OnaloS S,, M John CRVCU. FOR SEWLNG YOUR IHOME THIS W1NTER ti Mrv.r< be towd oiJlt&.bu tft" doeint h.er tn t bjyer-, Qui thee VA¶rv 'X t4fr.e ta*&e *( 4 fl MvWI4£t *"-M* t~e -V C ~~ ee an-i rioîm serkuo uvelv ,~U ding th., h4awl Oe p'1Ce YOUY e<Or, homwe in Its Lest 5b deam e; =~w iný1 oic (MI wel a'd dv à nz wekorne nut out t1'S EASY TO WARM UP TO BEiNG ENEfRGY EFFICIEN STEP1 INSULAýTE WW4(XWS AND DOMR Mâle sure yvu ham weither *ip wund yvur wWKIdows "i doors kt wiI he* lep >vu- inteno nice STP2 SEARCH FOR HEAT Your heat could be ezaKIin i othe wani kr owçk~I pçms Hme ai exper dm* «i >vmr home. STP3 QCe& ot -à I' >ve akor ba d ado an ka equi mom ffle STEP 4 UG A TREE Pla a few tre I watch #wem yow ln te wmme STEP 5 MM'NTAJNX R AAE Do a ri maimenance onyCUrkiac cai OpwnSz its pfmwce amdyour wale RENEWNGYOU SIGNS LOOK GOOO FORt INTEREST RATE SAVINGS in ihe FaiI Consumrer Re.pcrt by the Carnadian Association of Accredwted Mortgage ProfessionaKsn ,t s noted thât dunng the fi-st haif of 2014, ,itel-es costs mil eftfal i or be unchànge. That's exiet news for you as a bonrower and the averall heabt of the Caadan ecornony OutAcornes mil~ depend on the choues of mortgage, tean and mnortgage type. and of course on the extent to wh9h mortgage rates change. -IM Cavai wisnAppwdPjgoO Plssn with MWOW~ApjitOe Moreqfflqutionsmd oniuc beu l'o droe -aem aat4o.~t1 4Mta iMlm Jh eslemd. q hure (s ai oui waTnr« "r mms urç", &iW4u aund hiw w<iow~p'I~Ist# wenedcu