Readei'Corner CL MCP deserves round of applause I Dear Editor: For the past 28 years, a group of dedicated music-loving volunteers have been shar- ing their passion for excellence and new experiences in musical entertainment with our community. They have planned, negotiated, marketed, administered and been the set-up guys for some of the most wonderful concerts imaginable.,We have been seduced by the charms and considerable talents of Kerry Stratton. We have enjoyed treasured clas- sics, been swept away on nostalgic jour- neys, and been introduced to music that challenged alpd music that showcased the talents of professional musicians. Anything Goes - at the Milton Centre for the Arts tomorrow (Fridlay> night - will be the .last performance of this season's Milton Conert Presentations (MCP) series 1and this Îsthe grouP'5 last season. How do we thank the many generous souls who contributed their time, exper- tise and financial support over the years? We accept that time marches on and ways of doing things change but what has been given is neyer lost. We can ensure that MCP's vision to serve the community's need for cultural enrich- ment, education and entertainment car- ries on in a new format through support- ing performances at the Milton Centre for the Arts. If you want to support the arts in our community, participate... and buy tickets to the performances. Thanks for the memories MCP! Nancy and Rick Cuttie Milton Blown recyclables quite an eyesore Dear Editor: Yesterday (April 14) was such a beautiful day. It feit so good to jump in my câr and leave for work with open-toed shoes and no jacket. By lunch time, the temperature was quite nice and spring was finally in the air. The commute from Milton to Mississauga was light and the drive to work was a breeze. At 5 p.m., 1 left my Mississauga office and headed home to my town of Milton. 1 was excited that 1 would be able to take a nice walk to end my day. And then, BAMMI It hit me. 1 turned onto my street and there were recyclables and trash ail over the road, park and walkway in my area of Derry Road and Scott Boulevard. 1 was absolutely enraged by the sight of my street. lt's beyond me why 'blue' bags aren't ai- 1lowed in order to cut down on the amount of recyclable goods that get tossed a round on windy days. Based on the state of my neighbourhood and the glass that I swept Up fiom the street (due to the recycling bins blowing), l'm disgusted that this is the town in which 1 live. What if this happens during the Pan Am Games in Milton? Does the town want travellers to see Milton looking like this? Is this a town you're proud of? 1 walk a lot in Milton and the blown trash/ recycla bles aren't my only concern. l'm not sure if you've been out walking lately but there seems to be a lot of stray dogs in Mil- ton. Oh, they aren't strays, it's just the own- ers not picking up after their dogs. Nancy Davison Milton 4 SPRING AT LAST: Champion reader janice Brawley submnitted tis photo. She was happy to see the first flush of spring in her backyard. Do you have a unique, interesting, fun or cute photo taken in Milton that you would like to submit to l'e considered for Snapshot? Send submissions (minimum 600 KB resolution) to kmiceli@miltoncanadiafl- champion .com. Please nclude the naine of the photographer (for publication) and a description of the photo including the location where it was tahen. Letters welcoIm Let"S idhft offmore thon 300 words. %4 mseeÏw he right to edit revîse and re- jéed letters. Lemsr must be slgned ith first and lost nm for publicaion, and the addres and the tekwwtàgoftheI##w1, hid, ed for verfcatoI*'pIposes nJý Erniail your letters to kmlicell@nlltnc- or send byniail to 555 Industrial Or., Milton, Ont., L9T 5E 1, or leave them ot our offie. Our office hours are Monday to Fidayfrom 9 am. to 4 p.m. M IL TUr> eu. IYOIIU 655 MAIN STREET EAST, MILTON 905-875-FORD(3673) *:iirI9IfordTEilflU. eSALES e LEASING e NEW I*PRE-OWNED e SERVICE e PARTS t-- '-k j k i # 0 ý 1