~Fo11s sen dreS dw nW * Cd813W--m 7-2 'od.me* b*frVI* a-~ a" te b Ui18 u 1ime PRNWIOl *bmen FMocby Lage c Min uterhm otePrgm adwed SU90- Rem*y coenn*tgo Boston tk*dwzy and cllnk g due P oerig bide (34g 32M *- tort Bach bas, ben nen I thed Cawnade Unde-18 squed #w twéuds to Hungary nwu macndt for the WF Mid Chançi -nr lé, 5h. eotd word about nmdcg due tamm bda Thunsdp 7m more dbm hwnourd and exl- M od 'obe*Wleta reresmn Canadâ:a:ud du i7-pmuusdd dutan whms Gilef finisid second hi du leagu aid Iak poed for&a fiengthy pISpOII run.'t carI'~t %Mfer wbt wuls lme 8hh ha twotmUnder-iS naionalgald edl wlditrwac, uhinin one euh vMb dme Red (f*i enuy> id Uni mqum hsa-M AMI i .i lietp ofE GonOd" whA lm*g CAMADIAN CHAMPION STAFF iFor kmmin huea-Madge. 2014 as au M * inf*4 à etip M ~~~ ~~du thilerly of New w lc cmi b. sunianed up in jux Iwo Mluasin -fç*i and frustratigq unveri uresin came - wth a re-aggravated r- niated clscen hs neck w1pingout lm sesoandudon *th a knee emuum MLWuOrf 1w He% been the one consaw for Mdtons Jk. A hocWY dub ~ rw pau M years -ser«Mn as a jacko &N aiIdes to help keep théng riun- ning -notl. -«n five -wesi changjes and fthree niwus changes (Rlymrs to Steamers to Mer- chants and flnaby keftauk). il-purpose utâliy mmu Mal Glu has been named th~e Ontario ju- nkiwe4dy Lagues vdMeuer cfth v. Wel bumcn by Frldoy nUMi regulars ut Mania- W0 niad Aren&a Gies is extvumely passxint about junior hockey and has an ahmos mncyc1ndopdI rnxmory wlien it cames to Al due piay- ers whove sulted Up in town Sw erd past four decades. 1 Wus er4oy R." said Glus. Itýs somethlng to do on a Friday night. rubeen uc rto b at fd tum. PO&MI k*cdorx -mn -epl km the prdlow tw yeers - the 24-year- oid Guelph Gryphon h.aded mbx the Cnadian kwnbey Sport -hmlosi with just one kst *t national supremnacy.* lwasa-Madge acfrnis duere was quite à bit of pressure at bekn out of second chances But that certainly wasnNt apparent on the mat where he .ele off four slraigh victorles - indludin two techni supenjor- ity wins - to finally clinch CIS gold. HesJust due second Miltanlan to ever do soý and due firs from due highly- accamnplshed EC. Drury program. .lt feels realy rnce... a long trne coming. said due former tw-time OFSAA (provncial Nhlg school) champion, who retumed for one last yea at Gouelph atter graduatinng