.‘lT YOUR NF l 'IEHBI'IURHOUD CHRYSlER. J'Elil" , C C: Cl (7) RAM RHAILER \louï¬t'rlic sun- name I Thursday, April 22, 2010, 8 Wise customon road the NM print; dour local mailer my M W has for mutton/pn-dollnry that can range from $0 to 81,098 and anti-unfuth products that can ring. from $0 to $1,298. Charges may vary by retailer. Soc local mailer tor comm M W. “N0 PURCHASE W. TH gmw , w ~r “at: '9sroet‘fs aver are age 3} :' except some employees or Chrysler Canada lnc and persons wttn whom they are, rjnrt‘tctled Mth In "ten family members rts 'elarlets and Water! :nmoames and fleet Customers Enf'a'mi rm err’L‘naSB lease v tes' I've a new. .‘ “ I name at a oarttctoallng Ontano Chrysler Jeep. Dodge. Ram r“ M ‘ Stall A?!" Q‘a‘ 15': Au ‘* w 'ecerw a mace 9W 'r, entered mm at www sorntowrnaonl ca There are twenty one 2‘ " Dc ‘nr NW 52; avarlaole tn {)9 wm‘ * .c be ‘Ct‘râ€"v'er r: "* I'iw Mlt ‘axe grace tr )r anon: May ‘t‘ttt 3Q“; n Jakvtlle Ontano Odds at mmmg oepemj rm total - a r , l'aw Wx'me'r overtly answer a my testrng trrestvor and mu 8 declaration/release Complete m M w», My, liar an 4.4 C4A‘Aï¬q anh anr was $6 75; Consumer Cash Drsoount and $500 Bonn Cam 001500 ' Alfhair‘ 4 r . aar‘trroatr; 'e'l'v' ‘ r "n crew tetaus 9w; nctuoes ‘rergrt ‘3‘ 400» arr lax trre levy and OMVIC tee D'tce exCIuGes ‘ en; 1 r‘srmnce regrstra'ron any retailer admtnrsttatton ees other 'eta«ler charges ano other appmam ees and taxes Retarler 9'06" tranr may be necessa'r Retailers "tar Ste; ’0' less ‘Consumer Cash Dtscounts are M on 20519 ‘ rem ~d a c w “arutac'cter '0 'etarler ncentwes wnrcn are deducteo lrom the negotrated prrce aetnre taxes. Amounts rat. by vehrcte See your 'etarler tor complete aetarls "Bltï¬tls Cash «5 altered or all new and mused 20m veanIes exr'eut Dodge tinallenger Dooge QaIltle' CW and Game SE plus and Sonntet models Bows Cash ls a m- 'o ’etallet wer' m Mn " ~11! De jeducted ‘mm the negotrated once after taxes See your retarler tor complete detarls We outtnase hnancrng tor 36 moms avarlame lo qualltrea customers or approves credit through floral Sam at Canada Scotraoanx W l nancrng Serwces an: AM“: on most 2010 Chrysler Jeep, Dodge and Ram models. mm W. SM lacs otter A '9’“ ‘ ' 4‘ mm sarctcwvnaorrl :a qe’arler Met ’tade may be necessary Otters Suorect to change mtn )ul truce tree oartrcroatmg retare Caltbet Safarta «arse i‘arraqe and 3E plus 3mm] latayan Canada Value Damage and Cargo Van‘ Sptrntet and Ran Chases Can Erample Ram 1500 Quad Cab SXT 4x4 (24A+AGRJ mm a Purchase Pnce of $2? 999 ï¬nanced at 0% for 36 months equals monthly payments 9' $7“ 75 cost 04 borrowtng or $0 and a total obllgatron at $27,999 Pnoo ' ‘8‘ 40C 31' “ex "re ey. am “MAC ‘ee Pnces exclude ‘rcence ~nsurancec 'egrstratron. any tetatlet admlnrstratron tees other tetariet charges and other apolrcaole tees and taxes Retarler Order/trade may be necessary Retatlers may sell lot less “Ram 1500 otters the most powetlur \8 unoer 6 O lttres In tts class IBasod on US Natlonal WM Trim: Wrnrsrratrcn ‘rH'SA at: \r cg System ‘or 29“] node! rear Ram ‘SQC §2010 Ram Crew t500 Laramre Wrtn optronal equroment ShOwt‘ Prrce rnCIudtng aoolrcaole CortSumer Cast» Otscount/Bonus Cash Otter 543.735 Pnces Include trelght ($1400, all tax trre levy and OMWC fees prrces exclude Ircence, Insurance registration. any retell mm ’elatlet themes and ï¬ner aooucame ‘ees am ’axes Retarler arder'traae "lay be necessary Retallers may sell "I, less “Start and the dog logo are regrstered trademarks of SIRIUS Satellite Radro Inc ‘Jeeo ts a registered trademark of Chrysler Group LLC The Best Buy Seal rs a 'egrstered trademart at Consumers Droest Communth LLC used under Incense partvtrme 4WD 7 r l,‘, (Arman a w: PURCHASE FOR {at w r 2010 Run Laramie shown 1/1. '. INCLUDES $5,750 CONSUMER CASH t v 2010 RAM 1500 OUAD CAB’ i :- l l i s a Power front wmdows and locks o 4-wheel drsc brakes wrth ABS SX'I' 4X4 werful l rght Duty Prckup" Jeep AND OMVIC FEE. TAXES EXCLUDED. OTHER RETAILER CHARGES MAY APPLY‘. $500 BONUS CASH? FREIGHT, AIR TAX, 999' Sway Control and Brake Assrst - 17-rnch chrome-clad steel wheels 0 Bright front and rear bumpers - Alt (ondltrontng - Power. heated. foldaway mrrrors - Srdevcurtain air bags 0 Speed control Electronrc Stabrlity Program (ESP"‘) wrth Hill Start Assist, Roll Mitrgatlon, Trailer - 310 hp 4 7l Flex Fuel V8 engrne - 5»speed automatrc transmrsston - EIECUIC shrft-on‘thefly, a SIRIUS. Satellite Radio L") C ') l .f.) PURCHASE FINANCING FOR 35 MONTHS WIN†1 OF 21 TRIPS FOR 2 TO LAS VEGAS PLUS GET TEST DRIVE OR PURCHASE ANY 2010 CHRYSLER, JEEP., DODGE, RAM VEHICLE FOR YOUR CHANCE TO