Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Mar 2014, p. 15

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iean. Hoiclsial te Un -intensive care unit surgical depauiment and Ibrand new maternai newborn ares. OEvory department, wlth the exception ef comnplux continued care, 15 moving inte the new budInwCody said. *In a community whose population has a me- Idian age of 35, servlng growing famries bas been a comnerstene ef the projec. The expanded maternai newborn wing Mil hosi 17 post-partum beds, up frein the cur- r ent eight. The hospital wiUI aIse open a new speciaî case nursery with capaclty for eight MDH Asseciate Chiofe Staff Dr. Jan Wilkin- qsn sad the addition off whatl known as a Level 2a nurser hs a %Ignift change» that * MI provide the apportunity/ablity to pev- tforni much-nneded medica procodtwee. « Right new, if we have an unexpected slck Snewbomn whe needi inpatlent care, they get Itransferred te anather hoe$ialU,' iknhon sald, adding the new faclllty wiIU ailow us te lceep thone babies; as nill as thone bomn at 34 weeks. The upgradts and increased space are sure to be weil received rt the hosptaU that recorded 948 blrths in 2012/2013. Early estimnates indicate the addition off now space MlI allow for the cfeiivery off 600 more babies annuaily. It MiI be ver>' nice though because i" es- sential>' like a birthing cente sad lkIn- son."Ybu walk in, 1h% separate frein the resi of the hespital and it% surrounded b' windows and greener>'... iCs just such a step forward fren wha we havenow. A new operatlng suite i aise be added to bandit C-sections - the hoepotal saw 275 caesanian births in 2012/13. Current>'. the procedures are performed in an operating room se the new suite Mil fret Up other room space. Fine dleuils are stilI belng worked eut behind the scenes, but the expansion i allow the I~ tof combe tîndewloont Nin a m - hospital te bandhe approdmiatel> 45,M0 patient visits each year. To pay the prictag, for whlcha ttal haiyue te be finalized, the Town ot Milton liai coin- mitted $35 million as the municipal gn4n- ments portion. The Province off Ontail ès ifundlng planning and designi off tht tadt>'. as well as 90 pet cent et the 30-yea maInte- nance conts. MitonDistrict os- pital Foundation Executive Director Helen Vatistas said a fundraising tar- get le in the «pre- Ilmanar>' stages¶io secure hindi from the comniunit>'. I ilepefful>, in the A next year or se, C n'U be moving ferward wlth a camipasgn and certain>' asking eus conimunit>' te sup- port the hospitaV, she aid. ln Februar>', lINS and Infrastructure Ontarie, the govemnaents precurement arn for pro- vinciaI prajects, announced thet flrte teaus short-Iisted for the pro>ect. .Hospital Infrastructure Partntri, Milton Mealthcare Partnership and Plenar>' Neaîth main etrancewtiI wot somethîng bIke thas. cow ofas nu s. -" Anp - dOLTfrfdwMm U.yIi Fored air im. -à .d&,luei *f * f Mllbeuasedin late March to reepond toaàmr- quoi! fSr proposai (UWP), arting out pmcpoeed comte Wbulln aSd servlcing tdm new sRate- * f-thl. tait ltcar tact>'. - Artlsts'urlgs off the faci~y htadoci ae- ed b>' aitects and functiona prorn Ioe mushow an epen-concept style itensive Cam Ur-At OCJ) prcmhing pean ad quiet and wndue toaidiz IuVsid Ced>' sid sudits bave shown sunlight can impact a persons heali and promot an overaN positive attitude. ThemUoeityof the s~ igwilberising and faing on the entire part of the faclit> se there wiIl be ver>' geod exposure. Ced>' sald. "It really le ai about the patlents. Tht ICLI whlch wiIl be more tait>' accessible te familes. wufl aise have an increaeed bed ca- paclty of 10, up frorn the current six bods. ChNet Operuiing Officer 100>) Janet Slwpeky aid the ICU is current>' r 85 pet cent capoc- ity. "What ne are trying ta do us meet the de- mands off the conimunit>' dut ne srve, Sk- upsky said. «We know we're jusi about rt the max rîght now and se we are then speelcing with the Minist>' of Iealth te determine how much ne can grew (the ICU>;» The diagnostic îmaging departinent wiR aise be expanded and include a Magnetic Reso- nance lmag.ing (MMt) machine, tu be funded i ntiret>'by the hospital. IMilton residents current>' requiring an MAI are waiting up ta two months for appoint- ments ut hospotals in Guelph or Oacviîie. »ICs somneîhing we've heard Ioud and cItas tram the communi>' as something that tht>' wouîd value,* Skupsky saod Wilkinson added duat havîng an MAI machine ut the hospitals disposai isaà tremrendous stop forward in teins off a patients convenience:' Expanding operating suites and a post-anes- thetic care unit Mil hep accemmodate ap- proxinmateWy 9,60 surgîca proecdures saisis alWy Tht medicai/surgical inpatie« nit s MII aise grow frein the current 29 beds ta two,, 36-bed units. with a capacity for 72 pattents. Approxi- mati>' 80 per cent of thone Ml be single- -aen moins for k*fcdon prevention and cottrat, as nim as paintpdcy. Aesthecaly the M1iait tusphaln «th ceoner of INomit. 5t!f nd Dorv> Road. should -ee lbs community b <towth dozem of trots scion to be plwat thetea 'Once ahl the developnwmfui M n over the nt lOorlS»,ieha,lt wbein tht centre otcwt4&wuCflhb.1 Wt an important fratsr of the hosïpitu because it realy> wM be the heart off dm communW The new building wli aiso"damlnaCcvu dt e0gin part of the hospitall firit conetructed in the 1950s, betore a soudh an ésg d in the 1980. »What we wanted te do ks m*y> bu perspec- tive cf the eîdstin hospiti and maite the new, redevel- oped Môcity the focus off the expan- sion Cec>' sa.d, explahing bot the facilit> Mil aise have a green roof te make 1! more envirorimen- tat>' sustainablie. Somte 400 new p- ing spots Mil ais be adided, bnnging the total te 700. The addition wUl tue a much-needed face-Oht duat the hespitil has been aawkiatin for son*i Urne, but HHS aise bas asu igts on the future. Milton% 56 per coin grofwth rate as ni# as the latest dernographiics suggest the ow couki set a population 0f M2,000 b>' 2031 - meaning even more hospital construction. "We're desigriing the buidin knowaing tha n're gaing te noed te eqiand, Ccd>' aid. notingi the Ma~it' 38-acres of& voUbl lai The PrcMnce bas aise -pme te fact>' for "t space* or extra reoims bullt -s part of the cirent pcpanson. sudi as an additional operaln ment. dt w>n be opened hen moeded. Wi~ ne wartt ta du in e theablit> ta ex- pand in the futue td minia disruption ta the operatcuis, or dt faclt>,'Cod> aid.M

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