__ cOnYi <e> '-f o 1: C.,' 9. o. nu us -r 1- o z s i z o a- -a i E o c, c o 4-. Su g> SI, c 2014 CR-V LX >ioot.îtm rs '135*1991 LEMI 8I-WEEKLYo FOR 6*MTI WITH $0 SECIJRITY DEPOSIT. EXCLUCES ILICIENSE AND OSt. $0l OOWN PAYMENTIoAc I r 2014 FIT DX MODELGE802EEX 6*OWM WITH $0 SECURITY DEPO5IT EXCCWES ILICIENSE AMP 145T. I PRM 7.1 cr iTYL7NWY IlOI I $0l DOWN ppPAYMENT LIAS! PAYMENTS MNUlPE FMIOHT ANM . t81-WEI<Y LESE ONLY AVAILABLE ON 6S-MOTN TERNS OfORIMATEfl Honda0Ontarlo.com Ontario Honda Dealers IOAC Limited time bi-weeltly nease offers availabît through Honda Fitanciol Services Inc. (tiFS), tri qualified retail customers oun apprsvsd credit. Bi-weekly paymonts inclode freight and PDI (ranges frose $1,495 to $1,695 dspending ton 2014 modal), EHF tires ($29), EHF f ilters <$1), A/C ltvy ($100 ascapt Civic DX & Fit DX modals), and OMVIC les ($5). Taxeas, licess, isarauce and registration art txtra. QRsepresentstivn bi-seeekly lese exeraple: 2014 Civic DX Sedan Y/2014 CR-V LX 2WD // 2014 Fit DX on a 60 monfu term with 130 bi-wetkly paymentt af 1.99% // 1.99% //10.99% teata APR. Bi- weekly payment is $84.92 // $134.92 Yl $66.95 with $0 doet or qoivalent trade-in, anrd $600// $1,000 /1 $2,100 total lusse incantive inclodeif. Dosen psyments, $0 security daposit andi f irtt bi-wnekly psymnrt due at lesse lnception. Total leasa obligatison $11.039.26 Il $17,504.05 Il $8,703.92. 120,000 kilometre alloseance: charge ot $0.12/tm for etoss kilometret. PPSA lien registration tee of $45.93 andi lies regiutarlng agents tnt of $5.65, due as tima of delivery arensot included. For aIl offers: license, insarance, other taxes (iiicluding HST) asd exceos wear andi ttsr are extra. Tatas payable os fulI amoset of porcluase price. Offers only valîd tsr Ontario residents at Ontario Honsis Dealers. [>ealer may lasse toi nos. Dealer order/ trade may be necessary. Vetticles and iccessoriet ara for illustration porposes only. Offert, pricns andi featoras subiect f0 change without notice. Sas your Otario Honda Dealer or visit HondaOntario.com for ful deaille. -Based on Association of International Aatomobile Manafacturers of Canada (AIAMC) data reflecting tales betranen 1997 and December 2013. 'Bssed on Fuel Consomption Guide ratings frora Natural Resources Canadia. Transport Canada approvied test methods used. Voar actuel fuel consumption sell vary based os driving habits and other factors - use for comparîson only. +1 1best-setlrng C 201 CIVIC MDX U$£2E s DOWN '5*19" OPAYMENT 1II SI»-WEELY$ FOR 60 MONTHS0I W1114$0 SECUITY 1cEpo50T. EXCLUOES LICINSt AMIsT. Name______________ 1 D uhoz U1OZGOoIýThe Aasty Group and updates. SwlTeMd ru Phone__________ BRING THIS AD WITH Emai ______________OUR DONATION. o0 *Cme issnrw per househod. Git card seuinrsf viff be drasen at random per Goodwitt The Aaeity Group store location ome dise dates of Aprit 30. May 1, 14,21, and e~ 2014. Onbjwhmseswtl be contacted, andi %vigne notfified w"ihi 2 business days of drose Wf winner cannot be reachei, Goodil. The Aanlty Group reseevo the right to aseais prize to àdiflferent enratt Notified sesiners musst travel ta store dlunng nonnai business Itours seitton 10 busunessvdays to dam Mmss. EsSuies requwie no purchase or donato andi hae no cash value. ErpyWb esof Goodwdil The Amdiy Group andi ttsei famites may sot ente disse Disse open to residents of Ostarlo ony B... ilenaex Hîgh school and elementary school students from across Halton recently gathered at Burlingtons M.M. Robinson High School for the 25th annual Halton SIS Competition. The event challenged students'skills in digital photography, home building, fashion design, robot ics and hairstyling. Above, Rochelle Carty-Bau- man, a Grade 12 student at the Ernest C. Drury School for the Deaf, shows one of her digital prints that won' second place. Inset, Craîg Kielburger Secondary School i 2th grader Emily Cone gets some advice from teacher Meaghan MacLachlan as she m sa pai r of pants. (Follow on 1uTtahhoWofg Onty an event this huge can cetebrate payments this7reat. 'l r -1