lIndudmesaccmplishmentsLfelt Iooellyô nationRyý globaily Ntwbrwy «krantt etipivlg u ta b.ia hamo" these Miliolan for te. outsiand- Added Man Mawbua, presidment of te MWI ton Hiswflcd -oley 'ha boarpllst monts of the 2013 watt af Fente Indue- - have bien libt laca. nf*obmil globilm. Thee Indivkbabt have umsdia Soc him lnOIS fl and la mthe wltW Duilnthewktdfamffatoecemn the an am f P town aboDu Sorul spnce catt and di nternational Spice Selon vat hi on la as. tecoas. of AuSuwkitw wore on dlsplay. Thme iAckese a George cételte wu appolneed OS CaotaW Mi fr CaCu"e by Fime Mkmi WL Matk ont, Kk. maonslblforgis ralonhm--a -o bd"é sinis CAl Hom. duo*"tes k% nm aiteri oeuty - t.vry dntu *S of gumbtcarbtonq ranhd wM mb finis Cl wm anded te Ordor of te Sftl- i Em pireý for Nis service wo Canada dun mime w. Sloin and vaWseSl h e Twilp a Esg»qui aid oSaiS ai te. AgrI Mlura cagef in Gu*ph. Cottre. boghIts Cune saut M * sm rimn hea"n ot some ' <lan Tflh Ontario Geparemen Wf Aqricul- ture mil SameyurMauuey. *teare ho sure a presideit He aim served as an escuelys MSR Mapte Liad Gardons. heen ta finance oemtuctlona ofhe building in 1931 andinte mocuSd, a s.h h hockey cub M wa was ecdbednons.tatdeyQapbn 1942. léuid Dennis Muni nSs an Intirnational bu mifad a Canadlan-Amotkan diptamat Who «tateS Ns canotr as a toiler wlth dh. Su* -d Nov Scoia, i Campbotv*te, whone he wu bornand sod Me wntonfIo erve savn damâ ws ehne continen th s.e Canadien butk li uce luadeuship rotes )s Gneo, Lebanon, Puorto Rico, Santa Domingo unths. United Staies. Me aima weveS as a member of thté bard of diroceors 0f te. Sinlk af Nova Scoti a Trust Company of New Vo&t lHe ted Canadlan-Amurican dlplomnatlc reta- tions aiea business levol tbrough hNs puusiden- dies of titi American Association 0f Now Yack, the Canadian Society of New Yark indA the Melentc-Aneiran Chambor ai Commerce, for whkch ho was awarded Ordier af Canada and American Modal af Honour recognition. Ho aiso served as a niember af the. board af directors af the Metropolitan Museum. EIit BaIssirS Di&k Editit Ruinsfofd Dick was a national nursing ploner aS goernmne nrsln mucuelve. Soin anS raiseS lni Mitai, Dtck serveS I' Ioadership rotes midi eh. Govummont of On-I earlds Department at HMt for - nn' 30 yenrs mont notably as diroctor ai nueslng PIck hs crodfteil for dovuloplng psycttleul smig provlnclally as oii ns devetaptng knpoingW mmhdin nurslng standards aonalr,, uhici led to les bqcorning a soif- mépulatig professio undir te aspces of t..Regeed NwsmAsnchdMn iotaiot OAO). Site wes recognized for hei plonour- kw leadership li nursing by bath RNPO utd thme Canadiasi Nurse< Assaa Dwigq te Second Woew Waw, se served as a Ma- rm dirae Candieni hompit ln England awS Frntfor ~bc skie mes amwed te. t Red Cross Flt Cm Mard ty King Georg VL )m 0"ne1t2 CanStnIocl i uecogmitin ince tim mnads incoption lui George Newman MuaS mas a provincta gow- ermmi oxetive anS mniersiiy exicuelvo. TomaiS te end o aiNs caneer mitit thei Gov- ermoent of Simktatchewan (1961 - 1991), Mood utelmaiety led thei construction ais.h $200 million Rafferey-Atad Dam ehai nom pgoeins tra Canaden i- aneS ane.S. sui.Sidites amfloood. Sii 1%65 and 1991, HoaS, mita mas ra0i i f*oMsepiedd s. then<onravob lutrcre prajece Critici credt te logé Pcess associaSe wt te Afferty-Mhrn- de Samn for te creation of Iodierai environ- montai tam li Carails Mcdauthored an acc»oth ~ s.painl 194 Ifltled Agaknt tM. Fb oi e141wy-Aln do anSWh ftcs OflAOEe*WvM*. Me re- turneS ce Ckmerlo wt serve ns vice- prlsdpa af advmncement (19% - 2006) et Q~%n' University, mitre h. valseS more dm $312 min.ain k e yea- arecord that sU stands. -eq un-. lite Hanaurable Josepht Martin mas a lamyo, premyier 0f Britisht Colwmbia, a cabinet minis- ter, anS h. serveS gôvermonts i Manitoba and Enun Boand talseS lni Mh%>% Marin serveS i cte Governnent oi SBtr" Columbia krm 1896 ta 1903, includtng as premier i 1900 te Government af Manitoba froni 1882 ta 1892, inctuding as atiorney-general anS minister of education froni 1888 wo 1891; the Dominion Parliament for Winnipeg f ran 1893 ta 18%6 as a member of parliament; and mnember ai parliarnent for East St. Pancrias (London) in England fron 1910 te 1918. in Manitoba, ho took part in the abolition of Frencht as an officiai language as ii as thei endS af tite separato scitool systeni. Me advo- caîed for the Torrent' £ystem of lanS reglsiry. AHatnIIM Notac of PStiN kofm ouato Con Wtwý,w atur Main Replacem.nt on Garden Lan, and MII Stratl, Town of Milton PR-2970 Hilton Aigln ès planning ta replace cte wastewaier main on Gardon Lame anS MW Street firon Garden 1mai ta Martin Street beglnnlng sumumer 2014. A Public lutuenatian Centre wli b. helS for resSdenti h mia ni ta tearn more about eh. construction project Plus, drap In mt &ny Urne. Nalton staff MlI b. avable I tarmner yaur questions l ycu nUO MW1 to ban mor abou the project and -e wttbe ta attend mte FiSc blutb n Cnre -la contact Carbe Hales Projec Ma na erMWLn 905-225-000 x 7612 2 o Savlngs"In the baâg. Scies %op bc> si" &>n yotsvf wrcneevr- bel ithseek vî~,v ftyers. cot~oemt deal.. savfnqn ~I;îm