opnêng of <1» Mton Indmo Twf Cintre orn Fami$y Day wftm a hom of activitts. Sdiooa on &one S«er. con a fU socc ehlappoxlmaely 10OSby64 m Clockwme fron t I Mayor Gord Kra=t tas yowig Eauaon Ntuu If he watts to W saccr. Murnbur of the Mito Voutti Soccr Club gatinu an Impromptu gaine. Ksn andodmuid*ign urejoln with soccer -kf for the vtbon-cutting oreinor. Gante SEings of the Toronr Rock instucti ldds on some Slcrosse basica durlng an afternoon clitkW- - &*AmiIC 12 lftws naraawbd»bn0w goPAN AM bm am prouci to be bui'ýj'iriq for 7.000 athIetes aind 10 ontc cc-ýmmunïtl, for, rontc.- #WeArePonAm