MI[-TO Yunop With thie 2015 Pan/Parapan American Gamesjust over a year away, the Milton velodrome is begin- ning to take shape, as workmen continue ta install the exterior panels of the facility. Construction is Gruhm Pineeight eeks behind schedule, however. Gm*m flmlM&oW f«Méé rou (odoonTWnattreonpÀoo AM Construction of velodrome eight weeks behind schedule By Michael Gregory CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF The Mattamy National Cycling Centre is start- ing to take shape, but the December ice storm and an overail frigid winter has caused an eight-week delay in its construction. Ontario Sports Solutions (ONSS), the joint yen- ture building the velodrome, recently advised Infrastructure Ontario that the ice storm, pro- longed frigid temperatures and high winds in southern Ontario have contributed to the delays. "The velodrome was originally scheduied ta be complete 12 months before the Games and at minimum there wilI be 10 months for testing ta ensure the velodrome is function- ing and tested in a competition environment, said Terence Foran, spokesperson for Infra- structure Ontario (10). In a memo sent in late March, town council- lors were made aware of the issue and advised that other facilities being built -in Hamilton and Toronto for the 2015 Pan/Parapan Amnen- can Games were also behind schedule. Community Services Director Jenniferff 218 Main St. E.,j Milton ttHILLS J U[PfYf5~5- h4 a Q @Jw.IerOnMain */HaItonHiisfineJewuII.ry LX FINANCING *O PA VHAT TEDALEPý YOU PAYTHE INVOICE PRICE PLUS GET O0/tFINANCING FOR 96 MONTHS I amwm