Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 7 Mar 2001, "Business", B6

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B6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday March 7, 2001 "Get the Facts. Find out about the choices it provides. " Glen Oaks M em orial Gardens 3164 9th Line, Oakville Call 257-1100 Business To reach this section call 845-3824 Fax:337-5567 Blood analysis firm helping people live better Deborah Parker says knowing how to eat for your own blood type important I Deborah Parker and some of her sophisticated equipment used to analyze blood. She says many people would change their eating habits if they knew w hat blood type they were and how that affects their well-being. Through this technology, clients can actually view their blood cells on a monitor as Parker analyzes what she is seeing. By taking just one drop of blood from the finger, t takes only one small pinprick of blood to tell a big story about the general state of your health, Parker can examine the activity of red and white blood cells while scanning for abnormalities and says Deborah Parker, a certified blood analyst. structure changes throughout For those unfamiliar with the bloodstream. A process the term, blood analysis is a "A large percentage of the people I called ultra darkfield and lay technology that has long been see are type A's. They usually ered analysis takes about one accepted in Europe and is now being widely used complain of extreme fatigue, and it's and a half hours at a cost of $95. throughout the U.S. and west often because they are This process, says Parker, ern Canada. meat-eaters like most of society, indicates where in your body Parker, as owner of bloodbut they shouldn't be." you may have health issues link inc. in Oakville, is trying -Deborah Parker to address, and what your to introduce the technology to physical strengths and weak somewhat skeptical Ontarians who have historically shied away from nesses are. The two-fold analysis helps identify imbalances that could allow diseases to occur in holistic approaches to managing health. Working from her small, high-tech office on Kerr time, but with modifications to nutrition and Street, Parker knows the key to winning over the lifestyle, possibly involving nutritional supple ments, can be reversed before problems can arise. skeptics is education and word of mouth. Parker says knowing your blood type is also cru Once people can see and feel the benefits of cial to the process. (Blood typing is offered for $25). proper blood analysis, they'll be sold, she feels. Parker herself got into the field when she began She is a firm adherent to the studies of Dr. exploring ways to improve her own health. During D'Adamo who wrote the book "Eating Right for visits to her brother in Calgary, she decided to go to Your Blood Type". Parker says some foods actually act as poisons to a clinic on his recommendation and have her blood analyzed. The results led to a change in diet and a certain blood types. Those with type A blood, for daily regimen of nutritional supplements. Combined instance, should not eat meat. "A large percentage of the people I see are type with a regular exercise program, Parker says she not only lost weight (two dress sizes) and maintained it, A's," she notes. "They usually complain of extreme but has experienced increased energy, fewer colds fatigue, and it's often because they are meat-eaters like most of society, but they shouldn't be." and flu and a desire to eat less. Parker says actually being able to see your own Delighted with her own results, Parker decided to take her science background (a B.Sc. in biology blood on a monitor acts like an educational "feed from Queen's and a diploma in Laboratory Science back mechanism", motivating clients to improve Technology from St Lawrence College) and train to their health. She encourages her clients to return for follow-up analysis so that they can see the results for become a certified blood analyst. The process of blood analysis requires an expen themselves. Bloodlink inc. is located at 323 Kerr St., Suite sive, high-tech microscope and camera specially made in Germany (the source of this science). 204. For further information call 842-0287. SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER By Nancy Alexander PCL nam es sen io r sales rep resen tativ e · I Lfen HOME SHOW Friday to Sunday- Hamilton Convention Centre -- BETTER L 1 V I N G -- P C L P a c k a g in g C o rp o ra tio n has a n n o u n c e d th a t its U S u n it, P C L P a cka g in g , In c ., has a p p o in ted S cott D ickson as S en io r S ales R ep resen tativ e Film s. D ickson has e x ten siv e experien ce in p o ly eth y len e film sales th at the com pany says w ill be a great asset to its new Jack so n v ille, F lo rid a facility (form erly ow ned by U n iplast Film s). P C L and its sen io r m an agem ent team bring m any years o f film m aking e x p e r tise to the Jack so n v ille facility. T he com pany says D ickson is a w el com e ad d ition to the Jac k so n v ille team , and w ill help push PC L along the road to its o b je c tiv e o f b e c o m in g a N o rth A m erican L ead er in film products. PC L P ackaging C o rp o ratio n , b e g in ning op eratio n in 1969, is a large m an u fa c tu re r o f fle x ib le pack ag in g products su p p ly in g the N orth A m erican m arket. PC L o p e ra te s p la n ts in: O a k v ille , P u eblo, C o lo rad o , D elta, B .C ., O akville and St. John, N .B. PC L also has a 50% in terest in G em P o ly m e r C o rp o ratio n , w hich pro d u ces c ast and blow n nylon film and bags from its D elano, P en n sy lv an ia plant. 30a vs 3 0BVS O M W S # SE W IN G M A C H IN E STO R E REPAIRS T O SIN G E R ORTH I* a n d a l l o th e r m a k e s dr tnotlels EXPERT PINKING SHEARS & SCISSOR SHARPENING 198 SPEERS RD. 842-2033 Inside O akville V acuum B iW ay 8JL gH; T h o u s a n d s o f n e w id e a s f o r YOUR HOME & LIFESTYLE... CORRECTION NOTICE The 10 Hook Over-The-Door Rack and Nalley Chili featured in our March 3rd flyer will not be available in our stores. Also, the price tickets on the Esmond Blankets list the sale price only and not the regular price. These blankets are sale priced at $14.99, $19.99 and $24.99 as shown in our flyer. BiWay regrets any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers. Derrick Hoare Senior regional Director Central Park Lodges, Mayor Ann Mulvale,, and Ward 6 Councillor Janice Wright per form indoor `groundbreaking' for new Northridge Long Term Care Centre. P h o to by B arrie E rskine ALL UNDER ONE ROOF! BIG Value BIG Prizes · Over 250 exhibitors will help with your decor improvement, financial and lifestyle planning! ·TheramaxTM Hydrotherapy Outdoor Spa courtesy of Pioneer Family Pools and The Hamilton Spectator · Panasonic Home theatre system with Dolby Digital, cd/dvd and 6 speakers courtesy of HillsTV & Audio · One of "two" Napoleon Prestige gas grills courtesy of Cartier Home Leisure and K-Lite FM ·Trips for "two" anywhere in Canada courtesy of WESTJET and CHML · And lots, lots more! N orth rid ge Long Term C are C entre breaks ground in north Oakville The largest nursing home operator in Ontario, CPLREIT (Central Park Lodge Long Term Care Real Estate Investment Tmst), has recently broken ground on a new facility in Oakville which will pro vide care for 133 seniors. Known as the Northridge Long Term Care Centre, the facility is located at Postridge Drive and is scheduled for completion by November, 2001. Speaking at the groundbreaking cere mony, CPL REIT's senior director of development for Ontario, Dan Kaniuk, said the facility "reflects an innovative approach to providing long term care services in a comfortable, secure and home-like setting". `Today marks the culmination of many months of preparation and we owe a debt of gratitude to many people in the community, government and the long term care sector whose support and facil itation have made this project possible," he said. "With Canadians living longer, the need for long term care is steadily grow ing," he added. "Northridge Long Term Care Centre is designed to meet the indi vidual and specialized needs of seniors living in the Oakville area by providing a safe, secure and supportive living envi ronment where residents can maintain a lifestyle similar to the one they enjoyed when living independently. " The Northridge Long Term Care Centre is one of 21 long term care facili ties which CPL REIT plans to build over the next three years. The Oakville project resulted from a 1998 Ministry of Health award to Central Care Corporation, a subsidiary of CPL REIT. The Ministry of Health has announced a multi-year expansion pro gram designed to increase services and the number of long term beds available in the province by 20,000. CPL REIT's roots in long term care date back close to 40 years, when Central Park Lodges Limited, an affiliate compa ny, was established in 1961. The compa ny operated a number of privately owned nursing and retirment homes and later established Central Health Services Limited to provide home health care ser vices to seniors. In 1997. CPL REIT was launched and initially acquired the nursing homes operated by Central Park Lodges Limited. It then subsequently purchased the holdings of Versa-Care Limited. BIG Features The "How To" Stage e rn e Interactive Home Showcase · Featuring The Garden Showcase · Haig Selerian, host of the popular HGTV show Garden Architecture, Friday through Sunday · HGTV television celebrity Jon Eakes with hundreds of outdoor building project ideas, Saturday only Color Your World · The flex hom e, hom e buying m ade easy and the healthy home · The Ham ilton-Halton Hom e Builders Association is pleased to offer attendees of the Better Living Hom e Show the opportunity to visit area hom e sites INTERACTIVELY ·J u s t SURF at the W EBSITE SHOWCASE BOOTH to find out all there is to know about area hom e sites, house home plans, special features and financing! · This special service is provided free of charge to all those that attend the 2001 Better Living Hom e Show. · Color Your W orld decorating with colour & faux finishing with Coleen Crawford The Home Theatre · Everything you need to know about hom e theatre design and products presented by Hills TV & Audio Kidzone · Com plim entary child care THE HAMILTON SPECTATO R & T V & A U D IO 102.9 ASSOCIATION H I U '/ Pioneer£» Fam ily P o o t s ^ ^ % C M H C # SC H L C olorY ourW orld · T B E T T E R L IV IN G H O M E S H O W HO URS: Fri., Mar. 9 ,1 0 :0 0 am - 9:30 pm , Sat., Mar. 10, 10:00 am - 9:3 0 pm , Sun., M arch 11, 10:00 am - 6 :0 0 p m L o o k for t h e E n n is c la r e I n t e r i o r s W I N T E R S A L E FL Y ER in S e l e c t e d E d it io n s of t o d a y 's O a k v ille Beaver

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