Ontario Community Newspapers

The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 6 Jul 1905, p. 5

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I E E I ATT A iVI D. ^ta™; IN AGREEABLE MOOD Coroner for the united counties of _ Northumberland and Durham. Office Yeeman's Block. Residence-House Opposition's Change of occupied by Mr. G. A. Permits Progress. Run Down by Street Car. Ho.-'pital. Thougl •Outran), Colborr 16 T. B. HEWSON, M. D., l. K. C. s., L. R. C. P., EDINBURft. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &c. Colborne, Ont. Oefice and residence, in the premises formerly occupied by the ■late Dr. Thorburn. TUBERCULOSIS COMMITTEE ! chance for reco j Jolted From Toronto, July f 613 Prk ' ad 1 the W. A. SARGENT, M. D., PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, Etc. Office formerly occupied by the late Dr. Mallory in the Reive Block, Colborne. J H PURDY, DOS, LDS, DENTIST, COBOURG. W. G, ROBERTSON, D. D, S., 1.. D. S. DENTIST. OFFICE, SCOUGALE BLOCK. Frank L.Webb, B A, LLB, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, N 0-TARY, Etc. OFFICE--King St. Colborne, Ontario Company aud private funds to loan on the most favorable terms at 4£ per E. C. S. HUYCKE, K C. Sir Wilfrid Laurier Pays Tribute ■ the Mounted Police During Passing of Estimates -- Mr. Maclean and Whiskey--Proposal to Introduce Metric System In Excise Work --Clearing the Slate. Ottawa, July 4.--Clearing the slate of a variety of small matters was the order or procedure In the Blouse yesterday: In this way a good deal of progress was made. Only two items of the main estimates remain. The Opposition were in an agreeable mood, , from ! Fell Under the Wheels, j Perth, July 4.--John Cameron of Winnipeg was accidentally killed at tbo ' C. P. R. depot yesterday morning. Deceased had been attending the Old Boys' reunion, and had gone to the midnight train to bid good-bye to a friends. He boarded the and while ; in 1 i fel tod < 'en the r Railw y bill v W. L. Payne, M.A., LL.D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Public and Conveyancer. Pint DotT Bast Registry Office, George Drewry, B.A. gARRISTER. SOLICITOR, ETC Office :--Nesbitt Block, Brighton. x»a:i30E!T-Jri.A.isrEio-crs. Smith Hinman ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Lot 13, Concession 4, Cramahe, Dundonald P.O. O, S. Moore tICE"NSED AUCTIONEER for EAST Northumberland. Office and Residence, Castleton. G. E. R. Wilson GENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL Estate Agent, WMoney to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent Office :--Yeoman's Block. Liverpool, London & Globe Insurance Co. Invested Fund........$30,000,000 Funds Invested in Canada, 900,000 insurance effected in Dwellings, Churches and Farm Property, At th. current rate of other Flni-ClaM OompMie* Apply to GEO. SANDERSON, Agent, Colborne. Dr. James E. Alyca, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist honor graduate ontario veterinary college. OFFiCE-Residence, I' rev St' Colborne All Domestic Animals Treated Scientifically. Lameness and Castration a Specialty. Calls day or night promptly attended R A HART, GENERAL INSURANCE and Real Estate. Money to Loan. CASTLETON, - - ONTARIO. H. Hicks, Licensed Auctioneer, HAS returned to Colborne and i; prepared to look after any busi aess entrusted to him. Terms mode ■ ate. H. HICKS, Colborne. J. Reives, Licensed Auctioneer. A. O. U. W. 'assessment system. $5C0,° $1,000, $l,50o or $2,000. A.ITH LODGE, no 123,Colborne,Ont ..meet in the A. O. U. W. Hall eve ry seeontl and ■•■rtk Thursday of each month at 8:00 p.m. HP" Tutting brethren are Always wele3m« Rveanr gla.be. m w. through the committee stage with only a feint at opposition. An investigation into the suppression of tuberculosis is promised for next year by the adoption of a resolution moved by Mr. Periey. Work. in supply was scattered, the items passed being mostly holdovers from days long ago. An interesting disctis-sion on Canadian whiskey occurred ojj Mr. Erodeur's inland revenue bill last night. Committee on Tuberculosis. At the opening yesterday afte.-„on the House adopted unanimously the following resolution, on motion of Mr. Periey: That a special committee, composed of Messrs. Barr, R-eland, Black, Cash, Chisholm, Daniel, Dugas, Gordon, Hughes (Prince Edward Island), Johnston (Lambton), Laurence, Loggle, Miller, Paquet, Parmelee, Roche (Mar quette), Schaffner, Schell (Oxford), Smith (Nanalmo), Thompson and the mover, be appointed for active members on the part of this House of a joint j committee of both Houses for the Bar j pose of considering what further steps j should be taken and what suggestkns can be made in tho direction of the j suppression of tuberculosis in Canada, with power to send for persons, papers and records, and to report frdm time to time." A resolution was ajso passed asking the co-operation of the Seriate in the inquiry. V., V. & E. Bill Reported. Some obstruction met the motion to proceed in committee with the bill respecting the Vancouver, Victoria & Eastern Railway, kr. Barker and Mr. Henderson were under the impression, though why they could not tejl, that the bill was not to eome up yesterday. Sir Wilfrid Laurier was erflpfeatic in declaring that he knew of no such arrangement. Clause three was taten up, when Hon. Mr. Bramerson read the amendment which Mr. Foster had asked the Government ta consider. This provided that the oompaay shentk not have the right to divert their line across the International boundary unto given that the line from Cloverdale to Princeton would be completed in Canadian territory within a reasonable time. Mr. Emmerson added: "In the judgment of the Government, they do not deem it necessary to impost these restrictions upon this road." The bill was reported after an hour's discussion and stands for third reading. Praise for N. W. M. P. When the House went into committee of supply Sir Wilfrid made an extended statement regarding the vote required for the Northwest Mounted Police, and in the course of it paid a high tribute to the work being done by this excellent organization. Col. Hughes thought that the Government should consider the matter of scrip for lands for the work of these men in 1SS5. Sir Wilfrid Laurier contented himself with the remark that the Government did not see its way to recon sider the question at the present time. Mr. Herron also pleaded for a recon slderation of the matter. After the vote had gone through the new Minister of the Interior put through several items in regard to geological surveys. A resolution was passed authorizing provision for the inspection of water meters, and an act founded thereon was introduced and read a first time. The Metric System. A bill to amend inland revenue act was read a third time. W. F. Maclean drew attention to the fact that large quantities of American raw spirits were being imported and sold as Canadian whiskey. He was assured that such liquor could not have the bonded stamp of the Inland Revenue Department. Mr. Miclean also suggested that if the decimal system of weights and measures were to be adopted in Canada as contemplated in the statute no better beginning could be made than in the Inland Revenue Department. Hon. Mr. Brodeur thought the sugges tion an excellent one, and promised to W. F. Maclean, when the bill respect-ing an amendment of the naturalization aot was taken up, protested that under existing conditions foreigners coming to Canada and becoming natur alized in reality became Canadians, and not British subjects. The men might go into other countries after becoming naturalized Canadians and become aub jects of these countries. The bill was The Supplementariea. The House went into supply again and passed a number of items, the only remaining votes in the main estimates now being one for the militia and one for the Transportation Commission. It was announced that the supplementary estimates woubl be brought down to-d-ay; that the Saskatchewan and subsidiary Northwest bills, relating to the census, etc., will, If possible, be put through the committee stage to-day, and that all will in that event be given third reading on Wednesday. The House adjournd at 10.15 p.m. under the wheels and was killed. Girl Burned to Death. Pembroke, July 4.--An eight-year-old daughter of Alex. Barnet was burned to death in a fire that broke out at i o'clock Sunday morning. Mrs. Barnet was going down stairs with a lamp in her hand when she tripped and fell, the lamp exploding. Had a Stroke of Paralysis Could scarcely walk or talk-Doctors save him only a few months to live. Mr. James A. Deal, Bridgewater, N.S., writes : " About a year ago I suffered a stroke which left me in a very bad state '" ' my troubles, last winter Summre Holidays. Ottawa, July 4.--The Railway Commission have decided not o sit during the months of July and August unless business of an urgent character saauld present itself. or paralysis, wl of health. To „„„ , I took la grippe, which completely exhausted I could scarcely walk or rrus were partially paralyzed, my blood did not circulate properly, and I could not do any work. In fact I was so bad that the doctors gave me up and thought I could not live through the summer. "I began the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and persevered in the treatment, until now I am at work aga;- The change in vaf condition has beejh most remarkable. It is a surprise to mr. deal everyone to know that I am able to be around again. Sly nervous system has been built up wonderfully by this remedy, I am able to rest well, my circulation is normal, and my general health gqod. My appetite is first-class, and I have gained considerably in flesh." Dr. Chase's Nervj the Don. -After seeing hi» Drowned i Toronto, July 4.-7-year-old chum, Harry Hale of 90 St David street, drowned in the Don in an effort to untie an old punt yesterday afternoon, John Scott, a 10-year-old lad, took to his heels and ran his absence prompted her to make search. It was then that young Scol told of_J.he drowning. To Summer and Tourist Resorts. Muskoka Lakes, Teniagami, Lake of Bays,_Magnetawan River, Georgian Bay,^^ Kawartha Lakes, Upper Lakes, Thousand Islands, QUEBEC, PORTLAND AND OLD ORCHARD ME., WHITE MOUNTAINS. All reached via the Grand Trunk Railway, the "Tourists Route of America." Direct connection with all boat lines. Tourists tickets on sale daily to all Resorts. Home Seekers|Excursions. Rates $39.00 to $40.50. Good going JulyJ fclotb,! returning until August 16 th. Ask agents or address J. D. Me Donald, District Passenger Agent Toronto. For illustrated literature and full information. G. I. MERRIMAN, Depot Ticket Agent. EXCURSION. Senior Bible Class of the Colborne Methodist Sunday School will run an excursion to CHARLOTTE, PORT OF ROCHESTER JULY 26th 19051 BY STR. "ARGYLE" PLACE TIME Port Hope - - - 6 A.M. Cobourg - - - - 7 " " Colborne - - - - 8 " " Fare for round trip from all Ports ADULTS, CHILDREN, $1.00 Half Fare. Tickets may be procured on the morning of the excursion on the different wharves, or from any member of the Committee prior to that date. W. BELLAMY, B. A., Chairman. JNO. MORROW, Secretary. F. M. BRINTNELL, Treasurer. |Lake Ontario Navigation Co. The Steamer Ltd. YOU ARE AILING, Not quite sick,--but robbed of am bition to work--find it hard to think clearly. Not ill enough to think of dying, but bad enough for life to be pretty dull. There is a remedy-- Ferrozone--that quickly lifts that half dead feeling. Gracious, but Ferrozone makes you feel stood; it sharpens the dullest appetite, makes it keen as a razor. blood?. Ferrozone makes lots of it, the rich nourishing kind that vitalizes the whole body. You'll be wonderfully quickened, immensely strengthened, feel hearty and vigorous after using Ferrozone. Buoyant health, surplus vigor and reserve energy all come from this great restorative. Fifty cents buys a box of fifty tablets at all dealers. A CO ARGYLE 95 THE REASON WHY We expect you to trade at The=Up=To=Date=Store. Is because we give you the most for your meney. If quality is an object we have the best. If quantity is a desideratum we cannot be out done. the purchasing power of your dollar is greatly en= hanced by patronizing our store. Special bargains for Friday and Saturday. J. A. LEMON,', Colborne. GO TO MARTIN'S For Groceries, Manitoba Flour, Local Flour, Bran Shorts aud feed of all kinds. A quantity of Rosses rolled oats, the best in the market to sell by the bag or nine lbs. for 25c Also clover and timothy seed. All kinds of field aud garden seeds. Eggs or any kind of grain taken at market price. AT MARTI Reive Block, NTS Colborne. FARM IMPLEMENT, AND COAL DEPOT. --For first class painting and paper-hanging, call at photo gallery. C. A. Harrington. 45-tf QUEBEC1 VIA STEAMER ALEXANDRIA INEXPENSIVE! LUXURIOUS!_ INVIGORATING! The Steamer "ALEXANDRIA9 Leaves Brighton every Monday at 1.30 a. m,--] Fori Montreal Inland Quebec.f jg ■ Fare for the round trip to Quebec, including meals and berth, only $18.50. Leaves Brightonjevery Saturday at 2.35 p. m. FOR Rochester, Niagara-Falls and! Buffalo. This steamer runs all Rapids. For further particulars apply to John Mo "ow, Agent, 'olborne, Ont, B. R. Hepburn, . -oi. and Gea. l£aa» \ Ptosoa, Oat Traffic Man 1 COLBORNE TO TORONTO Steamer On Route Every Thursday Leaving Colborne at 6.00 a. m. " Port Uodc at 8.00 a. m. Arrive at, Toronto at 12.30 p. m. Colborne to Toronto and Return $1.25. Cobourg and Port Hope to Toronto, return $1.00 Tickets may be extended for the season upon applica, tion to the purser and payment of 65 cents additional-. Freight solicited and handled promptly and carefully. Meals and staterooms at reasonable rates. For further particulars apply to John Morrow, Agent, Colborne, Ont. F. H. Barker, Gen. Afrent, Geddes Wharf, Toronto. Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Stbt Co., LIMITED The Steamers North King AND Caspian COBOURG, PORT HOPE AND ROCHESTER South Bound. LV. Cobourg, Out at...-____1.30 p. m. LV. Port Hope, Ont........2.30 " AR. Summerville, N. Y......7.45 " (Port of Rochester) North Bound. LV. Summerville, N. Y.....9.00 a. in. (Port of Rochester) AR. Cobourg, Ont..........1.30 p. m. AR. Port Hope, Out.......2.30 " Connection made with allRail ways. Baggage checked through to all points Bay of Qumte=iooo Island Steamers leaves Brighton daily ex-cept Monday at 12.25 a. iu., for Bay of Quinte forts and 1000 Islands. Returning leaves daily except on Tuesday at 2 a. in. for Port of Rochester, N. Y. For further information apply to S. S. BRINTNELL & SON, Agents, Colborne, Ont E. E. HORSEY, The undersigned has opened a show room in the east end or the CdyleHEJIo^RT' east of the Brunswick House, where he will carry a full line of the McCormack Farm Implements Chatham Waggons Steel and Rubber Tired Buggies Light and heavy Harness Melott Cream Seporators Tread Power and Gasoline Engines. We will still continue the coal busi= ness and are now booking orders for summer and fall delivery. We have also a quantity of wood for sale. G. W. FRENCH, Colborne, - Ontario. Ice Cream If you want a nice dish of Ice Cream call at the Colborne Bakery. Flour Bags 5 cents each At The Colborne Bakery. CASTLETON HARNESS SHOP. A full line of all kinds of LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS carried in stock, also all kinds of harness goods including BLANKETS, LAP RUSS, WHIPS, ETC. Repairing will receive prompt and careful attention. Kingston, Ont. COLEMAN Castletor*

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