MM E ddvnggong tù be enou0î? iIn Ontauio, the. fine facing motorits caught driving wile dlstracted has increased from Si155 to $280. The. new fine came into ~ ecTuesday. WhIfr the k it of iiikîng due fine may b. todeme mo- tonsts from Ubxng or mulding non4imndsfre phon. cals wWie beNnd the iefu we question whe<iier uhIey ft~s enough to change this dlsturbing trend fuided bVmoble technology making is way into the hands of mm motorists. Acco.dg Io the Onturio Provincial Police <OPP) - wilchm %di, ric-.fia week-long blltz against dlsacted duNtin se dhi mnth - In 2013 dlstacted driving Matade sura-e both 1mpie and spnd-related fatalities investégeted by the provinciul law erifoce- mentw i qency The. numbers are staggerln - 78 people kliled in distracted dilvn-retd collisions on OPP-patrol.d roads lait year versus 57 impelred driving denths and 44 speed-related deaths. Add to these figures the. vit'"faies mnd frlends, as well as the police officers and otiier emnergmncy services personnel wtio attend the scenes of traffic fatalities and the. humant Impact of distracted drMvng is oveneielmkxIn 'When you consider the overail impact of these 78 fa- talities last yeer and the. 325 other distrmcted dritMng victims wiio have dled smnce, 2010, the number of peo- ple these Inresponsible, drivers have had a profound and devastating impact on is in tii thousands:« said OPP Deputy Commisgoner BWa Blair. While public awareness campaigns lîke this monthls lby the. OP wilI undoubtedly get more people Waking about dlstracted drivlng, w. ri d'moee wllNng to rlsk a $ 155 fine won't b. dramatbaoWI deterrred by the jump to $280. Consicderlng the. number of Ilyvs being lkm on Ontario roadwsys du. to the. sulfishness of a few, peuhaps "t4 time tWi punéhiment fit the. aki. and êts poteritial ta MhI due livient. lntroduclng denurit points, licence suspensions - even the tiireat of incarceration - mnay b. the. only way to grab the. attentioni of tiiose wiio refuse to, k.qW their eyes - and minci - on the road. I1 H-tritage fMatters Ebenezer United Church, 12274 Guelph Line (north, of No. 20 Sideroad), was built in 1846. Previously, travelling Methodist preachers. held services aI the home of W Trud- geon and lier in a log building that aL-so served as a schael house. Trudgeon deeded land for the tramne church, which stood until repWaed in 1915 with the currSt brick structure (1nset). The churchs naine means'Stone of H-eIp'. The huirch was intvgrl in ski community. - Submîtied ky Henwge Milton and Nasag*weya HIstu"o Society ifsUeto cast your ballot in insiehalton.comn photo- contest People love con- tests. ThatIs evident by the. response we we put on. on. of how popti- lau contests are because 1 have judged a num- jber of tiiem In my day.KwsM i Howeve, in the. Màaaaging Editor iChoan~ latest contest. we're asklng youtobe hejudge. You mwt have heurd of the. Insidehahton. cor phllocoritest léundied In lae Feb- Iruéry dmtn* maglides ID «Meir best photo sl*inq a oeuunblnet b.- tween then and tiiel pet. lb. er" p.- rioci is over and now il% lime tu vodte. As indicateci in a story on page 8 in this edition of the Choniplo, votligq on the '1 Look Like My P<e Photo Contest - spon- sored by Metroland Medils Bwgo*m Po« OkWUe eowrand Chonp - got underway tuis morn flim sure you cen Imagine the. potentiel for fun and creativity beeion the ttmne of this contest So cam your bellot by going to ï andi clickin on the. contest voting button and Molowing the. instructions. Only on. vote per lP address is permitted. lbree wtnners will b. selected by or*ine voting. The top tiiree entrants, whose photos garner the. most anine votes, will b. declared the. fist second and third- - *W4s jTh"nk to ail who participeteci. KuwmàceIi on b. rechedtknic.4rvU- Champ*irEdit. 555 #kwi 0#0%~u Ont. i L9T SEl AdWltung FOL 905-76-2364 OnslhdO 905-875-330 VP - GiSp Publisw mdOom M d OuseHambWM S.* PFm AveU m~ on M Be o e st BUE 00 MM ui e -Bea *$O> ewr mm a imsui U~~ t aa C M A~~ h~~tBb CM ccmv - qumsIp $*am aug e<dl CAAA A