ltré? thhous The 11 lth annual Miily Spiet Memo- rial Bonspiel, in support of the Lupus Foundation of Ontario, was recentiy held at the Milton Curling Club. More than $6,000 was raised for research ef- forts toward find- ing a cure for the disease that took Spiel's life in 2003. At right George Meyers shows his Iighter side dur- ing the bonspiel. Inset, curlers take to the ice. -n G k' a r t- r r. Conservafion Hakon elects ils new board For the fourth year in a row, John Vice and Keith Bird were eiected to their positions as chair and vice-chair Of the Conservation Halton Board of Directors. Conservation Halton (CH) held its SBth inaugural board meeting on February 20 when Vice, citizen appoin- tee from Burlington, was acciaimed as' chair, and Bird, Oakville local and regional and councillor, was acclaimed as vice-chair. Vice has been on the CH board for 10 years, while Bird has been a board member for ail but two years since 1974. During those two years, Bird was on the Con- servation Halton Foundation Board of Directors. The chair and vice-chair are elected by members of the CH board for one-year terms at the annual inaugural meeting. They must be current members of the CH Board of Directors and be nominated by their peers. CH's 2014 board lis made up of eleçted officiais and citi- zen representatives from the communities within CH's watershed -= Burlington, Haiton His, Hamilton, Milton, Mississauga, Oakville and Pusiinch. Milton board members include Mayor Gord Krantz, Councilior Cindy Lunau and Councillor Rick Malboeuf. MM ETlACMD FOR THE BT SM MUJ1U 2880PORAE -- F1.99 Mease bie arloeed IM tire Just Cavali ared Purs Phorne 5/s/ic Cases (ebCde: 10278629/ 32i411 48/ 55/164/ 65/ 70) adoortisel in tire Mrcr28 ttyr, page 14, are errly aeaitahle in select stores asnd onine al CL AloêIbease be adied ftaîfieKer 6 /2CoaxiaSpeakrs 10 getiçde 10196765, oe page 18A, are no Ibroer amaiable Pieuse see> a Prouct o i raiot in-store for orrrrar preis, 'a ~wi0*f&oaymwmueMa me u Oea Wwh, e m =. : Il o il e o L e o11L :NEWSPAP IETRCiON FOR 1ST NY MM CII 2CORPOflTE RYER In me March 28 flyer, page 3, mhe Sony 32' 1080p 120Hz Smart LED TV (KDL32W65A r- (ebCode: 10245468) esas advertised with an incorrect saig ai.Pese be advised mhat mis TV is $499.99,Z save $99 NOT save $199, as prevbously advertised F'JT'J SlIO canmcnoei ncoe Z NIW PAPER RETRACflON FOR THE FUTUREz SHOP MAI01 28 CORPORATf FLER Mlus b. advised thai the. Adrêamâ HIC O.e iuggedl Hoistor M Case tWêbCo: 10274680> adverised in the Marck '2 28 flysi, page 6, is na longer availablo.- CD SHOP HAPPY = SIGN-UP FOR FREE & GET 0 $25 TO SPENDà ON VOUR FIRST si00 PIJRCI-ASE3 CA I Il flyers. coupons. SAV s2. Get; bhls coupon and more ac