commu* ITHIIS IS A ONE OWR CAR WHOC~ WAS TRD FOR A MMId SNEW ONE. CLEAN S CARPROO0. CAR~AUAT fl 8~ HST' '1$3O,8 8LIC. SRM NLVMO.LU OFFM wMM VWM»RMSAW MUII MW wiTa OF FM 3 211MMLOT M WHiTE QUTRO COUPE W" TM HE & MOONROO SALNOFoAUD 4 YRJ 8N,eMI TTAL WAIIY& GOAUD 30 DAY IWiUCA SUM TO KIJMPE WITIl A 30 DAYn0KM EXCHANE HST !1$27,94 Uc. ja STKfomio10 I Chamber awaed ga setfr Apl 11 at Granite Rig AMd the wirauus, ind nc.inen tee and busi ness comnuordW8- ties wIIt corne tgdw rmx ontf i for lb. 2013 (lhwnber __ of Cornrnerce - Communiîy A wcl& reoegnire excile ioe in bwâneis and cornwity wuoce. Audoey Neffl is lb yeur% reciphen of th. Ufatirne Adt$vernew Awrd wbile the CItizen of th. Yeur is Mulo Blvedoe and Ange4o Pommrao is thte Joyce Magevik Volunteer of the Vear. The CWvi Improvernent Awud wig go to Melissa Coulson for renovations at 35 I$ugh SWOeL Gordon Food Servka w te lone nomme, for the Busirms of the. Ver with 100 emiptoyee or more Miile upfor*beBU*WShSsdtmeerwftb99 .mplofies or is r Mgrafl Oran- k Spa and Boutique, Reebok CrossFit FRrePower and Shoeless Joe. John cran moewg.g Audtmeto, Rosanna Coquedca (Allegra Orgénic Spa and Ooutique) andf Kme Ilokes- Wlwnason (Unit. Way of MIIton are the nonrnees for business Pefson of th. Yea, whNle Entreprermiw of th. Yea nonries are San Kusum- Mécfi. (Mornstown MUi). Wuna Manin <Sensei MAT) and Shawn mnd bridget Saulier (Mohawk Inn and Conférence Centre). %b Cmemunity Awards wil b. held FridayApr. 11 at Granite Ridge Goff Club. Tiksforthe k e aa cm be pxurdsed by caling te Ohamber at M95 87S01 or by vthlgww .i im-.c