I ‘4" .- " r". 'L' .1 SWsunfmbm‘nmdax Rb.26.2009 - ln-home help and care - Wellness/social programs - Hospital-toâ€"home transition - Home medical equipment CHATS "W SELECTED WOMEN'S FASHIONS mm? CHATS can support you In living well! WY‘MMY M'M CATAIOGUFS1W . 24HOURSADAY 7 mvuwnx ' “287-3277 SQum'""°v“'m'?."‘â€".53“ sumou mesa. 404 mmnmkt " "'35‘" N J; ' “""‘ " ‘ ' . mmmmmmnmfliéikm.mmsmmmounmmwmmoummsustmoossnmmvmpuncmszsmmonm W27 m.moun£rmm um Awm. will?" 7' ,«o rur CHATS M5-713-6596 m 1-817-452-4287 Hm m.chats.on.ca live welt, age mu, be weu or Searso unsure-mo. mama-aluminum ALL LEATHER FURNITURE When you us. your “on Card - Meals on Wheels - Transportation - Caregiver support - ...and more! mot“ cuuncu or new: ‘9 Spdngvale's FIeId of Dreams 10th annivusary dime! and auc- tion is on at the mulch, Kennedy and Steam roads. Doovs ope 6 p.m.Tlckets are $40 from 905- 887-5651. SELECTED DISHWASHERS AND DRYERS mmuuwmm “MOW. PLANNER The Whimhumh-Stouflville Museum in Vandorf hosts History Hands-On (H20) in Winter {tom noon to 4 pm. Call 905-727- 8954 o: 1-888-290-0337. your m m MARKHAII wnmuumunnmu ALL DENIM FASHIONS FOR THE FAMILY When you us. your Sears Card or Scarso Master-Cam. 68! 7:30 pm. and Match 7a!2and 7:30 p.m.at thistChuchNIgicanTuets am $12ioraduts.$810tchit- PedounamesofRedRiding newsman»: Hooch place ammmduwamm 5 Mulsmmisonmme WMonlnsdaynm from 55to 9:45 pm. Admission isSSJheamisonmeNimh UnenonhofMainSUeet. Silva! Jubilee Club. Main and Market sheets, will be hosting euchle mutsday at 1 pm starting _ .Bid Heuchte will also 60 oï¬eied. All seniOIS RETURN OF RED MACARD ALL MEN'S BLAZERS, SPORTCOATS AND SUITS AND WOMEN'S BLAZERS AND SKIRTS When you use your Sears Card or Soars. unsure-m0. -I'VOFF mwmmmson "W The Sugalbush Maple Syrup Festival is on m today until r Apfll 13, 9:30 am. to 4 pm. at Bmoe's Mill on Stouflville Road Demonstrations, wagon rides, pancakes and syrup. March Breakand Cost is $8 to: adults and $6 10! kids and seniors. To add an event to this listing, email lim Mason at jmason@yrmg.com Event organizers wn also register with POP at yorklegion 00m COFFEE, MINES? Stouflville Christian Women's Club holds a coflee hou: from 9:30 to 11:30 am. at the Vi!- Iage Square in Eastern Gate featming home fashions and music. Call 905640-0791. For more community events, visit yorkrvgionoom and click on POI? personal online planner When you use your Sears Card or Soarso MastorCardO. ALL CHAIRS AND WOODEN FURNITURE WIWMNTIEIPIICESOI