BUB Oak/ 16th- 2 bedroom basement apartment. own leun~ dry, 2 separate en~ trence. Apr" 1. $1100 Inclusive. 416-419~ 3702 BRIILEYI Denison, Clean 1 bedroom basement. A/C, laun- dry. parking. cable. separate entrance. $650. Immediate. (416)938-8264 9TH] Main- 2 bed- room basement apart- ment. Se arata en- trance. aundrg ï¬arking availa le. on-smoking/ pets. Available immediate- Iy.6470699227 2 Bedroom Basement A artment. Markham V llage. Separate En- trance.. Own Laund S1100 inc. utils.Ca I Paul 416-876-5487 “MO 83 Consoli- date D ts Mortgages to 95%. No income. Bad credit OK! Mort- ?a%e Centre #10969 - 00-282-1169 EXCLUSIVE office space available to right tenant (1-3 peo- Ele). Coumry setting, than Allen turnish- ings. One-of-a-kind. Amara RdJ Kennedy 416-562-5233 3601 Hwy 7 East/ Warden -tully fur- nished professional office for rent. Free parking. 416-358- 851sz IARKHAM- 2 storey. 4 bedrooms. 4 bath- rooms/ basement apartment. 0 en House: Satur ay/ Sunday, 11am-7pm. 905-471-2703 P R O G R E S 8 I V E Markham Dental Practice (Wardan/ 407) is seeking an ex- perienced. friendly, team-s Irited Level II Denta Assistant to work a four da week in our genera prac- tice. Please torward you resume with cov- er letter to Marlene at VIE are looking for a run-motivated. fiend- |Â¥, ocganlzod Recep- tonlst. A service- oriented arson with excellent unmann- ‘Lï¬"°§°'“"‘“"‘:.“‘?“ s i s. esponol e or greeting and directing clients. answonng a bus switchboard and add tional administra- tive functions. Send catoersOmcateema. wwwmoatsewa clositions availabio. ob exp. an asset. F: 906764-9341 E: GRAPHIC Do 8. Full/ PT - Jr. to Leadmwhoam anneal-mum 13;;540-1168 60 Business Opportunities 3mm. m". Mahala MUSSELMANS Lake- lowo: love! 2 bed- room. nicely ‘ tur~ nishod. open con- cept, walkout to ard. 5 a pliancos. S 200 inc uslvo. 416-895~ HCCOWANI Hwy."- 1 bedroom basement private entrance. parkinr. laundry. $700 nnclus ve. Short/ long term 416-577-3823 MCCOWANI .Deni- son. 1 bdrm/ living basement apt. Separ. ate entrance. Brl ht. clean. Laundry. S 50. inclusive. (416)570- 4131 9(5-943-7653. 41 W50“) MCCOWANI Deni- son- 2 bedroom base- ment. separate en- trance. parking, no smoking] pets. Imme- McCOWANI Denison- 2 bedroom basement. separate entrance/ laundry. Internet. Across school Non- smoking/ pets. $850. (905)471-7371 MCCOWANI Deni- son- 1 bedroom +den basement. Satellite, separate entrance, par‘klng. N‘o_q_-_snlok- in pet's. $675. 905- 9 3-7781, 416-529- 5786 MABKHAM/ 3199195- 2 bedroom basement. Separate entrance. laundry. appliances. Near amenities. Non- smokin pets. Imme- date. sagas-7539 MARKHAIII 16th- 2 bedroom basement apt. Non-smoking/ pets. Air cleaner/ wa- ter purifier. $950. in- clusive. (905)472- 5512 MARKHAM- 1 bdrm+ den. Basement. Sep- arate entrance. Laun- dry. 4-pce bath. $900. inclusive. Non-smok- ing/ pets. (647)244- MARKHAII- Im- maculate 2 bedroom and 1 bedroom. living. bath, separate en~ trance, parking, cac. Immediate. (905)472~ 1991 HARKHAM Village - large bright 1 bed- room +den basement. Parking. laundry. arate entrance. 0 smoking. $775. inclu- sive. 416-219-3796. MARKHAI - Large 2 bedroom basement. 4 appliances. No smok- ing/ pets. $1100 Inclu- sive, negotiable. Im- mediate. 416-303- LARGE 1 Bed +Living Sap Entrance. Laun- dry/ Cable- Internet/ Parki 3750 Incl. No- Smk/ ets. 647-309- 7195 (Kennedy/ Deni- son) JACKSON'S Point - 2 bdrm, ap liances. laundry. wa k to clinic and pharmac , 8989. inclusive. 9 5-476- HWYTI Robinson» 2 bedroom large base. men! apt, separate entrance, close/ amenities. Non-smok- ing] pets. Immediate- ly. (WE-9979 HWY"! Wootten Way- clean. bright. furnished bachelor basement, $675. in- clusive. March 1st. Non-smoking! pets. 416948-9691 am; HIGHGLENI mddla- field- 2 bedroom apt. Separate entrance. laundrn parking, cable. on-smoking/ pets. 3900. inclusive. («3471-1646 ELIONI Mukhnm Rond- Clean 2 bed- room ! bmment. Near . YRT. Park- in . Non-smoking/ (905)472-1661 IARKHAM~ Brand new 3 bedrooms townhouse. 16! Street Bard! March 31. $1539. Christina: 418-831- VANDORF- Wood- bine Ave. 3 bedroom. 1/2 acre. Appliances. Non-smokmg/ pets. $1275.+. Mar. 13!. 416-670-8899; 905- 474-3299 STOUFFVILLE- New- ly renovated 2 bed- room bungalow. Brand new applianc- es. Lots of parkin . $14004». March 905642-0765 STOUFFVILLE- 3 bedroom. Spacious ground floor. 5 appli- ances, Iahge yard. $1100+. arch 1. 416-346-4381 MIDDLEFIELDI Deni- son- 3 bedrooms, 2 baihrooms. near schools/ mall. $11904» utilities. April 1st(647)477-4070 MARKHAM- Brand new 3 bedroom house. 9th Line/ 407. April 1. $1800. Anwar 416-371-71% HWY"! Main St.- 3 bedroom bun alow, 2 bathrooms, mished basement. $1400.+. April 15th, Dease call Vuolet.416- COACH house 1 bed- room suite. 16 ave 9111 line, 6 Apps +AC +Â¥arkin +uti|i1ies + V cab e +internet. $950 inclusive. Non- smokin pets. lmedi- 816.41 -7869 YONGEI Major Mack- enzie- 1 bedroom+ den. Adppliances, quiet buil i . Under- ground park n9. Non- smoki pets. $1300. (905)-9972 BRIILEYI 14th Ave- nue- 2 bedroom. 2 bathtoom, fully fur- nished. Maid service. kitchenette, internetl cable included. Mini- mum 1 week. www.anandaliving.ca UNIONVILLE- new 1 bedroom+ den walk- out apartment. separ- ate entrance, big liv- ing/ dinin room 8: pgcjtyard. 416)848- UNIONVILLE- 17/ Main, modern, largo, bachelor basement, SlE, parking, laundry, cable, quiet protes- slonal. Non-smoking/ pots. $800. inclusive. (W4 in +utllitiés Included. $7925. (413)371-7003 STOUFFVILLE- New- ly renovated, bright bachelor downtown 9n Mai!!!» earm- sTOUFFVlLLE- East and. Bright 1 bed- room, now carpets! tiles. $800+ hydro. First/ last. 416-346- I‘m-m“ ‘85 may Wardon- 2 bedroom baumom, “palate entrance. appliances, laundry. Non-amokin . Imme- diate. (905) 0-1100. anew STOUFFVILLE- 1 bedroom apt. 3rd floor. Non-smoking. References a must. No pets. Availabio im- geqlately. 905-640- ‘YORKREGDNALPOUCE mun-man MMMWO Begipnal Police reserve the right to awavrd to other than the The Re ional Municipality ot York Police Services Board is inviting roposals from qualified Proponents for the provision of Proponents are invited to attend a Proponents Meeting on Thursday, March 5. 2009 commencin at 9:00 am. at #1 District Headquarters. 240 Prospect Street. ewmarket, ON. Proponents areenoouragedtoattenddtismeeï¬nghoweverisnotmandatory RFP Documents are available as of Thursday, February 25. 2009 and can be purchased trom York Regional Police Purchasing Bureau, 90 Bales Drive East, Sharon. Ontario LOG 1V0 or from iBiddingo www.biddingo.com. There is a $25.00 non-refundable ileepaymlebychemeorcash. All queries regarding this RFP shall be directed to Cam Mennar BUN“ M7682MW York Regional Police advertisements for Tenders, RFP‘s, RFQ's1 annsmmMmmmmmmm | WSWMCJAMM $1250». “WWW. mammal-nun {1 L453.“ 1: :1 '51!) Tender: MHIIMMWM‘M Hawylstmadaytomliniemm! Laveyoufomer, MommyDaddyxox “Myléindofflorm’ †Focus on Flowers Eviwom F 3 Bodrm. T.H. 1.5 baths. Fin. 8830., L- 3 Bodrm. Detached. 2.5 baths. CIA, andCIean-UpServioe maegiuupoioe YORKREGDNALPOLEE REGUESTFORPNPOSAL away: MRUBARGEWMPDIOO tendon Wm122009at 3:00 pm. localtime E X P E R I E N C E D cleaning lady- will clean your house w/care 8. quality. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. 416m LIVE-IN nanny re- quired. Family of 5 in Markham 5 (18 week, immediate. ls call 90588-6361 for more PUREBRED Golden Retriever Puppies Tor sale. vet check. mi- crochip. papers. $600.00 Call 905-640- PUPPY Classes. Be- inner Obedience and rivate Trainin . Free puppy advise intro. pkg. Call or email for details. K9’s in KA- HOOTS. 905-642- WOOTTEN Way/ Hwy.7- 3 bedroom townhouse, applianc- es. a/c. parking, cable. $1350+ utilities. No pets. (905)472â€"5512. IAHKHAI- Fabu- lous 3 bdrm, 2.5 baths. large rooms. walk-out basement, 5 appliances. CIA. $i538.+ utilities. John 06464â€"9†L010] Tender: 0m Help build». For flout WINTER Flooring Special. Carpet any three rooms tor $399. price includes car at. ad and labour, all aramount Flooring for tree in home esti- mate. Laminate. hard- wood, stair runners also available. will beat any written esti- mate 416-213-8776 or toll free 1-877~878- TWO movers/ truck‘ From $49/hour, Trail- ers delivered to your door, starting $79/shilt. Heated storage/ trailer stor~ age available. Gar- bage Removal Servic‘ as. Local/ Long Dis- tance 416-620-1212 AQUA cleaning ser- vices/ homes. Spe- cial discount. $18‘/hr. Natural supplies, ex- cellent quality. In- sured, bonded‘ (647)402-0550 A Cr stal Cleaning expo ence for homes. offices. We brin sup- plies. lnsured/ 0nd- ed. Special discount (647)511-2260 ONTARIO Employ- ment Agency ptovides certiï¬ed nannies for child! elderly /special needs 416-699-6931 Noplaoememfee MAID 2 Clean- Resi- dential. commercial. Affordable. reliable professional. For quotes/ information (21:416-894â€"2871 make at of money with \ this guitarp’? Installations are being done in Stouï¬â€˜ville Special Pricing 7" crown moulding ......... $5.00 per foot 5" crown moulding ......... $41!) per foot WWW mam Call 416-738-4750 BUSINESS 5 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY: Thursday Edition: Tuesday by 4pm Saturday Edition: Thumday by 4pm To place your ad, call: Noon ngday ?!? Don’t be disa 'ointed b a missed (gildline. y Be sure to place your ad in plenty of time. CLASSIFIED DEADLLNES: 416-798-7284 0 1-800â€"743â€"3353 StouflvflleSunâ€"Tribane-YM FebnaHyZQ 200923 HELP WANTED: Thursday Edition: Wednesday by Noon GENERAL CLASSIFIED: Thursday Edition: Wednesday by 2pm Saturday Edition: Friday by 2pm Saturday Edition: Friday by Noon Simi‘ï¬iï¬ibune Well, here’s your chance. Sell it in the Markham Economist Sun Stoulfville Sunâ€"Tribune Classiï¬eds! \ Call today 800-743-3353 For information and rates on the Business Professional Directory, contact Jan Black at 1-800-743-3353 jbiack@yrmg.com