Readeis' Corner Who's benefiling from ail these changes in Mtkn? 0kw Edfr rm wrln toe poes Mi> concern regurdlng th. Mikon boundar>' changes for the Cathollc elentar> sehools. Ewery anklel1have reed scfris rlat- edto thedtfildren who were mowd to*Ou Lady of FUrn froin GQed- Ian Anguh and who, now wtth the. boundarny change wil be -on back te Guardian Angehs. ts nst ta I dont fue for *hes par- mnts and childrnand tNnk ttaà un- fair. but I watt people to know what other tumUu hae» had to del wIth. Ot bu*> and rn odit have Wled i tie urne honi ince mov ig te Saut corne this Septenme myaeh il bgog to Nsfoufth ichool in Sitn Hu' currend> i grae 5 St ÉW -mA "- ta smum te neW # 3e-0 damoot oem* The a -W de nuoe The chikiren i oit nuighbourhood started at Holy Rosay andthw er afmer were mcwed te Our Lady of Fa- tima. From diere the. boun*da.- aguin and tht>' attmed Lunm Chrisi. Now i Septemnber theyre changlng I frel trbl for Ouest cNhéden. The>' clanme reatonhps Sihtah and mate special frlendshlps and then are tom fron th Oemn*ionn the>4e accustorned tê, I unduntend that lton 1e arwn ommunfly and I -ee -ei houe i ait thes changes are a 9goo thin< but who, «ascii> s behln? I donft thn k% aur cdrn. dw nés -i-eam S* - al A a A r wOs.L Jet ta~ cm MSe be àw to f hvpuon nq~r CAUGHT IN TUE ACT: Champlon reader Mantha Hardcre capeured tht. limage of à sqwr-rel rrying te get liet a woodpecker feeder in t Robert Street ama. Do you have a mnique. heresting, fun or cuie photo taie in Milton chat you would lBbc to submut to be consadred for Snaplmcf? Senti sudaussioni (minimum 600 <3 rcsolution> bo kmïcei@gmilboncanadiancham Pieuse indutde thi e of Use photographer (for publication) anti a description of the photo inclating the location whcrc it vins sabo 655 MAINM STME lAS# MILTON wwwOIIn fS&d.lconm 905-875-FORD<3673) *:ph1 Frdl79pghp *a SALES * LEASING * NEW *PRE-OWNED * SERVICE * PARTS »u-t ldilm o.4