oy-b Opinionea. , ('NItsas h y blohpsrnt n org o th ana.. acrScey(C) :0Truhu pi, outesars ti ainsl h tu b o m ' s p r f ivy arl n u d a s n t a e y CG hsi h is er oevr htteOtroDvso ai lon the à sl ym e on odbolup porer o ie Mcarid utythe arbie Onsprig Diiso ter, the mighty daff&l il saways remine of uc -things as heoa aainLgon op n h soclty's sym rbo ol hoe rsent arnds co rafo Stcdann Cane Society (fehcCS).is er o an Thogt Arl vltees cosus the aion seilthe. Florom asre partfs, yeal ogunder aisin trtegy le fannersu across llto nclding alton nteadsh ct slale oflive bndopis as boerses aned over tocl bulws ompanq les l14s rlfocy s stores.erso he divsin dii fcised nerges ohn sel teas-u tig tem of th àtoll oe wafoin rnou by sup porers oe work balgte dies our by the soity Ot Aociestic pinkrboodt raisespbi awarenessti dof' bres clance.e sciet te fresh daffodils inawes rinape of Te fannuig outars Hlthonl sellnt the fres- cut0daodi0 and pinse at oceryt rsores nd other local otiaies. Buyecting nhe offe dffodis from aers hso- ciet volntter , perhaps, Matratin tat CshOun'ti havbe smis rcozs there ar omehng pe a fLbout buying stes nHof htly-cose dhcaffdils ea hoouoa Lovd onewho bting the diopesease oMrot h ight A pasti in raise s pblic awflarss but t oent re- pace eng res diaffodsint a vse o in a plceof The exclsie rsdel, who Loblil e the ccSm titstr hile tning toer rs flowers to 0yr thoe who wnt thems expaind at seinll Kat, a lontaio ivisaion CEO,whvte the Halton unit svlans wk Ksad he conis te re ae ouny an few n oba bpotiht oben Otariov forme n 45in yes, isf daontse dspone yte oit' eiin Insidehalton.com Jferit@j iviatters The Thomas barn, located on Second Line, was bujit in 1866 by Edward Thomas. The family had emigrated from England in 1820 and eventually settled in Nassagaweya in 1835 with a Crown deed for their property The windmill mounted on the barn roof pumped water from a weII below for hivestock. The farmi is still owned by the Thomas family -Submittcd by Heritage Multon and Nasagiweya Historical Society Lots of opportuniesnc for spdng cleaning dght in own backyard l'm a spring cleaner. I don't like clutter and if 1 haven't used something in a while, 1 tend to get rid of it. But that doesn't mean I toss it in the garbage. 1 know from holding many a garage sale that Karen Miceil one man's junk Managing Editor is another man's treasure. So before 1 dispose of something that 1 think could be someone elses 'trea- sure' and otherwise might end up in the Iandfill, 1 see if a friend or family member would like it. If not, I pack it up and off it goes to a church or charity that accepts donations of household items. But even if something has had its day, it doesn't necessarily mean it will end up at the dump. That's because once again it's time for Halton Region's special waste drop-off events, which divert countless items from the landfi Il. And it's free! Among acceptable items for drop-off include pesticides, paint, motor ol, anti- freeze, propane tanks, computers, stereos, TVs, DVD players and VCRs. Last year, Halton resîdents disposed of 87 tonnes of electronic waste and 86 tonnes of household hazardous waste during the special drop-off days. Due to continued waste diversion efforts, the landfill's life has now been extended toi about 2044. Now 1 cali that a tr'easure. For the waste drop-off' day schedule, caîl 311 or vîsit www.halton.ca/dropoff. Karen Miceli cari be reachedat kmicei@mil- toncanadianchampion.com or on Twitter @ ChampionEditor. the 555 Industrial Drive, Milton, Ont L,9T SEl 9058-&2341 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classifled: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.miltoncanadianchampion.com VP -Group Publîsher Noîl Oliver Regional General Manager 'David Harvey Director of Advertising Katy Letoumneau Editor in Chiet Ai Davis, Halton Reglon Managing Editor Karen MIcell Production Manager Manuel Garcia Circulation Director Charlenle Hall Office Manager Sandy Pare The Canadian Champion, pubiished every Thursday, is a dislan of Metroiand Media Group Ltd. Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error; that portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item, together with a reasonahle allowance for signature, will flot be charged for, but the balance of the advertisemetit will be paid for at the applicable rate. The pubhsner reserves the right to categorize advertisements or declie CCAB Audited [OP C.- Recognlze for excllnc by Ontario Community ,ocIIa Newspapets Association Ca1nadian Community CÇ A NewspapesAssociationi g Suburban Newspapets H of Ametica The Canadian Champion le a proud media sponsor f«r: 64. (W Haiton Heaftticare . . " 1 Jingle Bell Fond lIA IOMFg. MILTON VLI.. SANiTA CLAUS PARADE . M4 CANADA DA Gala Awards Il. Mile C.chd Chonip, W itm , R,,,