8 BB Stars In pmvlnclals The Stouï¬â€˜ville Markham atom BB Stars settled for the silver medal at the § o6 - Lower Lakes Female Hockey League’s Schampionship wleelgencl after suffering _-II\I,, - CAD MAJORS [DVD Rep Hockey VG Tryouts EV Home Town Hockey in the GTHL Since 1980! AAA - Monday, April 12th to 16th AA - Saturday, April 17th to 21“t A - Thursday, April 22"d to 26th Randy Jacobs @ 905-479-4194 or Brad Selwood @ 705-250-0645 www.markhammajorshockey.com For further information contact Check the website for details www.markhamislanders.com But the Stars rebounded in their sec- ond game to edge the previously unde- feated St. Catharines Chaos 2-1. Sasaki and Dani Fox, with the game-winning marker, scored for the Stars. Ellis Sasaki sacred. Miranda Sharp and Juliana Hutton earned assists. ing out on the short end of a 2-1 verdict aga_i§}_st tpe Georgina Golden Hawks. )05.721.20( Date: Saturday April 10‘“, 2010 Location: 150 Austin Drive (Rugby Clubhouse - west of Markville) Time: 10:00 am until 2:00 pm Rugby is easy to learn and fun for kids of all ages. It’s great for fitness. www."arkhaml!ggby€lub.com Cost: Junior $225, Students $275 Women $275, Men $375 MARKHAM IRISH CANADIAN RUGBY CLUB 2010 REGISTRATION Men: Women 814L118 girlis contact Under 12 co-ed/limitéd contact U14z 16‘ 18 #20 Boysiicontact All ages as of JanuSFy 1“, 2009 Registration: The Stars will represent York Region in the provincial playoffs this weekend. The Stars gained a measure of revenge by edging Georgina 2-1. Fox and Willow Leahy each scored once for the Stars. The victory enabled the Stars to play Georgina again for the right to advance to the ï¬nal. in goal. llo one Mm nulls In In do! To ï¬nd out more about how no reach your target market and .901 the some great response from your "yer distributions as (hose customers. call us today! 'Soiected areas only HWW‘ momm- “mum ' MIM‘ MIME? WIMP WW' HEMP SENS" mar mun: WWW m' mm WI? BIIN‘ TOYS'I'IS' “MOP moons mumm- WM' MERIDIAN? MAID PJ’SPEICHIBES' Teams WW‘ “EM‘ MM‘ visit flyerland.ca Sumï¬-Tribune “MP WW' momenta MM TIE . O 19cm. MSSHIISIPS' the trainer and Rod Johnston, managén Coached by Justin Rogers and assisted by Mark Alden, Eric Ross and Steve Roest, other team members included: Katia Pelowich, Jake Rose, Trevor Leighton, Ryan Johnston, and AJ. Drummond. Don Barker was Ashton Hughes and Riley Ferret-Rogers each col- lected one assist. The Clippers then took command of the series with a convincing 6-1 win in the second game. Ross, Roest and Greco each lit the red light twice. Reilly Barker was credited with two assists while Vogan, Perret-ROgers, Matthew Gordon and Greco had singles. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Ross and Alden each scored twice while Marcus Roest added the other marker. InmeAdeQmHomeOmï¬ttersflyer, anemroocumed,806050%ofl shouldhavestated‘anltemmust beequalorlesservalue’ Lysander Kobold and Alex Lisitsas split goaltending duties to record the shutout. Cruising through their lZ-game regular season and playoffs with an undefeated record, the Clippers won the ï¬rst game 5-1. Tyler Alden, Liam Vogan and Greco each had one helper. @ 1-800-222-TIPSorm-cmmmyma Q Ttismessagemmbyouasacumumymotmmamm The Stouffville tyke B Clippers captured the York Simcoe Hockey League championship, beating the Unionville Jets in three straight games that culminated with a 2-0 win at the Stoufl’ville Arena. Nolan Ross and Christian Greco each scored once for the Clippers. sweeps to championship CORRECTION NOTICE Cruising through their 12-game regular season rind playoffs with an undefeated record, the Clippers won the ï¬rst game 5-1. Tyke B tea m ‘Loaveanmymousmsbyptmoronline' ‘Cashrewardsforanonymoushmatleadtoanmosf 905-727-0930 1 â€"800-263-2231 yelbvmdcimouseorg Thismagobmm byounu smooths Samba» Eliminate women abuse in our community Volunxger