Halto had 46 raitwav accident *nm 2009-201. 3 - fkve in Mifln --. ---- w --r..- MwIi as Halton Regiori about 1tw topic. Last Fniday's closed-door meeting was held f at the Teatro Conference and Event Centre Sand took place mrere hours after à Go Transit train struck a femnale pedestrian oni the tracks at Mlssissauga's Clarkson Station. Transport Canada statistîcs show that be- Itween 2009 and 2013 there were 46 railway accidents in Naiton. rts unclear how many of athose incidents resulted in fatalities, but five occurred in Milton, eight in Burf ington and I16 in Oakville. Davy said stie believes there's complacency Sabout the issue of pedestrian safety that shýe I3 ReaI-¶metraCk oo available duel M Ming to ailow us to do os have future con- versations with the rail providers. ji Rail companies such as CP and CN. howeve, Cwon't r.l.aço rpi.altinw tracking data to first respondiers, citing confldentiality for ttiir cli- ents as wel as security concerto>. 'If that data was available genroerally there are people in aur soclety who may use that in- formation for purposes thut would damage doesn'î s"e in other areas of transportation - clting a recerot increase In fines for texcting and drMvng. 'l somnetimes. think why me as just a citizen amn 1 havng to b. the one to tell people something has to be done» Raitt said she'd brin9 the information from the meeting to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) as weiI as the Rail As- sociation of Canada and encouraged further discussion going forward. I wareîed to bring some attention to the is- sue and 1 wanted to at least be able to use what tools 1 have to discuss it and moite sure ing data usually flot bo securfy conoe^ms society as a whole, said Feeny. In the event of an incident, if something were to happen, the information as to whafs on the train and whatç on each car is made avail- able very, very quickly to the hirst respond- ers.. Mkhoe GWeory con be reached ar mgregoWy m*tonconodianchampion.com or on Twitter @ miftanrepotrw. cvcrybody understands the best practices. Rait said. Therm Towrf Milton dcined 10 comment on th. mexetings proceedings, In Surllnigton. cil>, cauncil recent>, directed sMU ta work with a number of stakeholders to cOnduct a rail line safety and awarcrwss review. That review was presented ta Bui'lingtoi's Oevelopmnent anid infrastructure carnmittec in Januar>, and included short and long-term solutions for encouraging pedestrian saféty. lt's unclear whether the Town of Milton has plans 10 conduct a simitar review. Mucti of Davys researchi, w*oîch has inciuded reviewIng studies. froni Australla and Sweden, concerns 1he issue of fcncing and probiemnat- ic areas whcre somne sort of separation could be erected ta tfrther protect pedestrians. lbere's a huge range of things that can and are being donc in other countrics, Davy said, listing videa surveillance, proper lighting and police monitoring. -Tbey ail say it cornes clown ta bafries - f.ncing and barriers* Davy is concernec about an area fleur Fourth Line in Oalcville where she beieves fencing should be erected. Itis wlde open, theres nothing there, iVs unbiwvbie,' she said, addiêng. 1t ail cames down t0 money.7 Raitt said adsides accept itisn realisic to 'fience in the rallways from, coast-to-coast b.- cause thats prahibtiel expensive. Butif somebody wants ta propose a prograni iabout fencing fromr the FCM or from the Radl Association of Canada those are tbings we always listen to she said. The faderai govemrment, she sad, was Icon- cerne< about grade level crossin and has a program to fund municipalities and railway. 10 replace themn witfi saler afternatnives. 'beres certain areas whefe you want ta separate the grades so that the trains aren't even (with the road) - interacting eithm' with people or Wth cars,» she said. Thie FCM and Rail Association of Canada sliould h. brought togethw ta work out fur- ther best practices and planning, Rait "ad Depending on the resutts of those talks, the minister didn't rule Mu the possibility of ini- cluding pedestrian saft, as part of a manda- tory review of the Canada Transpoirtation Act sornetime ti the coming years M~coeGregofy can be reochedoat fgegoe>o mdtonr . udm.Kap ~ com or on Tw*ffer