Mr sels 1Mis due. rumb@ U 0,. Fm"s, es*N - a" ka aval* bl un47 14u-uts om 801111ma cabet mai coinm Vla 94wtw tfomir -m M'VOL W@-W mm &* bNo ft eS hma. u*. cdIFfTS ORMi aef Woo fm lààk~ 111111101111109 Dm Miku PM lu ipesw a ol. b- M-n le sa a Rfou à umitueta -h W CIa ais -cl Q*I sic(Fr uNe mrp i .n Immu -l cIMe.U M- Im- W LE. MN m Sa- GO lEw sabiv a dm go id*fa ip le10 Ou!' aboi. 4Mi. mmi. Gmbo, ItelCO $111 for 1111101s o1081 ce 14"47-2206mW Sameo Touée .011 bcom#salSale Par. 2 suc, ro. 14 hidM Vubf% alle 15MK m-T ondi el l )8 7- 13 WbF0 LX FndMM m ~ e m11111 A tx aUt ara 00 k1 ors X CroFi CD- MWroht te F*iesd LM pa or 60 [- 11111111 - lm P u sr and AAt AMeFtC> m.spnru Ma rom Waid' fiVAU lm Sad" i = IV e Obpc~Sai uS f Fm5 Pmii aid DI. les ofe~ M9 - SAo asd Lm. Wut on 4 - U RN on W em à un9 tem Ci Uv M-4611-811716 . md merW uo m xca x$ u.meb.. Stu The. Oume Juès Sema Piogu. ès now rctui for mnuram jobs in Burliyon in Semlanta a o wlWth atugicys in SNigtan Corifla us kay 10 ep "d vw«a our lob poswWn Thés prom le k#ndd by EMploymert on"i and dusm Io eucl tAn9 h. flexie & F/T De"* aMM te. a pasSue alunie kklst bu N,*k and mUt5 to Nokeu- « 1 Z 1 ID *ma*i[D; Z Pu oducUon Tem Mombrs W-Su muIot crM sor*moeWoi ew4msri or h.rd kolýa. çb idotg M o annuninmg shy ip- -woaid praww - ias12 H-iot Sehol DWlnt or eqcnatsh a must s* ardon - - adIlm *Abd1y in wara i a pt>mcydsnmar einron" -Goci =nue dIoet §*d We *at procaiu *Abdly Ia or tulMe. rouéug uluil àu roqw PAID Work Placements and FREE Pre-Apprentlceshlp training. Empkoymen Reactness Wortushops, lncluding Level 1 thalnlg at Mohawk Collag. WORK as ai Truck 6. Coach Teci*an NO Ewr ec ,essomy YMEaIaNteri TinW elhut M* Y 5.681140 ai 1i .e. *mtrolandmedia loi $"iaGmwip m twau macia cornu>a d*bwni vu buus im fflr «à mmeders * us Onra M go cWre* sekmg«Od Our a., I110 DistCxàw Centr Ni 1h. imk li ens Nél. lUitè . scust cbiddaa rua nucties rium 0"* mamnai = oaCf coevsao eoim.. and hpe, prwhc lasfer lffem pradijcia Of reqtWe lim ~kd ioidae itposmes kno* mmc~Mectas aid Wfuel dhn a lasIoac.d urwon men. osas aeuent comrnincator sks. =iWiaa>t t work as pat of a tean. %h roli, .1 reome yS te dt 35 bs contnu «islý stoW fur dedc penaods af térr. &Wd The successUi canidatle muit be able ta "',~ Fnd"s &iM Satwdays fran 8:00Sn ta 0 ySu wauid Iàe to svrk lfo à leader on the mu. 4%8 =iuy tUaS opporiiu may be thie rqit an. for yo rlu.. by W. We appreciate the aitaest cd Al ap*.dwus blvwer only ftise sellucted for ai mtetre*w wdlbe contacted Pt phwrr cabs or agencies paise. CLIENT SERVICES CORDNATOR Oâvlé Senom . CAM idenca b oing for a Cho sarios Coo*toe 1a p.rlarm - -s houxmM ln lo r Cl.i ta m geUW hu* nead VOmetPoea oawi om odWUn aigarastaIo, sord mst*m nmamwi oq rumla dacçm. WOMMei blodul ci t Uog4erm C»r syidam rcd -ct aid conmurty reeawoes ai mut 1-2 lm a iemior apano or «~*v MWO,ud Capyc a ~ ew m ua ciM nqà leue b. pruanled alutmd Plam un remmé adcour leillo vie adIo: M-, las ACIVATION ASSISTANT CedrMM - Oiu Tee Oimb* Sem ar w CNzes loalcai lur un Aedan@ Auufla who wà report Io Nw piouuný orPuzM 4 nnsJ t MM*ý4mn mom ix a ccnrealn mit and Nlitéi la wot wMU clafts mUtti* d n "rae 1-2 yn raWdn e dC y on OW AU m ioni: Suen $bd, he *0 Il les CLEANERS MMW oeopxes Purmanun RT Mon Fni No evrigs/ wlm.NKs. Pald frai mrg. beneits. car pnided. DrNr's icerise rtq Nat surtab for students. 905-UI-7484 UNGUAMD kti apartmenyt and candornwm pools id orMaoor pools in &i igton. Oakcoil. hMita. Bramrpton aid TOrant PPI aCuers top wages and staff sa- cols Vabd ftS &CPR C'reqvmed, To apply piuse uffio y5l resuiie Io tbmw*Wlgpouo coin WANDCMP cowSinJcMNa Esiiad - ' 0u irUiepMuire la .elgt Prommd ai Mo CiTA truiaportdion tanPb Famai Mm ta: FU: M 8714M2 LANDMORcE SumNL ftan based company -ek9 -*OU. rehabl indvduals for F y sesona Positon ta woIi on a biaise trucl in th wdulscvm AOdusllry LA4 Dec). Ssii remme 01 -Mlmaiwe to .- I e~ e~ OZL~neIa Â7 I VLUK Canua ki.. a ridanwtda datribulon conipany cd h1lu udsurf lunnelu la sseêdng hia lar en immedat Wm tum aponM. TMe icandM hm boIt umuhauem upuuiance " a citter Wo *Mo IV cauuie b""c bSiu. ReaW W1118*8à PfIOeNt Enpkh Wb People SkI& (ci*muu wrvce) Pa- atlleEogm*" matO strang wwk eic Uld be My dai arlniu 0a bMMr or- du aoeuc M a Wus pmad itauhous --là-J lae1hinwoag tintor. MWa tie " Io t up IoO 50 . Computer "apn- ercle is an asuL Looele in OMde. wortdn haumsa m 8:00la 4:= pn Plmse sd S rean by f taM vuiax-umÊi mm l %"»M2o. Oany Ca"dWu -* *s reowb fo co4i&iCtu %àjy chbdis of aN pradKIjs tubu recerved ortestore b>y wuti*,Ww #1 Mhiii rd.rt% ag4m1%I thN rwnX erpaell 0,lps/ o rms as mret as tlt dns trrumêia ruceoyud p'a<ict 1 theUi aporopriai departreris inchr sUit s Uaie cd enpftyus in taing paut t store, * Most h. nwxUid of atowwig stock in rocur =eatiei (supphes grocery. dary. aiv4a rem). the rotation of oýefstocr oca storage " h c"e*uess of N ft i raom nd ou area. «4d tihe coordinaton of Produt ratLln$. -JL iiqum o MW be t east 18 yeusf AUe. urtheVi possessS of ciasc maI1 "hl. *y ta rad Englsh, capalbéty of kt 5Ois on a frte& basis as Wei as benei conifartab ta wark in hg eas at taies Wu iii h. orauzed* * Stiuld h. karused aid a*,i ta apur all a fori lit and baler/power iack in a sic and prthmetW *>my to nutisk are yet sN Ut wihngnes and cançetence t0 leun to meullthN chaigui ruqrurmerrs of Nw lob Pbsm à euismi 8ea foa LOe*W Wt IEmd muuum ta -f urla cSurlyeMust be MiMe, forSM o i Lahoursr Aiitêous, Isudworuug pe a mii opoty for awancMantai FW =7751 WAEUI fot euIagsçtco 3 F/T SI 6OAw plus ben1%s Send resurnu ta bcatwOn@gmmlcoem Looking for 309A oon vvrtli a'idustîral istalahan experwence E-Mal resumus te Oonafi con M"~ a strong asset Wage based on umperience Cal Joe 905-M5-2455 or 90560& 3665 MAOHNE SHP LOM #y ON mnobweld Jack of AI Trades Persan Mo, %*Q Fux reome: 003-1136 or mml: ÇAu1@neLca