Readers Corner Mr a Reader proud resident but has couple of beefs DeorEdkoc My wife and I movoed <o, Milt in 1975. We bave toned It aver since. W. have <wo childrun who wein ail thie way thiaugli ta high ichool (EC Drury nd titan post-sacondary scitool. I remember when we arrlwed irain Mississauga aid Uod air one %we met tbal we nre in Dos Park. Monst ofe locals sald, MVi, you are ana of tha new anas. Weil, n made Miton and evunuwly Canipb$vUe out hom and are praud ta, say <bis Us whar. nS chase <o sottie. I hav embmcad dia expansion ovef <h. past 14 years ft ws goë '<.9 va happen anyvwy andtitri nice tbat wo many newcomers to thie mia can enjay the beauty. flfetyle and aciMiles that Mitaot bas ta offer - not <o, mention anc of Canada%-top ski scitoals nt Glen Eden, among, mmny, mmari ter *<bin,n ba& abaut I have two bnefs 1. The stop lgins, fi Main and tkonte streets saam ta ha still set for 1975 standards. I beNnee 0*;sy naad ta ha uptiatati wli adivancedi green turi lanas 2. 1t blaws me away <bat I an drive thie bacttraads ta oui home in CanipbeRlMl. front oui company in Milan andi sue fant fod traitt, chesterfi&d aid lires dumped kM élites rigi i tlhe middle af ail ibis ratural beauty. Iwry gai station bas a gar bage con <o, take fat ftd wat and aery vebicla ha ta muua ev.ntualfy. Sur* *rivers an line wl<b theUr -w bUt1 until tht nant tinte be noeud ga. hfl a lare n ente- dy.. the gatqe urvlce atn large t plck-<p anaà teuu bousK Failing Out pebapli ladAU *e meuid wwahe ha bu for peopie Mia malée an èae rUi r mcc~f popmly dispense Mf tb.4r wasta in a rasponsible nne.f Cbarglng diose Mia *malte an ~for ta loai uap erauh and drive ta <b. landAui suants rIai hash and detrinintal for <base <bat can'< or dont want tapay. Evenaàfrday fr doewoe willng to haul in Ow thash would hoUlp maôntaln tha haauly of aur countryside. Or.. drastkally increase lte fine for <fias who chooso to dump trait anywbnte Raréêionson CoenpôeHviNe SNOWY ROCK: Chmo racler Sabmna Szuîka cap<ured thîs image oi a nc parlîally covered in snow ai Conservation Area. Do yo. have a unique, hueesiug, fune or cute photo tihei In Milton thai you would Miev 10 subml so be constdereti' for Snaphot' Senti îubnussions (m:nhuim 600 KU rrsolusion> to Please inctude the name of tht phmog- rapher (for publication) ad a description of the photo lncludlg the location mvherr e (was taben. 1' 7 - U* ~ $L odm 00*tyrw wdu hpw fns - is mo - eo un suhAWr 655 MAIN STREET EAST, NMON 905-875-FORD(3673) e SALES * LEASING * NEW PRE-OWNED * SERVICE * PARTS 111. 4 , ý Hillton Falls