HOT tub/ spa- 2007 model, full loaded. full warranty. aw in plas- tic. Cost $8.000 Sacri- fice $3,900. Call: 416- 4' t06' $7.00“! 6'to 8' $13.009a. Delivered. Order now! 416-804- 3112 Em A- A: “AA CARPETS - I have sev- eral th0usand yards of new stainmaster 8. 100% nylon carpet. Will do Iwin room hall for $38 .00. |n~ cludes: carpet, pad, in- stallation (30 ards). Steve 905-89 -5552 BABY Grand iano Kawai, #KGZC, ' 10', ebony finish with bench. $8800. Upri ht home mini gym. 3 00. After 40"" (905)477-5453 1-866- 280-7770 ALERT! Sunken con- crete? 'Don't replace. we raise concrete Fraction the cost of re AEERN stair lift for sale. 2 chairs, 2 lifts, excellent condition. Available immediately. Best offer accepted. Ballantrae area. 905- AFRICAN Drumming Lessons. Contact Dianne (416)427-9707 Dnmsavalable. SHARP Pencils Tutor- ing- rades K-12, Math. Eng ish more! www.3harp encflstuton Cal Karim 905- $43121 MATH Tutorln Service Grades 2-7. I vs a 8. Science and B. Comm. Vrg'iaz416-298-(547 l a/ university teacher 0 ers tutoring. Special rates gfamil discount, sums. 416- l’lPROVE Math/ Sci- _encq. Experienced col- mm» to fit any stu- dent needs: Grade 7-12, College! Univer- sity. Enhance exams. essa I thesis writing. 416-938-606 mammbyum mum PW mysmer with car needed. Mon-Fri. Sam- 1 pm. 3 5. Mark- ham/ 1 m. References. 647-832-3385 RELIABLE daycare- 16 ears experience. unchee/ snacks. McCowen/ Brimley/ De- nleon eree. CPR. First nmymt NEED Licensed and monltorod daycara‘n Call M Speclal Nanny 9999! M: at 905-251- KENNEDY! or Find out when friendship begins. Quality can. nutritiou- mula. cru- tlvo activities. 416-455- 533,905-591-1882 hmwd EM mmawayommmm. Donotstandatmygravearuweep lamnoflhomndonot . laTanm . 8m WWW. lammemeshowersofrah. Ia'lnhhlhedl humwain' an monhg . o! Imhg‘ hmm beautiful , Inward“th lamhlhaflmlhatbloom lmhabtztmom. ; Iaminlho that“; lwnheadmlovalyflwg. Donotuandatmy may lamnotthemflmde. In Momorlam a Tutoring Services Lessons Mum. L Serving Mazflm/Uniomme/momhiu since I958 www.m-lodccom FM TIE “E or OFFICE: lap-h, III-unac- I W Insured. Bonded, 1 Year Warranty Interlocking Stone Repairs Installations ‘3] In Momorlam WIN-(pliant! FHEEES’TIMTES, War-mandala: mmdm “mom oï¬mosumomMum H 3W-Drmoum APPLIANCE AND TV REPAIRS GRADE SERVICES INC. IW?W¢ Licenseda BfMuyEFrye gnaw-mi «(mm-ï¬zz RE-LOCK ADORABLE puppies Non-shod golden doo dlos. cockapoos. chip 005 and schnauzers Vet Ins ctod. Guatan‘ teed.( )4784464 Holy Spirit Thou make me see eve hing and show me the way to reach my idea . You who give the divine gilt to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and who are in all instances of my life with me. I. in this short dialogue, want to thank You for everything and cont rm once more that i never want to be separated from You no matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with You and my loved ones in Your perpetual glory. Amen. Person must pray this 3 consecutive days without statin one 3 wish. After the 3rd da your wish will a granted no matter how di icult it may be. Promise to publish this as soonasyourtavorhesbeengranted. \Nl)l)()()l a. warm Personal: BORDER Collie/x Mini Australian Shepherd, ready now. black 3 white, m, menes. great a ortln or tam" pet. ng.(4?6)Kn-128:I Bdngtheeleganooofanglasslntoyom home or business with custom designed window panels. cabinet door inserts. transoms, sidelights and more. Many ready-made items also available. Call, or Visit by Appointment: 905-640-6034 IWu m, Ontarlo (4 I 6) 523- 9333 ibï¬â€˜Ã©ï¬‚k’g OWEMCJFE at m 8 8†Call 905-444-9944 or 647-7224 oDoors ThW0tk a. flaming Dependable réosoncble'rctes. Loan who. 95-71 13 Personals Tel: i 472-8281 Cell: 416 817-6654 (64W was £173.75; '1.†mkcarpentry.éa \Rl’liN'l‘lï¬ ScanE MK Cal-pantry rm Fun! classes. R9781} KAHOOTS. 905-842- 9289. www.k93inka- Puppy. Be'glnner, 1h: Lefmoqgate a. Agglftx for EAIILY D_og Manners . PCB. SI “I†lloanlm llRR( )l Personal: North Sheds Rustic Pine Gavan Sheds 8'x8' br 20:22:), 'ndudes ,onsihe floor roof. door. 2 window with boxes, choice of stain shunyeoolour. Alstmsgpto 125(16‘. Weekry Lawn Maintenance Fenflizing~8hrub Trimming~Topsoil~Planting Serving Markham Richmond Hill area 10 years in business LAWUTTINé Lawn Cum... ml Trimming Spring/ml Clem-Ups A. Gmmbunflnmllneodstobehealmy «Muhanontom! Wadsoofhtmmmmmm WWMWM Cafl416-899-5750foraï¬uaaflmate. CallMaflyiat4166889828 QUALITY WORKMANSHIP [=me mac-MW mammm Pmmeedoesigsahstanam CALL TODAY l-‘ORYOUR ESTIMATE CALL PAT 905-471 -7558 (416)458-0587 Tel: (416) 809-3278 mlcesOhwncutflugpluuon wwaawncuttingplusxom BOOK YOUR FULL SEASON LAWN CUTTING CONTRACT NOW AND RECEIVE $50... OFF! {SENIORS DISCOUNI‘ AVAIIABI J "mun. “WWI brunt-nu ForSalo Agility. classes. Life's Ruff Dog Training Markham. www.mca 963801-550 PUPPY, Obedience 8. GOLDENDOODLES (F18) Aussiedoodles, great dispositions 8. coats, two 14wk F1B's special $650, 705-437- 2790 www doodletrensA mascom Evgs: Wéxmm-Rcambkmue-Rcfms CallJimorJeFf Days: 416-678-6541 M4? 905-294-5415 0 Bill F rechette “ï¬rm: ° “4" DECORA‘MG Wommmsng INTERIOR ' exï¬snTm $ESIDE§2IHAUCOMMERCIAL " ree 'mates * Full Bonded m Call Mike Borrelli MOST CMH PAID FOR ALL }OLD DIAMONDJEWEI.ERY WE WILL COME TO YOU!!! Dum Paintina Book your spring exten'o'rs now Don‘t delay! ï¬ill’s Painting <>\\ Take the pain out of paintiï¬g L3an 81 Design and Property Malntenance Serving Steam/me surrounding area (416) 735-2189 3.0% NORTHERN PROPERW SERVICES 905-294-9653 or 416-688â€"9191 4‘ mk‘Region ~ Call (416)5234543'1' Fm? Estimates ~ BRUNO GEISER Tel: (905)472-5728 Email: PAINTING 4 U Customer Satisfaction A 1mm ° meesst'onally Painted ° Residential / Commerz‘ial 0 Interior/ Exterior \l E W( )Rl A a. A pays up to $5,000. for scrap cars and trucks 7/ 24 (“6684-4663 1995 MERCEDES Benzâ€" excellent condi- tion Asking $5.000 (416)400HB2 1995 HONDA Civic Coupe. red, 213,000 kms. Runs well. $3,000 as is or best offer, 705- 432-3446 Cars Wanted 0 Grass Cutting - Lawn Fertilizing Free Estimates mull?!