New chief should come from within: union Diet-Sgt. La Barge, a 30-yeaf police vet- eran, said she is looking forward to more din- ners at home. an inclusive community." ' He also thanked the more than 400 volun- teers who assist York police. He saved his most heartfelt thanks for his wife of 26 years, Bet-Sgt. Denise La BaIge, who was seated in the police board's public gallery. “What you do in life is not as important as who you do it with," Chief La Barge For about eight years, the chief has worked double shifts seven days a week, she said. “This is a man (who) is truly passionate En‘i‘émr you WrflCHEéhbé' WI Rejuvenate YafléRegion about what he does," she said. “I am so proud of him every day. I would like him to take it easy just a little bit." Chief La Barge is past president of the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police. Whatever he chooses to do, Den-Sgt. La Barge said she hopes her husband will be happy- His other achievements include a bachelor of arts honours degree, a multiculturalism studies certiï¬cate from York University and a master’s degree from Trent University in Canadian and Native Studies. In 2008, Chief La Barge was recognized by the Friends of Simon Mesenthal Center for He plans to continue his interests in First Nations history. Watng Torri‘énipw Holocaust Studies for his enforcement role in hate crime justice and commitment to officer sensitivity training. A successor for Chief La Barge has not been named. This is expected to happen in November. The position will be staffed internally and senior ofï¬cers will be potential candi- dates, police board chairperson and Georgina Regional Councillor Danny Wheeler said. In a recent interview, York Regional Police union president John Miskiw said he believes talent exists within the service to hire the next chief. “Thank you for the work you have done as far as developing people in the organization,†he told Chief La Barge. Home WWW" Get blqcle Ups, tour ï¬re hall Bring your two or three-wheeler to the Bicycle Safety Rodeo on May 1 for a safety inspection and bike handling refresher course. Following a bike and helmet check, children will be taken through a series of bike handling drills and traffic situa- tion simulations. The objective is to teach children the importance of seeing, being seen and remaining in control. 7 The redeo takes place at the Stouï¬ville Fire Station, 100 Weldon Rd., south parking lot from 10 am. to 2 pm. Childrén will receive a special reward upon completion of the course. Thénewï¬rehallwillalsobehosting an open house complete with displays, demonstrations and a barbecue.