Find Ye M Several members of the Stouï¬'vifle-based York Region Runners Club recorded impres- sive results at York University last weekend during the Royal Canadian Legion provin- cial championships. Goodflmesforrunnon Chardae Henry was not intimidated by the presence of competitors almost two years older than her as she ï¬nished second in the girls' 15 and under 1,500 metres. 'Shealsoï¬nishedsixthintheBOOmwith Wyoumzï¬aldofwbflcmor justwamtobereadwaacedmjobm, theChriswpher laderShIpCoursemdecflve speaking can help. For The 11-week structured programme is a basic skills course in public spaklng that will help mursesbeginonMondzyJebnmylsta! SLPlullipontheHfllAngucanmurch 9400Kenncdykmd,Maridnm 7:00-10:me w more information call 1-800-418-8925 or visit our website http'J/clctoromoasmom OdierchssesavalhbleintheGTA - Organize your thoughts 0 Think on your feet 0 Control stage fright ' Speak convincingly Develop Leadership Potemhl @l'l'ï¬ï¬VillllB .‘hu-rms Ya Welcome to ST. Rev. Kathryn Strachan, Minister 6432 Main' St Stouflville Phone - 905-640-3151 email: fliesMouflvfllcObellneua W ‘Young-at-Heart’ Concert featuring The Mudde Family and soloist AJ. deBoer 7 pm. - Free-will offering for Haiti relief ‘51!!! welcoming afler 150 years’ 'A Mfandly cburcb’ Bible Study - 9 a.m. Hymn-sing â€" 9:45 am. Servicc of Worship - 10 a.m. Church School â€" 10:15 a.m. 3T. AMES P SBYTERIAN CHURCH TICKETS: $20 2 ft» :35 Groups of 20: $15 “a. 905-294-0351 St.Andrew’s United Church 32 Main St.North Markham L3P 4E1 Nathan Kyeame was second in the 15 and under 200 m with a time of 24.85 and fourth in the 60 m. Michael Bourgeois ran in the 17 Vand under 800 m in 2:123. The Stouffville Dis- trict Secondary School student ï¬nished 12th out of 17 competitors from across the province. a personal best clocking of 2:301. In the gids’ 15 and under triple jump. Enunanassecondwithajmnpon.98m. lnthehighjumijwasdï¬rdinlSOm.‘ Anglican Church of Canada 254 Sunset Blvd. 905-640-146] www.stouï¬ Sunda February 7, 2010 uelc Sunday Services at 8 am 10 am Nursery 8. Church School at 10 am Wednesday February 10 Seniors' Service 8. Valentine Tea 10 am Saturday February 1 3 Heart to Hean - Sleepy Houow (30!! Club Tuesday February 1 6 Pancakes 1:111:30 5 pm in the Great Hall AahmeedaySeMceaUpm COME8£E Ages4toGn-ade6 Everyone Welcome! Gradesé,78 Wed.7pm°Kid’sClub Pastor Jeff Laird 'lhes. 7pm 0 Ir. Yopth Sunday, February 7th 10:00 am Stouffville Pentecostal Church Christ Church Stouffville Parkview Village 12184 mum Lho scum Sunday, February 7th 0 Tpm Pastor Pieter Niemeyer Rouge Valley Mennonite Church espringvale 11:11 am Sunday School for all ageg Senior Pastor: Bob Flemming Asaxiatc Pastor: jay Sandiford Student Alex Street Ben Banosik Children's Minism‘es: Sharon Russell Counselling Sewices: Karla Kamerman Sunday, Feb. 7‘“, 2010 9:45 am. Communion Celebration Service Mike Thiessen Stmffvillc Rd. at Kennedy Rd 905-887-565 l STAFF PHOTO/SUSIE KOCKERSCHEIDT "WWW" «mun. 906-640-1163 WMWMMW 9:30,am - Sunday School 10:55 am - Morning Worship Service 6:30 pm - Evening Service Everyone Welcome! Building Spiriui Building Liml BLOOMINGTON GOSPEL CHURCH 13660 Ninth Line N. (905) 642-4414 Rev. Peter Pallant Sunday, Feb. 7th Sunday, February 7“ 10:30 am Worship Service Tyler Wright of the Stouffville peewee AE Clippers takes down Matthew Durham of the Richmond Hill Kings during ‘ Ontario Minor ‘ Hockey 1 the Asso- ciation action at Stouffville E Arena Saturday. Stouffville won 1-0 and‘went on to sweep the secâ€" ond-round series inthree straight games. For more ‘ information, see story on page 19. EYE 0" van 1 action at Stouffville Saturday.