SmaII changes can mae big*dffReno to your heatath M'Ore Canadians than ever are sur- viving heart attacks and strokes, even thogh these events ame seri- ouw and can be Ile-threatenlng. ln fact the death rate from car- diovascular disease has decllned - I I kUssoet I am - i A¶f204 Ma.u Rd.e - I i more than 75 per cent over the past 60 years, and lait year alone.tNs resui- ed Ii 165MOO survivors. Sut therels stil cause for concerri. According bo a new report *rm due Haut ad Strake Founxidmon not ai swvl- vans mn abla to male. the heahthy changes needed to malte thie best recovary -os and help vi anoth evem Used on a c et ZOMwwvv and thek bmvd oeam vuMvom report sucoess with eating heaishie, quittlng smok- ing and raduclng alcohol conisumptIon. Mowever, many survivors report that 0he struigglie to maintain a hathiy wegh to be physlaly active and ta re- "Afte gaing dwough a majo event 11ke a hean etteck lit may b. dauint- kW Io **hmm* midn many changs elat once says Dr. Beth Abramsort spokesparson for di MMan and Stroka Founda- don and author of Haar Heiaith for Canadians. -What people dont rmai- tze 5 tda imail changes oven tinie can malita a big ddffeence. This can ba as simple as choosing a -lc of fruit over a sugary or salty snack or gettling off the bus a few stops earty to walk a bit more: Here are somne tips that can help everyone - whedha they are living with cardio- vascular disease or flot - get started on a heaithber path: - Let the Food Guide guide you. Fogow Canadafs Food Guide and ensure that haIt yow plt is veetbls ane quartier rneat or alter- natives sudi as beans, ien- tiés or t and ona qua- ter grains such as réce or mnhanceS flav aê bWdmng cut dawvn on the fit tu %tu by ru l sauce aid re. plc whmt Mmu wWi whafre wheat. - PnM what mayas yWÂ No naed ta go ta a gym. jus do wN»tva you enjoy - a&W activity can have a PoeS ve impact And ramn*JU if you'ro pnassed or t*Me you can wonk in actlvfty in 10-minuite bouts. - Mlx it up. Try new fa"k such as a naw fruit or vueg- eble &ut i Ureywu *op and chaos. a new recipe to try each v&%*- Vimy Yur ex- orcise as weK yard work one dae an oenrcisa das the next and a ski or bike ride a(- te Ot. Play id thte pa*wlsWh the kIds or tais, a wulk wSi a h laid or ne*thbau. For mmr Wd*nmaton. or Io dort~al skeaui stCWdioam w ~ - - - Ireat yourself to a special gift wth one of the most beoved and well-known operas. Puccinis la Boheme' wilI transport you to the artistic hub that eputornîzed Paris at the begînning of the I 9th century. Celebrated melodies. bold harmonies and the unbridled passionate love between Mimi and Rodolfo, An evenmng to pull at your heart strinigs interpîeted by some of the finest young lyric voices from across the country. 1010 M"~ St l MUS. ON L9T 6H? Tro Purias tidi 1Onloà.- ut www. m1 l ! cuuteothwub.o VtItthMCAsb. ffkoaut 10O10M"lnSt E. m cou *0w kM o effst mw47m 4A -m 4p A ESTATE. AUCTION SALjE Sat, NMarh 22dat 1O:OOam Shbmp In the Agriculturil Hail on Robert St. Milton Fdwgmouds, MiltOM, ON. Y*w Comwmunty inormatiom. ify l 7w. Skt c- Tek US4~-DSI. F~ US4N3N In PdU md 01111111e ""Ofgmbtu Fer OnmdIM ~- ~- w, g g g pasta. Add in a glass of mük or some Moun aMd fruit. - Planning make-s perf-ct Plan your meais each week and make a list bafore head-~ ing to the grocery store. Cook healthy meais in bigger batches andi freeze tem - Accept ai substitutes. Use heatthier fats, for example olive 041 instead of butter. Use fresh or dnied harb, spkces, fiavoured vinegaers or lemon juice insteadoet ait to w'