0..ntolnmeî Mîlton's ommunity newspaper sînoe 1860 W fa*pl Mk Lot us help make sure you and your family' are weil cared for Open 7Days aWeek P 0575-507 P90 4r5.108 Shamhn.As,.R.Ph. fA (vt0lf Me. Grou Pu)cto) Vlin ý*5N,4Tusa p i2046 h" .S SPECIAL REPORT: RÈdvepment of Burlingbn hosputal undeiwa Halton Hospitals: Building aur Health Care is a special Metroland Media West four-part project that explores the need for, status and funding of numeroits hospîtal expansion! construction pro;ects in Halton s four munici Ipalities - Milton, Oakville, Burlington and Georgetown. Here, the third part of the senies looks at Burlingtons Joseph Brant Hospital. sS rs on Mina Rasnik enjoys some saup during the annual Empty Bowls fundraiser in support of Milton Transitional Housing Sunday at the Milton Centre for the Arts. For $50, guests were treated ta alI-yaou-can-eat gourmet soup and a hand-painted ceramic bowl of their choice., Enc Rihif Conodion Champion <Follow on flMtter @haiton.photog> ~ ~~ ........ By David Lea That's a 10.5 per cent drap in numbers, but METRULANU WEST MEDIA GROUu Halton police say 2013 set a record for.having the lowest crime rate since Haltan became a region in 1974. In a repart ta the Haltan Regional Police Service Board last Thursday, Chief Stephen Tanner noted Halton saw 10,804 criminal af- fences in 2013 - compared ta 12,076 the previaus year. rate, when the regian's growing population is factored in, said Tanner. And that crime rate is the lowest seen since Halton became a region in 1974, said the chief. "Let me congratulate the entire service for continuing ta have a very positive impact on reducing crime throughaut the Region,»' said Tanner.M By Tina Depko-Denver METROLAND WEST MEDIA GROUP A hospital is the heartbeat of a community. It's where babies take their first breath and where families say goodbye ta Ioved ones. Broken arms are cast, chemotherapy is ad- ministered, blood pressure is monitored and hips are replaced. Burlingtan's Joseph Brant Hospital, former- ly called Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital, opened in 1961. t 6eitre, sho~&a -"4%A WIDE CD, %#1IIWro fdWit recordl Iow in 2013 rvice a C 8 of-,, a y 1 ÏD Ç-'> iD czï u Jeep Mj Ï, e(YLI-l',