SECURITY GUARDS wanted for York 8 Peel, including the GTA. Ffi Pfl' Up to 816] hour +benefits. Training Available Call toll free: 1-888-351-4295 Skilled Tediriical Help P/l‘ Shipper Receiver (Afternoons) Denison Woodbine area Computer experience a Must Email resume to bpws@ edmamarketing com PARTS COUNTER HELP Equipment knowledge and tarm background an asset 5676 Main St. Stouffville Fax 905-640-3839 Hotel Restaurant PIHA MAKER wrth a minimum of 5 years expenenced Call Anthony between 8am- 70am Monday to Friday (905)642-8300 General Help Crossing Guard “ Requrred Now' Chant Carlton ( William Berczy P S l Stonebridge Wilfred Murison (Stonebndge PS.) Please call (905)737-1600 @nKH/m Sl‘tliim 5mm KIDS! KIDS! KIDS! ~~Ages 2+~~ Wanted for TV 8. Movie Jobsl No Feesl Men/ Women 16-65 yrs Needed for same! No extras Parents call: (418)221-3829 Slide-Tribune I 9 gamma". find (I M? latent lint! a plat r L, tall hum;- OUTSIDE ADVERTISING SALES {inc 800k 5 the print and mine drectoy Orvsm of Metrolam Media Grow in BMUW ‘M’lf’f My 0' iorsa tomato! We service «La! markets omitting small iv!!! attocaiie multirneda adiertising Males are DiUVidth comers with Mr voting: .i’ and senses relevant to their Weaeseekmtul-WMSiDEW SALES MARKS tc seriu uu' vaiuus 'BQUES in this or: you will be astute-loaned aric wit Doric strong eaticns'ius mt! new r' '4 in, ml provide pom customers witr Clwilvi: sheave flMIS-';'"ld“£’dilc on!!!“ at will pay a key role in the overall anions “ii 1!! ’VCa'll,"dii’!l' We you a tmt mtg aid Widen sell-(Zane! i' «00 ywemy deahng writ. small inc rseeing new mote we, as. 'Are you a Miter Mill the and owe tc excel at defeating arr. an r i. w unw- ~Do you have eaten (ammunicatirr yesenatn aric if’lf’ifljlf‘ skitis We you a type-A persmalrh .vtic s goal-uneven inc 28W 'J' '"re'irr, norm: weekly targetsâ€! '0': yo. We Move “are. attitaci: It'lt’i- f one 2;, a Her-“'1. i'Ja’ ‘ira'ica 2w We rod ethane. ("Wm iv" 1 'Ir'a'.‘ Miâ€! ti 7 "a P.f‘0€f‘iF"71"'vi“r’ Vivian "2371‘" 0'1; to. 'lZii‘? 1 ’eviv'io»: >- O " i0! renew. ‘5": †3. it "i" :oiir aâ€: Midi? lkr. '1: D‘J’S-ir 1'9Wai’dtr'lï¬ ,ltfi‘r’ ii"? smirk r W "toasty Ms aberrant“. '“ai be the 'g’! we ‘3‘! i'i. lit 'it‘w ’iJ' :3 f'lf.’ ")ilowmr,‘ I; attract the nest taierf - 5o" ref trvr Trial 'm O‘T‘Jiio" pagiaoe iiinll'iiliffl income ~ A j’fiic'l’â€!j"if,“ir Wits wage rimming gron RRSP oar eligibility c Complete training program pr’MoeC Mmmtmtos‘a‘el'hgomsalesnmmmmests Tobermeanemberotmrgrwngtearn sentywreswneancrmeriettetr Wynnetorewmywy tori! 201i; atelier!!! diaOOitcanSiUMrinfr-wegt 17W ry-iyymcfleijgcig J “View N" or 'fl’iir'tl 1w: N: L'ros an!!! new“ WHY M Viv-truism} \ssistant Director iii llcyoliipmt-nt lht- l \rtllpt .iriziila loamia' wii tytist it! xiippiizl lhi -.i \aliit'r anti! \'-.1‘fl "'l i! 1.1.: rl’L‘x'lL-Ai ‘i‘t' i'itg‘t: '1 T "“i, ".ttit‘i‘xii‘ll‘ "‘lk' «iL'le'llt .i it 3. H167»! L‘.\\\v\ iiirtitt‘i 'il (I'lsill'li' ‘1" i«’il'lliiilllli M ‘ ‘ \il‘l \Al‘l i“; ,. r_'~' .ii. .I\‘\L’\l\ i!’ li|‘lli‘.' \lt“i.i..iti‘.\liip iriii t i priiict‘! it\\i\litlicc‘ It» the l ‘.k'LiIll~. ll rot :i ' ' \ l\L' a data c'!!!'\ «all pets!!! 1' ma.‘ u it' hit! ti'xcait l1 :ia!!! [Viipflzn‘ \ r Il\ l'\l‘\l'tlittli il i‘w \ik-il:'Lli“('i';‘Y1‘\’> mwtlt il.i'.i ‘ili'. visit'zri "it illlii'. "iii Hit .tl‘ll'ly 1.! :t'at'i i'itl “pt- I iii; data tillt’rlk'x \ill . r‘irii "..i‘.t‘ latitl' ii~' ut'tt't‘i i‘.i!'i limit-,1 \kllli .1 tilll‘\L'\|l\ critical in! \ilii lia‘ i' t'uUlt'! uninitiii' min-rt. li-t'liiiiiliiux. tiri'aiiixaliiiii .iiztl .ii‘iiiiiii.-tr.i' at »ki|i\ ‘iiii irt' lr‘il‘ittliili‘ik' ‘wirkiiiu .i~ pzirt til .i ‘li‘, ill To!!! .iitli lik‘TYlIl' ~'!_i'iil .irv‘t» ‘i‘ ilk \i Tl till‘x't ltti and milk iiidcpt'!!ilt~:i!ix \iiii haw i ,riiiiil ittirkhy liltiulctlgt' iil ilt'n\.il .iiiil iiik‘ .tll wt‘r‘! pin :' x; ml 4!;‘1"lil\"t ;‘t'i’\«|l l’itast liirxxartl \ti ll it'\‘ilili ti- l \t'l'UIIH’ Director. l ‘ \rcht'( anada inundation. Illlh.‘ \ongi- \tru'l. Richmond Hill. (l\ I M «H 7 [mail nhalIaIarrhvxa. l‘ t'ilu' irit liitlt 'hc int! title in lilt' \iiliit'tt linc til your email a great business relationships throug our pro/acts and our people Rutherford Contracting Ltd is a General Burlding and General Landscape Contractor servicmg the ICI construction industries of York Region. Simcoe County and Toronto GTA We are currently seeking Individuals to fill the lollowmg roles - Construction Project Manager o Landscape Site Superintendent For a detailed description of qualifications. please refer to our ads on Workopolis com and LocalWorkca To apply for either of these career opportunities. e-mall to lobs© We thank all applicants in advance however. only those deterrnined to meet the requirements of the role will be invited to participate h an interview process YOurClaSSifieds. g, I Am l l '«i « wwwyorkregioncom , 3".†Yeti legion tire-[II the Aurora Banner, We! Era. Richmond Hill/Thornhill Liberal. 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Markham 9:30am to 2pm L,_. ,,L_.____-. - Iiiiiiiilti liast mutual lurid .mil litillitiii sales ciiiiipaiiy \t‘k'k\ experienced. dynamic and tt\\t'nl\t‘ scli starter to ath Vicc President «it I5U\Iltt‘\\ I)i:\t-|r)p!!!cnt iritit-pt'!itli'!!tly \lIPCI\l\Itill, L‘\IK'IIK'HL(‘ lll illt‘JilI/Jilllii arid iiilicc Jtilllillhildlillll ( UlilIHIi‘JilIt‘ iii! the li'lt'pliiiiit' \Nllit i'ktt‘llcnl lt'lt‘plliinc\t' ‘Allil \.ti|lltI\ lllit'lIILIi and i'KLClik‘Iii Micrimit! ()IIILK' .iiiil strung Liliilillllliltttiillll Ill\t‘\liltt‘ltl / Mutual l iiiitl IKIIUMit'tIL’t' an asset Sec vwhsitc ( "arm-rs in! details www.hmghullionxiim/careers.htmI "\pleLdnh apply to hr(a" Our phone lines are open: Monday - Friday 8:30am-5:30pm 905-853-2527 or 416-798-7284 'licl .,i r ’7, .i, i, ,, Iir,l l i, i., .‘i " your classifieds DailyWebTViom WthISLa RAPID HOME SERVICE PIO’GSSIOIIH/ House Cleaners now hiring Experienced Cleaning Staff Pan time (Day Shitt Only) G license an asset, MARKHAM Call: 905-472-6042 Real Estate Clerk -Aurora Experienced Real Estate Law Clerk requtred for a busy reSidential and commerCial real estate law practice We provrde current technology and an enjoyable work envnonment Please Submit cover letter and resume to LaurionLawOffice \Allii minimal 41 Wellington Street East Aurora, Ontario L4G 1H6 e-mail: iferrisélaurionlawcom Hi r/iiiiik ii!/ i inn/Muir! fur til: I! H \f‘I’HV Mi! illl/\ i/iuyi intuit/(nil liir iii! Ill/r iiii H NIH tie it’ll/ill lc'i/ Dispatcher FIT Pickering office Courier experience an asset Must have Knowledge of GTA Ontario Email rctrans @ i’t‘z‘elé'†a 2‘33?" _ . NORTHWOOD MORTGAGE WE ARE HIRING!!! ATTENTION STUDENTS Looking for work? Great starting pay . S16 base/appt. ' Ful' or Part-Time 0 Training Programs Dirt. ole FT Opt-W. Mortgage Agents ° Jorna Dynamic Team (‘l";‘(i?f;;â€'“'* 1 ' Work for yourself...Not by yourse|f Great Opportunity in Financial Services Training provide: Stliir‘arsti o1 awarded. CALL TODAY! 416-969-8130 *98;?;32‘13§53 __ ' V AV 77W? The SPA at Markville FL] ,I 0/ [’A RI-TI M If I‘LS'I‘HI‘TI‘ICIANS SPA RECEI’IIUNISI “C ttit' Ltirrt'liih liiiikllly lit illl llit‘ .iltint‘ positions Stictcxxttil \.ilitiItidIL‘\ littl\i lit- it-lialili- great it'JllI playerx \kllil iantastit [it’i\llllitilllt'\ ililk'lk"\ik'ki .ipplit ants lilti\i applx in pciwii \\ ill! .i It‘\lllllt‘ ask for \yiinm- Markvillc Shopping ('cntrt- 5000 Hwy #7 East at Md'oyyan Markham. 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Aurora Area Food. Manufacturing and Distribution ° Overtime Available' ' All Shifts Available' - State ot Art Farilities With paid training‘ ' Long term contracts wrtb potential "i‘ permanent hire’ - Paid Statutow HOIICiriy’Q‘ o TTC Accessibie' Assemblers. Machine Operators. Quality Inspectors. Order Picker. Material Handlers and Certified Forklift Operators APPl Y IN PERSON BETWEEN Qam-fipn- m ifififl yitnge Street. Richmond HI!‘ 905-787-9911 I" ii! it†it qualify to! tho posrtiiim moon-viii!!! above you must possess ? verifiable work references/(78A approved safety shoesiï¬lll and Photo DENTAL ASSISTANTS RECEPTIONISTS Large group practice in Richmond Hill looking for PT and FT statt Receptionists must have dental experience and knowledge ot Autopia an asset Assistants must have Level ll qualifications Please forward resumes by fair (905)884-9155. or by email to: rhdentalposition @ hotmail .com Wanna Help MMMI Help SHIPPING/ RECEIVING Looking for an experienced Shipper’Receiver Must be meticulous. technically savvy organized indiVidual wrth excellent communication 8. problem solvmg ShillS Email resume: