Tips for installing a cosat-aeffective bath room The bathraom is one of the most highly trafficked and important rooms in the house. When it cornes ta installing a new bathroom it is important ta establish a plan and a budget. This can be challenging as installing plumbing and drainage lines can be very time cansuming and costly Here are some tips ta establishing a cast- effective budget without sacrificing functianal- ity and design. Know your DIY limuts: Assess which aspects of the project you can complete yaur- self, and which ones you vII require a profes- sional. Over-estimating your DIY ability xviii be effective for the budgeting stage, however unrealistic self expectations can set you back bath financially and time wise. Venilation: Moisture can be your bath- raams greatest long-term foe. If your bathroom is flot properly ventilated mold and mildew can cost you a fortune down the road. If pas- sible, include windows for natural light, and ventilation. If it is flot possible ta include a window, then be sure ta install a ventilation fan, which pulls air out and allows fresh air ta draw back in. The size of the ventilation fan is dependent on the size of your bathroam. Maceratng toiet s35temns: Known as the new generation of plumbing, macerating toilet systems are a fast, cost-effective, and eco- friendly option for bathroom installations and renovatians. With macerating systems, the water is routed through the toilet mnta a macerator where a ratating blade reduces waste and toilet paper, sa it can be pumped thraugh 3/4 inch pumping ta the nearest drain line. This allows drain lines ta run without opening up walls and floors. The system. nat only saves yau money on conventional. plumbing casts, but it uses approximately 38 per cent less water per flush. Mare information on these toilet systems is available anlIme at or toll-free at 1-800-363-5874 www. ~ACTION! w,~1.575.1714 CALLTD There 's neyer been a better lime 10 purchase a home or unlock the equily in your exishing home. Mort gage Archiîectsý diversified range ofproducts are now avaulable ai historically LOW rates. Take advanlage of i dream teain s excellent knowledge & service -ils a homemadéfavourite! Cmli the "1 dream team"l toayz Caoi 1. I dream mmni" f onret rates,1 a3» faukW Ur"dl iwlo m frie ffl Raes subto ochange a an tme wthout notice.* OAC Mortgage ~0R71' *PAArchitects gIVEmI IF awww esloeouago .ca t*@cuva.n. 14 Mafin St., MiRn, ON 1 Hd01c:6 dbflR.MuueO (îÏýo HOMES M WUr R iMNii Oued Wmm Geoa u" a btc baan Adnedbig Ntm P W *au bÀse d i Batm flop PshedM byrib Cmm Cimin 555 biwta Drive, Milan. Ont. L9T 1 <N05> 878-2341 %uc (05)>876-2364 Advertising is accepted on~ thae conidition that in the er&« of a typagaphical erra that portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item. together with a resaabl allowance for signature, wil not be charged for, but the balance of the adwertisente tII be paid for at the applkable rate. The publisher reserves the right ta categorize and rejet advertising. In the event of typagraphical anas, advertsng goods or services at the wrang pnice, goods or services may not be sold. Adverbtsing is merely an offer ta set and may ýe withdrawn at any *m. Pwaduced on behalf of the Oakville. Milton and DWstict Real Estate Board. Llst you hom wlt ar S.MR.T. Usiqn Systm on ML' e DO for flu bf. 905478-NU [ I Top 5 Rao s oLs hu.._1 2.2 lfiy runedhrsWMW«dNgf«OryU 3. N*I Ufug 4. PNrfulon mpIrtgpIy & HO fldeoTwu 5. wonpwww »WMutistfSfty .......woleighawf *Bauon re volum nhomesraid 519-826-710 by an Individul in 2012 on GDAIlb t 51-270 Outetndfl Agýt RE/MAX Real Estate Centre Inc, Braoerage Outstandlng R.aufta -, kxpont wadadofae LUXURIDUS ESTATE PROPERTY 7 'îjjw - $1,50,U DlvlNg *mn 1h wluln Ianewy you ail, InUtatl expedoc a feelie of coqilt tnqaWty Approacuh1h. honme you mi le greete by Ilagatone 1sh urUMde by bh gardons Whc "ie Yau ta 1ha elean entumc May. rtu 4,50 mijt newl renvabo proert le gmrgouuly Iandcapd and Sb on 11-acMe lnckadg a pond n-gromd poo, bsn, hor paddocks, mui foem I lie redeslne k"ii exiti eflac hm ht wlt hIt-n cahnela stt-of-Ihe-at wM.aid bemtl iihes Ibisus xucil ow.mtyIisu et ml aL ieu. vimt 4153 SfD 20 &~ Pudalch Sut 2:30-4Nlim BEAUFUL HISTORUC 1 GORGEOUS HOME WITH MF (IN à DOUBLE LOT IWALK-OIJT BACKING OMTM FOREST MUeebM meeky Mm w miB 4118 u0l et NUb te.. U114,11111110 $Mrsbde hbqIN bM -- Supmcb.ske*um. ~ ~ ~ ~ bUNU 1Mil 3'ui lbr M1 1ieS 1m l~eu bumml ibs3be.t bubi MUh 8muie A u e memwwm a 5u ut-b 1 m u us ceMdeu Il b" lalo àu wIuI 1" a URe u dih oidbb dui i el omWSm &u à fM O bup* 1 uudm11muhm UEbtem fak U UM VII hO*ue., mi mw bhuas mmii kMmI mais a 'kma utM . shms-c oq u@ iei 1-220 SaiM" Ame dliii. PhuWtMmi~ ~~ SS.LIkÊumO $m3:Dl CduSi2-»4m. ..................... ............ ........................ ..........