Z;'news.ca I Obituarles EENNEV Peau Passei amMy gt dhe Milon District Hoaspital on ensd Mardi 12. 2014. Peau lii b. forever rwemred by ber aister Marie. Cherished by lier nephew and nmares, Wayn iovedm (Denise McCanL. aura Coulter (Gord) end Urda 1linn (Fred). wady imea by lier 8 grea nlec e nd uuephe and 12 gre. grogt nieras amd nepiieme. Predeced by ber sister Marguerite Howdon. Thank you ta the Staff gt Milon District Hospital and ta Dr. Chung. F"nly and friends gathered gt the « M MMCH RNM mOU 114 Main 51t L Mme M0571445 onS*Iwumtmartfi s, 2014 for de fur#" F tVal nnent took place et E<OIA Ceety. As an expreniipattP flmenmarlal donations ta Knox Perm Church or dhe Mln Dsr HospiWa Foundatian wauld b. appreclae. Letton cd condalenoe. shared staries and mmra donations emy b. loft for the faumly ne gt Paurnd vy et St. Josephs Heéath Centre in Guelph on Saturday. March 15, 2014. Darbene Rigo, koving daugliter ta Lino and Maria Rsgo. Sé* missed by lier brother Dornink (Ibn> ber n.pheuw J.cob, nioce Nkole (Tom Hahn). Shanno (ion Leflieanc) and greet niece and npesOwen, Enma and Oliver. Faml and friends gathered et the. MdCSO-00 RREUÂ MMU 114 MoIn St. E. M11li1» M05878-4452 on Tuesday. The funeral service was held in dhe fumeai homne chapel on Wednesd% March 19, 2014. nternent followed g Eerree Ci~itey.As an expression of symath% memorl donations ta the Multpl Sclerosis Society wouldc b. apprecmated. Letters af condoience, shared atonles and memoulal donations may b. left for the famlly anline at wminKkerae-ocher ca I 8 Obituarl.s MONcIIEFFI. Edna Pamsd away peacefuily with lier famaiy by her side on Saturday. March 15, 2014 et Beruiet? Heaith Care Cente in Georgetowni. Edna Moncrieffe. b.lovide of dhe lote : "nM oNrriotffe -4ewbg (Darrei Georg (emind suNte. llyacinth <Carlton). Michael <Paulette), Dionne <David) and Desnond (Jascinh) Sadiy misa.d by lier 25 grandchildren and 37 oet grandchildr. Predecoased by lier daugliter Violet. Faunly and friends are invited ta vii gt tue IOe-OER RomN MU 114 main St. E. Milton 90-878-4452 on FridéA> March M8 2014 froin 2-4 pin anid 7-9 pin. The. funmai sorie " w b. held et Grace Anglican atWih 317 Mai Si. Mton on Satawds% March 2. 2014 et 11:00 amn linunent ta f nIi A EOqfn Ceuneteuy. Meonll ontin ta the Alzelmr4s Society would b. apprecistecd. Letters of condoience. shared atories and emorla donations mnay b. leit for the fam.ély anime et www.mckensle-ocher.ca TUNCS, Steve k Pased wy at E..rdnmWb Long Teom Cére in M0ii.ha.uu bon ua Mardn1c 21 Steve Trns beloved husâbd of Katie. Lovirig fathe to Audy (Carol) and GeoeW Famiby and ~Tlnds gathered at dhe U<KEMAI4ocHE AURAI MMU 114 Mait Et.L Mile IU47-M on Saturd>, Match 15, 2014 for dhe fumaie service. As an pueuln of spffthi. memonlu dàonin ta the Slvation Army would bu appreciated. Letters of candoluene sfiared stlories amd miemoral donations mnay b. iit for the. famity anIène et Mr.BA ma MU em 011111811 6111113la -1011111à N le oNu @eiM a u*m #« iie h t pmùy o aiWU.huon U Kaigeu wo vmssw 1 ila 4 y b*l oni Mmed 104 i et t q. ci 7, i Caird* Memoua Hospl. OW'a aid b*qi fld cl eUs Raim (me (Yocou) Be wd w Of mm (Ls), B=o -Ge).L* (MU), aem (f. PMWi~u1~ lts LaacJo ae. Ajob.r M 0wl t Iar:IdLN Pueoem by ho volit ýAçm b<ouu Sinua ai t .. MM wu bon en Femuy 24,1847 in KmAas FbVànd @Wui mr '@ab wxl Md In7 aOt" SeM in Ennmr. Outnl i r~ Mau aiW*ed Wumi oCmwgo~ n"r dm hode MM wu un amd 0*l .,qm-ma l"ioLiiiii iUUUWi l lmi iM W mu Tt lad oUl meiila M"ui et lIS HIW Mm(FRI0IL CamW 511Bmel-b ft. Paaboa0 on Tbus ctqb 2.4 ard 74a Mm~ ail be N ld il ST IAATW OF TOURS ROliWIf CA11iO LJ HF OAe" Pdui HEams OMW on Fd* Li"c 21, 2014 et1 iLm, lMlmei Io unki St umc Miabas comshu Dodm i mec i e MWsa dia cawtui MmSoq api FOuauM.»4an On-Un ,bhoe - m>leu¶-- - --nsrioenbe.com I U~ MSmoda Homar fememq ofa LO VED ONL. Pfoe an loiun ud'domou in e 4m3o i I Obituarles COOMNS, AR"WàWhb. After a 'ei~Mns nTwsa Marci 13."Miltan District Hlospital vue his cff. by his a. Me is survlvd by Ns Wo*i wife Dian his chuldruni Sarah Bdrigtd eI nd Ngl (lesca> and bis vistr et tii J. SmOI om RINUAL MM. 21 )aMMs Stt Milton (905) 878266 on Thursday Mardi 20, 2014 fei 2 -4 a 7 - i S.m. A fünrai wrvlce wift laate pièce mr dm funeral homo chqwe on Fraday ai 1100 &m. lnéerment Evergreen Cumtey. Inlieu of flowers ftmmwida tom la i Surgical Iniensive Care Unit (M) gt Toronto General Naspltai. 200 Elizabeth Street Toranto, ON M5G 2C4 would b. rd appreciated. &eàag- of conoinir may be loft animne et - eahomci it as witb deep sadne. that w anroiaie the paulog of Ekmo wle. mnother -M me iu jt in and boa? frienon hThwvy. ment 13, 2014. Sh. ims %weuldéd by lier fami* " vAN be sead »d Grahan à Kkm le mi"Man y Laur& à Patrick ber orandcMdren. Makaila. Zoo, Kellanu, Moniqu nd Savannah; ler sister. brother and ttieir spou: Beatrice à Ro Doug à Pal. and by mainy nieces, nephews and extended faenty. Sh. was predleceased by her brothef Man? and his wlfe Maryou lier parents Walte & Evelyn; and ber mothur a father-in-law Caroline & Peter. Yau wtil b. forever in out heart and remembered for rr kindnons generosrty c rng oru others and tremnendoiji l=efor your famaly. if toats could build a staiwae ane! memof m a lau.,ý mm'd wal& righ UP to heaven and lmnJubon agamn. 'ibu alwaysnhcè tt Mom...we love you amd MIi ail mis you so mnucli. Love. your fauni* xowxo. A prévate fMu" service lias takeri plac. on Mondey. As an exrsin of rviprot4 a memnorla 1 would b. apprecaated. Letton~ of coniolmeshared stories and nimemoria donations my b. lei? for the. lwy* -= e id e.1 keoe qq«aaLa.ma POTYU VN 8 Obituarle (uy0.1917 - Mardi 16,2014) Paued e th~* e Milan Distic Hospital on Sundu% March 16, 2014 aettearof9san. Fred Lae. Semice Lee (fte Wal. Lan father ai Leonard #dary EUen>o Mito, ndra (Jr) 4B Aà and Gr"g (KhA) e aoir*brother de Jamess Fall ad Joff.har wtyt vsàt gi 10 w4U l lgIroJUM . Pl D1y Meut Milor, Michael45 *lom Lpnot, Thwzds% Iot Or, 2014 ani Dirr ict 1 i pur ona mm1 del & fnrad hore diqNad o Fna Ient the tk lc faeRs.M memar11 dat s t dE. Milon Disff84 Hoe7p p FonMon Society waud b.M a à preclnd utera hom chdopine shared stuy in hrno iniuof~ donaton mnw b.lat o de tahe onatsmyb f o WfM gimu ao -ANI immll Pamd away ait dhe MlnDistrict Hospital on Saturda% Mardi 15. 2014. Emma Sauudérs. h -an-wed e of dhe laft Patrick Saunders Loeing motter of Peter Gilbert, Patrci bSrMat An@ MiNz AMm ft Dic.d GCerac Seunders Edwina Le"i adT Usa eiuhec. Sadl missd by ber grendcbil*en. gra grarudcbuléen and great great grandcbilew Predeceased by ber cbildren MM PatrlkK Dwavd and j.cquel4ne. Famiy'and tren gohrd ebt te leIlS- N4a Ilm -114 main kt E. Mi 904#84M on Wedn.day. Tt» Mmsa o CWmn Surial wcli bue colbBled et JodlV Mosay Cathoic Churtl9 UbOia Street Motni on Thwirda% March X0 2014 st 11.00 arn. As exru ofa syupthy a donation mi memanry of Ema ta dhe Liai Asociation cu" be ,app;odaio& Lattera of Pm 111013 0 dmird stories MW~ nww»a donations maiy b. loft for de famli animaie eww..1.x kod.e COruÈ*IMen & cbinmin [FThank Yeu Notes f~~go Me kh.id & $un th mnp.n ho rew-wMyivflm j k 96md 446M Advertisl in the Clasifted Section 90"75-3M