, Les Clarke, Ted Cadieux and the Schell brothers, Ken and Lorne, members of the champi- on Stouffville Red Sox? Ican. Who among us can forget Don Haynes, Harry Barber, Ted Suzuki, Gord Eckardt, Ross Madill and Bob Stover, members of the champion Stouffville Cardinals? Ican’t. Those were base- ball’s glory years when Stouffville ruled the roost and spectators ï¬lled the stands. es, I'm a ball fan. No, not a football or basketball fan. During my high school years, those sports weren’t played. But baseball was. Fast- ball (or softball), too. I enjoyed and. still enjoy both with a passion. How the Blue Jays can win back fans And the umpires, much like watching four tired men challenged by a game of chess. The result â€" yawn ball, not baseball. Fans today enjoy sports with speed. That's why Sidney Crosby and Alex Ovechkin pack are- nas everywhere they play. Energized ball players could do the same. lim Thomas is a Smufï¬/ille resident who has writvenjbrama newspapers ï¬n more than 50 years. The loudest hurrah came when a man seated in the second deck and wearing a glove, dropped a routine foul ball. Even a “make noise" appeal via the lumbotron, failed to stir emotions. Most in our section seemed more interested in drinking beer and eating pizza. Despite the closeness of the contest, some left early, maybe to visit a washroom or perhaps to beat the trafï¬c. The Iays’ organizaâ€" tion, too, has its faults. I say take a page out of the Raptors’ book and add some razzmatazz to the seventh inning stretch. The bird mascots would be no match for a dozen attractive cheerleaders. Last, but not least, let's speed things up. People don’t pay big bucks to watch a pitcher paw the turf. yank at cap. pull up his pants, then throw the ball in the dirt. Unfortunately, Toron- to’s fan base lacks enthu- siasm. They don’t cheer, they applaud, much like audience reaction to an opera. Third, I love the Blue Jays, even when they lose. visit is, for me, a highlight of any baseball season. Why? Three reasons. First, I love the location. Roof open or closed, it’s a marvelous site. Toronto should be so fortunate. Second, I love base- ball. I enjoy the game. Roaming Around with lim Thomas Springisinfullswingandwe’re ' fulladvantageofdie warmer weather. We’re gettin loads new product in daily: 55â€?" “$33†(Ema? fbmmm‘mm‘m‘“ ts , man ' tau s e ems 'um basplgets and hundreds of mixed hanging haskets and plant: tsareallinthisweek,nottomentionaniccselectionofthe 'er floweringï¬lants and greens for your container planting needs. We’re s ' advising anyone to watch the forecast for frost and brin in or cover your tender plants as needed. However, most 0 what we have at this point is absolutely ï¬ne as lon as the tern rature doesn’t actually drop below freezing. ' weekwe veourpopiduplllxedhblot onsgggalforSLWeach.'Iheyareamixoftuli ,h cinth and are perfect as_a_ gift or supply to ten up Andifyquinahuhiï¬rswehivimekmï¬ individual ofpon ahd some mixed herli planters, as well as the The kitchen folkwill be ' ' tra ofour DmielBBQRhTheseare wgdlagswedows at the deli, then slather with our own sauce ï¬which will be ackaged and ‘ ‘ availab e for sale shortly . The ribs can 1 I be had in whole or 1/2 racks at†........... seller at the deli, and it'ï¬ll be ...' ............ u - m lI>t(';¢ik;ncnladewiilhboth“gland“ï¬nite newgatatmlgctnofhgrd- e opped an een omens dreamg, of coursggsff you don't crovyds too mucï¬, we'll have some packed self-serve at the side counter, too. Theseare favepmkchopgbecause arefromthemdoftheloin chhhthIgymocttmdermdflavourï¬ll. ecutthanabitthickertlgan usual th canbeea' flattenedifneedbe forgnllm' ' geomethmg which(sho?1'ld be donedzn a medium heat. gou can get these either already seasoned with Montreal Steak a Cajun Rub or an Naturel. The lywill % be on the smaller side ale-there m‘ï¬y 3 of on ma _ wm these rk loin, so if these , a early. per Po WHAT’S HAPPENIN’ ‘ UTSIDE: CANADA PRIME RIB EYES 3 Wehaveafew’l’rime'RibEyesifyou‘ thinkingofacwkoutthisweekMY kids probab won't have seen these their meal 9 either. We'll have these at thesamepneeasourusualribeyeuuh socomeearlyifthesewouldbeyour ' 83 U PACIFIC SNAPPER available as ï¬sual. ThisSnapper(orrockï¬sh)hasadelicate,nu , sweet flavour. The meat is lean and medium-ï¬at; intexture,withaï¬neflake.Thessaresuitedwefl to baking radna than ' ' and will remain moist when cooke Q A F r.- wW-Wwfllbe miss out-on a lot of the best bondixig and convo time. I 5130 knov'v that they'll be eager to help with our yard clean-up and early planting», ifyou haven'tdonent eowe'vemademrethatwe've gotnotjmttheeoilyou'llneed,bntaiotofthephnfl,uwelLAbo, we've at great Inhee, and knowing that kids love them and call]: sense 'a t (instance when n are secretly surï¬ng than, we' havethePï¬acksizewmgmwiflbeenoughmshugifyon areaught ' yourhandintheiar. ..... mdwhatwc'rcdohgmwdcomcyouruudmbhomcï¬omvnivcnity in Y pmide @111“le ofï¬w, Yw- 13m“, éon’t W '20 dim our ORK CHOPS WHAT? S o OKIN’ AT THE DELI.‘ ..... S HONIECOMIN G WEEK ° ' ahd will remain A .9533; SPECIALS IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING SUNDAY MAY 02 ND next C011 [C Of flm’m months. 9's wm There are 5 main of mangoes, with the yden variety being at the top of the hp in trail; of eating enpyment. ese are Hayden's now and they'll be the main variety for the ¢ next 6011ch Of “Am ma ~HADEN~ AN GOES thq Cathy asks Mtge?“ " Mistake alwaï¬_ $153731“ 35 ycziwagt forâ€".7â€" . “339.1133: 222m“ Ms}: vv 8‘ H ~§ Mon. lO:00-7:00 ~ Tact-Than 9:00-7:00 ~ Fri. 9:00-7:00 ‘ Sat. 9:00-6:00 ~ Sun. 10:00-5:00 548 'Carlton Road, Unionville www.thevillagegrocer.wm ...... theseaflhaveareguhrretaifofߠeach The ' will be the $2.49 each . VANILLA 03m ....... it's a white cupcake with vanilla £05m“ with “"94!†Emmy- H ‘hed withancdiblc butt .uuououu'u m ......... this will be chocom with chocolate flourlcsc chocolate cak but to with a do of whipped sour cream. 0000 cm. ............ {gamut batter fresh' crcam and flakes of coconut. 0N .......... it's a white cupcake that's been lemon cure! and pig: Itahan Meringue. all weighth down with a lodd ofjelly beans. icing. waif: c With m Cheese beavanillabattcrwithastrawbcrry % buttcrcrcam icing. ' 0H .......... all of these will be ~ ms rum-Ind .9 m featured at ..................... v "“ Ifyouï¬ interested in what‘s in store for Mother's Day, visit umthcvflhmm It’s cupcake week in our little bakery this week. We'll be making an 'Adult Seties', not X-rated, but adventurous flavours nonetheless, and a 'Kid Series‘ as well. The Adult Series are a larger size (adults are larger, it was a no~brainer) in the (allowing flavours ..... DIAGRAme ....... thisisachocolatecupcake injected with white chocolate mousse and glazed with dark chocolate ganache. CARROT ........... j ust a smaller version ofourcarrotcakes withacrownofcreamcheeseicing. mums énocowm ............. similar to our that more often than not I'll aeï¬'lafly Don-Ken‘s Mac and Cheese. It's.a 'curl up chalr' type meal that is the ï¬tting end to along % on, day, or year of sdlool. Comfort r m foodatmï¬nestkeg.310.95ead1 wm B AIWHAaï¬â€™Ã© o I CHICKEN an : NOODLE APPLE PIE S These are a thrill from the grill! They are c withni «canonedcoarregroundporkandlotsof tedol cheddar. Youmaywanattoletthemeool ust a touch before in use I ï¬nd that th retains more heat than you m an t think. Re . $4.99 lb ~ ‘9 _mm..m@ MW“. mm ..a . {0 7m, mmm mmmhamwm .mymwumm. 940â€"1770 size. 1'62 â€"CHEDDARâ€"â€" AUSAGES MAC CHEESE Ourfcaturcinthc departmentwillbc tqur ch. gougigptbcforgiven or dunking «no: 5 , we could beusmgthc thisâ€"andthatwew savcalotofmoncy becauscwcusclonofdlickcnâ€"bntwcusc ourrcallyniccair-chilledchickmdntwcgz aptanigmtogcte-andtocookwith. Emu of our? otousfg ualil . $10.95 each SOUP