M Hilton Region joins communitles &round the .eworld by participating in Earth étwr on Satur- Sday fram 8-30-:30 p.m. SEartl, Hour is a worldwide ga$ s move- -ment organlzed by the Woodbld f Fund I(WWF) in an effort to rmise awareness &bout the importance of taking action to figlit ci- mate change. This is the seventh consecutive yeur Hilton ass esdetsto P down forI Eart Hour Region has participated. The Region encour- ages households and busineses to partici- Ipute by tumnn off ail nan-essential niht and appliances for one hour at 8:30 p.m. on Mafch 29. Halton Region will b. turning off ail non-es- sential lights and efectrical equipenent at Re- gional facilities that don~t compromise public safety or interfère with esseental services for one hour ini support of thoe global initiative, according to a media re4ease. 'In the 2011-2014 Cklz.s' Priorities Action Pln residents idendbMed carporate sustain- abillty as a prlautly ame for Haiton Region suld Huion Ilagiasul ir Gary Carr. lypartklpatin In aents like Eartm Hour and implemenung à nmber of corporate sustaWnabiUty irUtlws Hilton Region is demonstratng our canimitment to mai sustainable chalces ta meet the needs af thie comununity now and in the fture' Haiton school boards have also encouraged ommunity member and staff ta swtdi off ail Iights and electron.c: devices for one hour as a remndKer ta conserve energy and help te- duce greenhouse gis ernsons througtiout the year. Volkswagen 203 Guelph Street tHighway 7) ,fluflg.orown - 905.877.5285 Dos Auto. tid