Newaàart w-H *PIm 1 brof Ca,'rd 0 Erysaw *FW vmdoe ayjm-S"- CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF AritJenny PUnd beans when she talks &bout te latest exdibit at due Milton Cae tgr dm. Ms Holcim CIO"er. aIt should wwm tl hearts of Miltonàmn with ls variety and Ufile of huixmw: said the E- caetAtss - woespenrw% -di that Vven *a. mm-"e wew eX eTiIKc mi Iti.a mded oevmig Thet e auhblt - CMSIV(Yors to Discover). just Mie an Ontario licence plate - runs until unday, Mar'. 9. Maode up of eight loca artists. the Escarpmant Artists are an edectkc group osf artists who speclalze in acryliks. beading. fabrk. matai. mixed media, pastels& stainad glass. photoq- raphy and watercolour, Panda sai. The arnists themseWvs are young and oid and fronm déverse backgrounds and countrles Of origin. she added. "%Wre from adl ovr the globe - Canada, South Africa. Idda, New Zéland, Europe and England:< she said. -Throiagh laugliter. discus- skori thought and planning, together frnend- -hp were tormedr And lmut e thel. backgrounds, thel; artwork A nrw ant o&bft is now orn display at the locIm Gallery at the Milton Centre fior the Arts. H..'.. Trlxy Beriner, onie of eighw artists whose works are featured in thexNbi, adjusts on. cfh..' palintings. BiUuP/C, oe- 0 1wâ Pb@*W is equally different, she sai Menibers along 1. wlh Panida icluda Diana Tuszynski, Ursiula McOefmld, Louise Botha, Aparna Rangnekar, Doris Treleaen, Suzanne LaSalle and Trixy Seriner. Panida described hef work as organ.c, saying she found straight Unes and cubic artwork tSc difficult. She prefers curves and drawlnq things ite leaves, mcrning glory or ivy. She also lovs drawiuig people and as a former teacher of cildren iIn kiridergarten to Grade 4, she often found herseiff drawing theni as ü"e went about their day-to-day actMvties. Meanwhlle, McDermid's artwork, in both acrylic and pastels, features Iandscapes and ha.' favourite, seascapes. Thon theres the work of Rangnekar, who creates everything from mandalas to murais to Madhubani - an Indian style of painting ttiat cribat@% a gffometrical pattern Treleaven is a metal artist who incorporates different metais with glass, wood or acrylics. Many of her metai works are sold to garden- ers who hang them outdoors to capture the llght in ther yards. lt's the variety of artwork that makes the show so captlvating, added Panda. «Iî's a fun group and the artwork - theres nothing too severe about et she added. «You don't have to think about il too much. »We ail have different ways of<expressing ou.'- %séves and the artwork is hopeful and light. Nothing too dark and nothing too se.'ious. Juie Stock con be reoched or jskxk@mitonco- or on Twitter @milron- musing. NOWm 'NlGAI Wtz arvt NOTr your ievgrydny etzcond band etorbe... happyff