Ontario Community Newspapers

The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 6 Jul 1905, p. 6

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m MDBDER OFFICERS. Mutiny on the Russian Battleship " Kniaz Potemkin " A acspateh from Odessa says: The red flag of revolution is hoisted on the mastheads of the Kniaz Potemkin, Russia's most powerful battleship in the Black Sea, which now in the hands of .ptain and most of THE WORLD'S MARKETS the efore the volleys of the ? inflamed by the spec- win . front against the military. THE MUTINY, e from the shooting of a sailor-was presenting, on behalf of the ; bad food. , this sailor, whose name was Omiltchuk, objected to the quality of the "borchtch" or soup, and was immediately shot down by a mess officer. The crew then rose and seized tho ship, and the officers, eight cf who were i that joir The ilh.'d and their bodies thr. ith 'i on Tuesday night accompanied by two torpedo boats. Early the body of Omiltchuk was brought ashore in ono of the battleship's boats', and It was visited bv thousands of per- n basket at the head of the' body towards a fund to defray the cost of the funeral The authorities have made no attempt to remove the body, the sai in? to interfere with it. V A noli agent visiting the spot was killed 1 THE RED FLAG HOISTED. During tho day a red flag w; hoisted on the Kniaz Potemkin ar to si.i;>> in the harbor] stopping * ' general here and the rioters Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheess, and Other Dairy yrodv.ee at Horna stnd Abroad. Toronto, 'July 4.--Wheat-No. 2 white and red are quoted at 9de to $1 at outside points. No. 2 goose is purely nominal. Manitoba wheat is easier, No. 1 Northern, quoted at killed. The $1.08, at Georgian Bav ports; J to have; 2 Northern at §1.05, and No. shared in the burning of part of the ! Northern at 91c. city and shipping. This^was entirely| <jats-- No. 2 white are quoted cation. No. 2 quoted on track 1 the work of rioters. Many of these had petroleum torches and others pocket grenades. They attacked all the.buildings, warehouses, dwellings and churches in the neighborhood, and the wooden framed elevated railroad, which served the three harbors, making a semicircle round the heads of the harbors. The timber work of tho railway was soon alight. It blazed in all directions, and the cars tumbled below. Among other property destroyed were the offices and warehouses of three great Russian transport companies, containing im- sho< ing by the captain of the battleship for complaining about the food led to the mutiny, was buried on Wed- The funeral was made 'the occasion of a great popular demonstration. Neither police nor troops showed themselves along the route. I'jvery-port earlier in the day of their in- The commandant thereupon offered himself as a hostage aboard the battleship for the safe return of the es- 46 t e market for Canadian if to 54c, Chatham. Ameri-yellow, 65c, and No. S [c, lake and rail, Toronto, market is dull, with pric-mtside for No, -I'ri quoted at $4.3 , To It c ! the i accepted, .-hot he ed the vith t i thousand which the batth has taken on board. 1 he Kniaz Potemkin. is also known as the Potemkin Tavritchesky. She is one of the mo A. powerful Russian vesse's now afloat, 12.480 tons displacement, an 1 has a speed of seventeen and'a half knots. She carried 750 men and officers. AUTHORITIES IN PANIC. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: More serious in its possible effects than all the defeats in Manchuria or the destruction of Rojest-vensky's fleet was the news which reached St. Petersburg on Wednesday evening that the standard of open rebellion was floating on board one of the Emperor's battleships in the harbor of Odessa, and that with shotted guns the mutinous crew, headed by eight officers, were holding the ship against all comers. The authorities are panic-stricken, and at tile Admiralty consternation reigns. Admiral Wirenius, chief of the Naval General Staff, frankly confessed that the situation was grave. OTHER WARSHIPS SEIZED. The Odessa correspondent of the London Standard sends under reserve a rumor that four other warships ' t„ Sei a. ' the ay ) Odess the i NIGHT OP HORROR, patch from Odessa says:--The ■rs of the Kniaz Potemkin ;ky have been joined by the of the transport Vedha, who->d on the way here from Nico-The Vedha's' officers are now the battleship. ' difficult to de- ■itch. It would be spected Although the day passed practically without disturbance, the mob again became threatening on Thursday evening. Troops hold the public buildings and guard the approaches to the harbor. During the evening tho central railway statio and is almost Ma: i have been , but details are unobtainable. it is slated that eleven surviving officers of the Kniaz Potemkin Tavritchesky have landed. MUTINY HAS REACHED BALTIC. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: The mutiny has reached tho Baltic. The sailors at the Imperial naval barracks at Libau revolted on Wednesday night on the pretext that the f< to e ;es. They att uarters, firing she .intfows. A detacl leluding artillery, rdercd out, and it fightir ired f the r who, h, reported that they repulsed wever, escaped nent of infantry were i early Thursday mo: : of the affair could i taineel here. ore is an unconfirmed that ruble similar to that at Libau has oken out at Revel. The Ministry Marino politely refuses to give the tst information concerning the rubles at those places or at Odes-, but official circles, especially the partment of Police, believe 'that o outbreaks were planned by revo-festly I. where the long establish. aver, 1 i ii ing i itabl dread 1l often declared to vsible i and the dost; . It ' ling classes =tion of the I'o itifin 'Tavritchesky ■aphing she has r la w "as'^hms 1fartlbeen1' posed. It is impossible ) the extent of r olt. Martial LIGHT SENTENCE. Two Months in Jail for Cashier. A Halifax despatch says:--At i Thursday the jury in the ca e Yarmouth Bank found Cs thus guilty of making false ret 0 to $4.40 in buyer:;' vest; straight rollers s, for domestic trade, 1 to $4.85. Manitoba 'ly. No. 1 patents, No. 2 patents, $5.-5', $5 to side points bran is $12.60. and shorts . Manitoba bran, I shorts at §19. COUNTRY PRODUCE, des--Choice stock, $2.50 per cooking apples, $1 to 51.50 per 32 to 35c, according to quality Honey--Prices frm at 7$ to 8c per th. Comb honey, $1.75 to $2 per Hay--Car lots of No. 1 timothy arc quoted at $8 on track here, and No. 2 at $6.50 to $7. barrels at $2.25 . dry j , 13 to 14c. THE ] Butter--Pi 14 to 1.5i AIRY MARKETS, tind rolls arc jobbing at and large dairy rolls at imcdium grades, 13 to Die; tubs. 1-1 to 15c, the latter for choice. Creamery prTd-^oll at 19 to 20c, an 1 solids at 18cl Eggs--Good qualities ».'jL)t If,.', to 17c p 14 t Chee --New cl: ees i lOic per lb. > (quoted HOG PRODUCTS, Bacon--Long clear, sella at 10 to KUe per lb. ;n case lots; mess pork, 815 to ?15.50; short cut, SI 9.50 to $20. do medium ... . . .. 4 60 4 70 do light ...... ..... 4 25 4 .->( do bulls ........ 50 3 Stockers, choice . ... 3 25 3 75 do common ... .. . 2 50 3 00 do bulls ........ .... 2 00 3 00 Milch cows, choice ....35 00 50 00 do common ... .....25 00 35 00 Sheep, export, ev> es . 3 75 3 90 do tucks ....... .... 3 00 3 ii do culls ......... .... 2 3 50 Lambs ............ 50 Calves ............. ..... 2 00 10 00 Hoes, selects ... . ..... 6 65 do lights and fats 6 40 DOMINION PARLIAMENT CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS Telegraphic Briefs From 0»it Ows and Other Countries of Re-C AN ADA. The Quebec Government sold 2,361 miles of timber limits, realizing $396,645. A big vein of silver has been discovered near Sharpe's Lake, in the Cobalt district. Grand Lodge, Canadian Order ol Oddfellows, has decided to increase An oil well pumping 36 barrels per day has been blown at Wikw kong, Manitoulin Island. The Beaubier Hotel safe at I! don was robbed of $200 in cash and several checks and express orders Saturday. Consumption caused 196 deaths the Province during May, 65 m than all other infectious, diseases The War Eagle, Centre Star and St. Eugene mines have been sold tc a Canadian Pacific Railway syndicate for $825,000. Between Sept. 1st, 1904, and May 31st, 1905, there was marketed Manitoba and North-west elevators, 36,981,071 bushels of wheat. GREAT BRITAIN. The London Times' financial reports a more cheerful tone in Great Bi Rain's markets. A select committee of the British House of Commons will investigate Lord Rosebery has received an urgent invitation to attend the Forefathers' dinner in New York in De- Whitelaw Reid, the new Ambassador from the United States to Great Britain, was welcomed in London, on Friday, by a notable gathering of the Pilgrims Club. UNITED STATES. It is rumored that Rev. Dr. Rains-rd, the New York pastor, may l.e reed by ill health to give up his The State Superintendent of Insur-icc has found heads of tho Equitable Insurance Society guilty of ; of the society's funds. GENERAL, is mobilizing four arr provide a million me Cured Meats--Hams, light t BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. 49c Flo Spring T--Manitoba patents, $5.40 t akers', $5.10 to $5130; Win-teat patents, $5.50, and straight rollers, $5 to $5.15 in woodfc $2.40 to $2.50. Rolled Oats-$2.22i per bag. - Feed--On-irio bran, in bulk, at $15 to $10-, lorts, $19 to $20; Manitoba bran, l bags, 816 to $17; shorts, $20 to 21. Beans--Choice crimes, $1.60 to 1.65 per bushel; $1.50 to $1.55 in ir lots. Honey--White clover, in imli, 121c per section in one-pound ■cfion; extract, in 10-IT. tins, 7 to heat, 6 to 6-'c Proviwion-^Heavv Canadian short cut Pork, $20 to $21 ght short cut, $18 to $19; Amenta t bad s, SI 8 to $18.- THE MOROCCO QUESTION The German Note Said to Be Satisfactory. A Paris despatch says:--The impression in diplomatic circles regarding the tenor of the German reply is that, w'hile Germany is still insisting upon a conference, she no longer ignores the agreement as to Morocco between France. England and Spain. There is little doubt that if Germany shall modify further i tude to a full acceptance o agreement the conference will ily arranged. It would, howi scarcely more than a farce, principal object in holding it this ■i\ "he COLD-STORAGE PROBLEM. Mr. J. E. Armstrong called at tion to the cold-storage problen Canada. Ho gave statistics showing] the great importance of the agricultural exports from Canada, which amounted to $100,000 this year and $114,000 last year. Great growth of fruit production made a heavy demand for careful handling and large accommodation. Our butter exports had not increased as they should. How could they increase when butter had to travel in a car in a temperature of 53 degrees to 58 degrees, and then 3 degrees in vessels and 90 degrees after arriving in England, and then compete with butter from Argentina and New Zealand which had been frozen and well cared for all the way? Refrigerator cars should be more thoroughly insulated e taken to keep them; pn„"wn throii"h"out the. Ri mstre parted i s i Krulz ro snow tnat only a small percentage -The Cruiser." Sail, of butter, eggs, apples, bacon, etc., dreaded Bervllle on M and thj went from Canada in cold-storage. named Varuishin. nn act,, "da anluall'1' " 1 mo'ti^t 1 " ' "iUw! F " " * Cro, fadi of larm products "of whiclil *onstd-! order to *void M erable portion are of a perishable character; that depreciation of value of such products during transit re-suits in great loss to the farmers cf Canada RUSSIA'S SUNKEN SHIPS One of the Last Cruisers Was Said, to Be Haunted--Some Curious Gossip. Many curious facts have come to light about the ill-fated vessels of Rojcstvensky's defeated squadron, says the London Mirror. One odd circumstance about tho battleship Borodino is that, of its conn lemon* of 740 men, no fewer than 628 bore foreign surnames, many of these were Germans from',fhe Baltic provinces, but at least one Englishman--Lieut. Anderson, who! was one of the foreign "mercenaries" taken on at Madagascar--probably lost his life on the ill-fated Russian, battleship. The Dmitri Donskoi, one of .the four armored cruisers sunk in the ngugement with Admiral Togo, was Em-' j the bot- g Hon. Mr. that, havinj amendment, It had long been ; superstition among tho Czai that on her first long v 'Dmitri Donskoi would go _ cold-storage facilities jtom- contract with the Gov- INFESTED WITH RATS, ild be thoroughly up to The Imperator Alexander III., al-:ient, and should afford though only built in 1901, was said :e return for subsidies to be infested with rats. Lieutenant | Lebeelieff, in a letter to his parents, Fisher, in reply, said subsequently published in a St. Pet-carofully weighed the ersburg newspaper, related how one he had failed to read Sunday evening a large rat intruded ny censure or want of con- on tjio commander of tho vessel t the Government, and, be- while he was having his bath. After the assertions contained an excit;Do. chase •■«■♦ he would b" - - - (idenee Moving therin glad to accept it. At the same time, while complimenting him on the attention he had given to the question, he pointed out that Mr. Armstrong-had unfortunately mixed up the re-, cords of temperatures in cold-storage chambers and in cooled air chambers, apparently oblivious of the fact that these different methods of car-, riage were designed for entirely distinct purposes, and under both these methods temperatures" varied according to the particular articles carried. While agreeing as to the necessity of steady temperatures, Mr. Fisher pointed out that the Govern spatched by a sailor servant, who was, however, bitten on the thumb and died a few days later from blood poisoning. Captain Bcrnatovitch, of the repair ship Kamschatka, was known, among his men as "Kulak Fist," on-account of his habit of boxing the' ears of disobedient subordinates. Hef-was a good linguist, and his two sons wc-5 educated in England. Captain Sergeyeff, of the Borodino, was one of the imost popular officers in the Russian navy, and was known to the sailors as "Kasha," or "Buckwheat Porridge." He was very control over steamship good-natured, but for all that was companies, contracts with which an excellent commander. When a have all expired. But the contracts boy, Sergeyeff spent ono and a half •ved the purpose intended, and years in America, and among his in-vas now better cold-storage timates was very fond of talking facilities from Canadian ports than, English with an extraordinary Yan-from any portion of the continent. ( kee accent. He produced statistics to show thatj OF ENGLISH BLOOD, facilities for cold-storage had never been fully utilized by Canadian ship-' -----s. The department had found it ' lessary to advise dock managers at ' Liverpool that if better facilities lhe r,e™ e not afforded for handling 1 Canadian shippers would be commended to send their Captain Steh'mann, of the protect-"ser Svietlana, was, like Ad-Si arck, known as "Niemetz"-- been called Englishman it would probably j-ba*e--been -nearer- - officer's mother other port. Mr. Fisher went'of an oId Warwickshire family, some detail into the question of ^aptaiii Kberhardt, of tho Alexan-temperatures, and concluded by again der nl-, Was °ne of the best dressed accepting the motion as quite con- i officers in the Czar's navy. Ho was 'stent with his department's inten- a personal friend of Nicholas II., and ons and record. j on more than one occasion the Czar Mr. Chisholm spoke of the necessity is said to have chaffed the gallant r a continuous chain of efficient officer about his courtly manners and cold-storage from the farmer's home dandy clothes. Eberhardt was not: the old country market. | popular among his men, to whom he Derbyshire said that butter ihipments aro increasing, and cold-itorage facilities aro now provided in vessels without a dollar from tho Government, as the companies have i provide them to get business. The amendment was declared carried. NIGHT'S FUN IN GEORGIA. Mob's 3 "Blue Mary.' TBEASUEE-IIUE 1H G , l..i md lar< to 10{c; kettle i Pr that the r sible be imposed, and stated that he would another reason, nam method of keeping t He sentenced dohn.s' t< in jail. The cashier v. bail, pending argumen case reserved for the f DEPORTING IMMIGRANTS L Quebec despatch says:--The mod-as- j ical branch of tho Quebec agency ol the | the Dominion Immigration Depart-t is getting ready to deport a ill! machine guns on the fhfares, and considering sd mobs, the estimates killed and thousands ed by the troops arc ergoing treatment the Savard Park H< Wednesday attorn placed on board the Allan steamer Pretorian, sailing for Glasgow, and several others affected with the same disease who have boon declared incurable v. ill bo placed on the first Thei it present. 180 foreign House of Detention, and quite a bcr cf thea> -will have to be de- NEW YORK GRAIN MARKET. New York, July 3.--Wheat--Spot rrogt.lai': No. 2 red, $.1.06 in olo-afor and $1.07J f. o. b. afloat: No. northern Duluth, $1.21 f. o. b. .f'oat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, $1.12 . o. b. afloat. LIVE STOCK MARKET. the irds < -Th? 1 lit or to-day, but there is still pier room far advance in price. Prices are as follows: Export cattle, choice .$-1- 90 to § do bulls ............. 3 50 ills . i 25 3 ' do bulls' ... Feeders, shot t-kivp POWER FOR PEACE ENVOYS Are Authorized to Conclude All Arrangements. A Paris despatch says:--The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Matin says it is believed there that Japan will agree to enter upon j peace negotiations if the Russian j plenipotentiaries shall be given full j power and authority to conclude a ! peace. Russia has accepted this view and in consequence the Czar has summoned Count Cassini. the Russian Ambassador at Washington, to come to St. Petersburg immediately. A conference in Washington is impossible before August. MURDERER MUST HANG. A despatch from Edmonton, N.W '., says: The second trial of Cha >iirrg, tbo Wilderness murderer of E< •ard Hay ward, an Englishman, w; (included on Wednesday afternooi ie found." > be ban CCOL MILLION FOR YALE. -hunting ( been secured froim the Govenu the Republic of Costa Rica by August J. Gissler, an American. It gives him tho right to explore Cocoa An Atlanta, Ga., despatch says:--' Island for buried treasure for a Specials from Watkinsvillo, Ca./give Ppr,0£t ol two years, the following account of the lynching' The island comprises about twenty there early on Thursday:--Eight pris- thousand acres, and lies off the coast oners were taken from the jail here of Costa Rica. Tradition says that on Thursday morning and seven of Henry Morgan, tho buccaneer, buried them were shot to death by a mob K°ld and silver to the value of $20,-of masked white men within 200 000,000 on the island and never re-yards of the centre of the town, turned One of the men, "Joe" Patterson, buried colored, escaped by feigning death known for years, and several at-when the volley was fired. The mob tempts have been made to locate it. left him lying on the ground. The Up to this time all attempts have names of the men killed were: Lewis been unsuccessful. Robertson, Richard Robinson, Sandy) Gissler has been living on the is-Price, Claude Older, Bob Harris, land for several years past, and it Yearly, all negroes, and Lon Aycock, white. Four of the prison-plicated in the murder of Holbrook1 and his wife several weeks ago, and] one was held for an attempted crmi- I inal assault. 'The others were i BASKETS SCATTERED. spatch' from Green River, lys: Thj boiler in Joseph large basket factory was ) with terrific force just after l Thursday. The. boiler was and thrown fully 100 sent aid that he made some discover-:s which led him to believe that tho :ory of the buried riches was cor- Ple suddenly made a trip to the capital of Costa Rica, entered into negotiations with the Government authorities, and secured tho concession by pledging the Government a third part of the treasure in the event, that he found it. filer has mad" a trip to the United States, and while there purchased1 magnetic ore finders, drills, and other apparatus. Ho has returned to the island, and is now ready to start work. A number of workmen, engaged by Gissler have gene to the sland from Costa Rica. | Iti , by Morg lid that the fro roof being blow: airred, and rry baskets HUNDRED GERMANS KILLED. outh-wc-st Air ported victory at Karasberg, June 22. i killed. AMBUSHED GERMANS. Insurgent Leader in South-west Africa Scores Success. A despatch from Cape Town, Cap<f Colony, says: A telegram from Stein-kop, German South-West Africa, say* Petrus Christian, the insurgent lead er, recently ambushed the Germar force commanded by Major vot filing 15 anrf I that \t i

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