St. Benediet Roman Catholic Parish Community (289) 878-3118 HOLY WEEK MASS SCHEDULE PALM SUNDAY WEEKEND Saturday, April 121h - 5:00 pmn Sunday, April l3th - 9:00 arn; 10:30 arn, 12:00 noon HOLY THURSDAY APRIL 17TH Mass of the Lord's Supper - 7:30 pmn GOOD FRIDAV APRIL 18TH 100 pmn (Children's Service); 3:00 pm (Solemn Liturgy) HOLV SATURDAY APRIL 19TH Easter Vigil - 7:30 pmn EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 20TH 9:00 arn; 10:30 arn and 12:00 noon Ail Masses are celebrated at Our Lady of Fatima Cathoiic Elementary School Iocated at 709 Bolingbroke Drive in Milton For further information please cail (289) 878-3118 or look us up at HAVE A BLESSED EASTER! Father Jim Petine, Pastor St. George's Anglican Church 7051 Guelph Line (at Derry Road)' RR3, Campbellville ON LOP 1BO 905.878-1I112 "Corne and see" April 13th 9:30 a.m. April 17th 6:00 p.m. Palm Sunday Service Maundy Thursday HoIy Eucharist with Seder Meal Procession of the Palms and Eucharist April 1Sth 9:30 a.m. Good Friday Worship join us for fellowship & refreshments before and afler Rev. Nigel Bunce. Pricat-in-charge r'esbyoran FRIDAY, APRIL 18 Stations of the Cross A personal reflective walk through Jesus' joumey to the cross. You are welcorne t0 participate mnytirne belween 9:30 to 11:30 ar. SUNDAY, APRIL 20 Easter Service You are walcorne to participate 10:00 arn 3097 i 5th Sideroad Ojust east of Guelph Line) 905-854-1 055 Minister: Rev. Reuben St. Louis ,0. * jyaco ~NEW LIFE CHU RCH FOR GCENElATIOfts Io comf Also avaitablce Iti Spanisdi The House oJDavid, Milton ftInvites you to our Sunday service .9 e% In His Presence" Venue: Milton Sports Center -Optimist Roomn 605 Santa Maria Blvd, Milton 191 6J5 . Time: 10AM - 12noon Let your chilci be part of our Goci inspireci chilciren Ministry, For further information & transportation cali 647 999 3562 www.thehouseofdavidca CVC ~ Chivei b Ycu' th centrî- 824 Thompson Road South n'ewllfemi Kids Program and Sunday Wersip at 10.30am Palm Sunday Wership One comhined service on the main level -Good Friday Servce at lo!3oam Easter Sunday, two services at 10:soam Contact us At 90"-78-8895 or lnfo< and www. mnezitoiLca HOLY ROSARY CATHOLIC CHURCH 139 Martin Street, Milton Ontario L9T 2R3 Phone: 905-878-6535 www.holyrosaryparish.ea Coin warhlp wlth as through Chrlst's Passon, Doea and baurracton! HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Palm Sunay: April 12/13 - Saturday - 5:OOprn; Sunday - 8:OOarn; 1 0:OOarn & Noon Moly Thursday: April 17 - 8:00 prn - Mass of the Lord's Supper Bosi Fduy: April 18 - 11:00 arn - Children's Passion Liturgy (Parish Hall) 11:00 arn & 3:00 prn - Solernn Liturgy 0f the Lord's Passion Moly Saturday, April 19 - 9:00 arn - Morning Prayer and Blessing of the Easter Foods 8:00 prn - Solemn Easter Vigil Enter Soedy: April 20 - 8:00 arn; 10:00 arn,1 2 noon & 1 :30prn * 4-