um3 - . Zk i lA Z.uw CHILO'S CRIS wltti mat- HOCKEY EOIJIPMEN, WOODEN HOChON trsil eli wood color, man's, used twice, size carlgh piscalor $100.905r319-82011 medium, helmet gloves, $4, 90531-201' CHIRISTUAS LiGH shln/lbow fd S, $70. sphernw $50, in- -I-l dor/oudoaor use, brul- IKE DOUJBLE pedesa liant 200 mini lights, 15" pis dssk. $ 100 WALL units, 37' RCA doameter, only $40, &9T. 8t49stad,6a1 905-319-7383T..w stn, od - KEMMRE FREEZER. 12 coat rack, loveseat & COCA COLA Coltectair cu ft. $100. 080. chair, large mirrar pic- Cards Sertes 1 ta 5. in 9O5-8â7-4721 or ture, Christmas Items. atbumii. Comploe 1993. 416-577-4721 Ladies clotiing, tins, Phone Cards. Pogs, San- leathers, moslly .size tas. $100 for ail. KITCHEN TABLE, soid small. Cati, appointments 905-635-9471 wood plus 6 chairs, ae Only. 905-829-1494. cand, f100, COFFEE TABLE, honey 905-979-8181 **~AI MATTRESS FAC- colar, salid oak, aval -TORY DIRECT, delivery shape. $100 obo, LEATHER COAT, 3/4 la- avallabte. Ali sizes 905-333-1718 dies black Danier size inclidinq custem sali 10-12, zip out iner, bexsrings, Ortliepedic COLLECTORI IOTTLÈ $100,905-637-3M8 20as year sets starting made in 196 E 240. 30 pear ighit-top bossaid with face of LOVE SEAT, custom sets atartin, 35 President of Dominion made, abstract desioni Deluxe ne-tiippPilewte Glass and Carser patht. i rod cond, $75. & 'Crewn, senis. Of 50. $100. 05-635-9007 Euretep sets trein 905-65-9471 --$390. Newm Watertaeds, MENS SKIS 2 pai!rs. Fuis, end-ef-llneI CONFORTER AND 2 With bindings. 75 discentinueit items sheons, polyester fiii, 905-632-4773J availatoîs. 102x102", white, $25. 905-827-4839 MICROWAVE CART, 90318-2020 white an Casters, liko 61-46 CRAFTSUA WETIDRY new, $40, 905-864-7150 ___________- vac, 60 lit. 306 km/tir blower, new, $100, NORMAN ROCKWELL 905-634-5537 waIl plates, 3 1980 Lim- DEACONS ~ de IEC E ditian Engîish Bon A P T DERCOM' BENCHChina. Sprnng, Summe, A R I pMe â trg,$45, Whhtr $85, REST CARPETINU Dealsi $385AntWClus DE5K, LIKE new, extra PIIOJECTOR FOR ReAil tye-steColours space an top shelves, aides (new lamp) wb Repanin a l, r osrtcng free, 905-637-4984 o ct. n ~ cleig.Ci Deniao ~~NG ROON table 4 d carIoe an Paul at 905-849.487. OMO OOMtabl. 4slid cadgr O. aliW. wan't lie undersoldi chairs & 2 extensions 90-85 89am su'tr $100rs. SILVER CUTLERY and lathfer and crf v00311iý5098 chest, 72 pleces, $100 supplles and animal ELECTRIC suw obo. 905-333-1718 cnri pduts. Gel Tboer eret adi- SKS VN. mnyour free 134 pg Thrwer Pefec co SIS, ONI ma'scatalog. 1-800-353-7a6 tien. Mir by Yardwoccs. 1000b new, asking or Emfail: orderhaltford Perfect for smaeil drive- 10955232 Visit aur web ways $60, -_---------- store: www.haifordsmail 905-844-8887 SOCCER SHOES Brand a) ELE ICAL -EMT New Size 10. Attidas DMINSROOM SET, table ens 1,1/ &1/2 gndrrumLur traml En land wlth leaf, 4 uphflstred cond, $ b, 0583-11 chairs. Also China Cabi- 905-582-840l SOCCER SHOES Brand net, dark wood, good EXERCISE IE, Free New, 2 Pair at Asian condition. $50. Call Boots size 10 Brand 905-335-à374. Spirit, hardy used , $60, New, $40, 905-635-1812 90-637-176 %__ __. EXERCISE LATERAI. SOLDERI, 7 lbs, 1 rail os tiligli triner, $30,leadtfree &1 rail is not 90 trains.,82 30 $100, 905-979-8181 FIUERGLASS STEP lad- SOU 0 table and der, 6', brand new, nev- 6 chairs, $99. er buen used, '$60, 905-335-633 905-582-8840 S ONY RADIO, tape, CD FIRST ISSUE Of Christ- player, like new. $30, ma Creche collection 905.-637-4984 hand colored lvory ala- STATINAII EER-CISE baster, master desion Bic cie, $90 obo,_________ Ennio Furies. "M5 > 2-65-1812 905-689-2804 _ _ _ _ _ _ FREE UPSIGNT piano, SUITCASE, BLACK 21", ass, 905-62-8053 ax 64 cond, $0 GADN TRELLISES, - . 'roxmal UME 8U'S RCA Col- ml, wo tnd or TV Console $100. CARE g rund. s25 080, 905-827-4721 or 1 have severel 9-257-5075. 416-577-4721 1000 yds. Of new GLASS TOP table, large VINTASE U'S sterea Stainmaster and inside & out, M, Cansale. $100. 080 10O'/O nylon carpt. 905-635-9007 90-27-4721 or Vinl do livinro & GOLF CLUBS, full set 467421hall fr $39. irons and woods in godVINTAGE DROP Leat includes carpet, pari & condition. $60 inciuding Pine table with Dovetail inistallation (25 sq. yards) ban. 905-315-9638 Drawer. 23" higli, tj t ___________ 29" x 27". $1. ou. GOLF: FULL set of Mit- 905-635-9471 90564M I92 sushiba Irons with bon, $99. 905-17-5261. WHITE KENNORE LUMMR SAU. Building fndge, $100. materfiav spruce. GOLF SHah Nie 0-337-0487 2"x8"x16' boards, 30 Zoom. tblack, ize 10oW,"K " 0 wom twice. $30 abo. WHITE KENORE stove, ecs 2xO O 905-257-5075 $100, 90-3-47 = x0x45 b iècs, MRaC gay swing WHITE MN'S suit, new, places. Fence maiterial, with Six speede, Music neyerf wom, size 46, pressure treated. sud Mobile. $80. $100.,905-631-3144 4"x4"xlO' postasupoi 905-849-7661 - mately 100 places. _____________ WIME RACE, new $150, 4"x4"x16 posts, 20 piec- HUMIDIFIER, UN- 5.5' talb32x14", 64 plus es. 2"x6x16' boards, 8 MORE, new; fiter, $50, liantes, neyer used,only places. Ail in good con- 905-634-5268 $100,.905-319-7383 dition. 905-336-1146. RENOVATION SALE - KitctinAid refrigerator te e{ J d and electnic range. Ma-G1ATE tag dishwaslier. 2 ouc iO LSECdillac HIGHEST and lave asat se. Devinle. Certified and E- CASH PAIO Caon 905-842-1577. testaid. Ai condition. FAST PICK-UP __________ A muet se. $7,000). $300 for any Comlupets SURE IUILDINCgS Met- 905-632-6441 veoiles driven in. ai buildings up ta 60% Pick-opa & vans off! 30x40, b0roiîng~ more money! 50x80, 60X1I00, :06 702tse Brut RcOcler saii for bace owed.70 rneRawe Cati: 1-800-57-220 www. LN Ust South ufOEW) crowstelbuldlns.c COOAT Same-day service WASHE AID dryer set, FOR SALE. 65' lIn available. $375; stove, white, fiat powered by GM dise, ai0547 1. top, $195. Front cead working washroom, dryer $175. Full Size shawOr. vanity, almast__________ Drgr $175. Mint complets. Currenly condition. Caon moored below Dalicille 289-337-i1328 bridge in Oakvilie lier- bour. Priced ta s,1,~ LIZD$39.000. will consider Fo-@&Mlum trades. Senous inquinies only, Please Cati Dave for appoint ment, 905-842-. IAéN5,iIWa STAIR LIFT 64" long set 8947,416-420- 8705 j new condition, easy toi instail. $1500. Cali 519-647-2995 iczzz 1~Z -mm REDROOM SETS: 2 gorgeaus sets for girls. Movlng. Must ssII! Loke brand new 2W CUSTON Buicc $1225. - ssch. Co LeSabire Sedan. auto- 905-928-482 or visil, matis, silver, front wtieel http \\ goo. gSffmmC drive, tinled-windows, h.\\îs aic. Pride et ownersii E-tasted. Satory. uy 01151 lIE. solid loeded. Great condWiio wood. wlth 6 chairs, with lu and out. A must ses! matching hutco and $3500. 226-220-1867. cabinet. Table con seat _______ 8. Purchaer for $5000. eAskîn $700, 080. 90-4-7509 OUlA AL 201 SOLO Hyundai GL, air conditioned 4 door sedan in excellent mechanical condition. FURNITURE, GISCARD Four winter tires Bedroorn suite, sali included. $1000u. Plionsc wood, Triple Dresser & 905-875-2213. Mirror, Cnest, Nlgflt Ta- bIe, Hsadboard & King We; $600. or Best Otter Takes Ail. Dinn Roora - Soiid Oak Mva Double Pedestal Table & 6 or 8 chairs- $350 or Best 0f- fer. Buffet & Hutch - $50 olia. Leather Coucli & laveseat - Jade. $250 obo. lvory leather rock- er/ recliner. $75 abo. Dutalier Beige glider 204 CHRYSLEl tntrep- i- 6> cylinder, autamnatic, 185,000cm, air candi- tianing, saety & e-tested. $i9900905-220-8814. boctrcair eptto ac $7 o lchai ottom a - 75 d" Holds 50 'TV & campa- Vq" riants. $200.00 obo. Gloa lopped coffes & 2W07 HYUNDAI Entour- End Tables $200. $500 age, 230.000 kms, 7 or besl aller. Email: passenger, ans owner, excellent shape, fully loaded. emnission test. Eb I Ze $7500.847-887-6443 ~ ~ 2M2 HONDA Civic EX *Coupe, black, minI con- dition. 5 speecl manual *transmission, includes new winler tires (Miche- MAICAL SMART TV lin X-lce) mounted on box, reduce your TV and mag wheeis. 40.000km. Inlemet bille today and Price: $12.750. Contact: sae big! Make your TV 416-807-2165 smrait 10 watch unlimited maries, shows, sports nsws & Cartoons, fo; r I à O frais. $150 each. ls M p , unlimlte fibre Inteme saris tram $29.95 par PICEUF TRUCK, ex- month! PMase Contact tremeiy well taken cars 416-616-3232 af! Cames with aIl lie bles and rJhistles. Zzz Leather seats, slectric Noeussunroot, electnc rear EMWWW M _ý window. heated seats, heated mirrors, 6 pas- TRUE PSYCIIICS for songer seating and on answers. Cali now 24/7 and an and on. Asking Toli Free 1-877-342-3032 $12.500. Please contact Mobile: #4486 www.lrue for more information 289-259-3185. Aut * *p Fr position. Min five yrs experlence req'd. Excellent weges, RRISP & fun beteants. Wetedown area. Temor ? siton for Oct. & Nov. Burlingtan Office Min. 2yrs exp. Email relums ta: andrea.guelphlinedental AZ DRI VERS FIT yr round job. 3+ yrsFletbed & Tanker Exp. Brampt~on yard 1.88-53545.602 905-565-8993 paul@transway driver services.cas CARRERS for early mornîng Home delivery of Toronto Sun andi National Post newspapers and Rogers magazines in Miltan. Reliable car needed. 905-16-1676 Piano& required. Apply in persan or e-mail resumne ta 360 Guelph St #38. Georgetown c wc YOU«R BEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JOB3S ~Iz MzD zzj We are an incredibly busy Service Depqartment that le in the pracess ai adding enather il bays. Due ta this grawth we are hiring for ail service and parts positionsi. LIE SE CH DETAIL We aller a flat rate pay structure vit bous potentiel, an air candfioned shap, beneit, an award winning Management teamn and a dlean and sale work envwanment. You supply a wMllknges tai worc, pride in workmanshil and a positive attitude. I ntorostsed In a corer change for lh. botter whsrs the grass la grener, plus. contact: bwalsh@burllnglonhyundal.cea PT DNAL ASSSAN Progressive Downtawn Uurlington Dental Practice is Ioolng for an ou"in Assistant who enjoys a fest peced envirnent. Must have excellent organizatianai as and a minimum af 2 years hancte on exper. including Implants & Major Restoiretive Dentty Pl«as drop off y.ur resurn. In porson et: Or. David Nobertio, 2069 Lakedsore Rd, Suite 6, Burllngton. ON L7R 112 Iired ofhavia eshedule that lano feible and d2en~ meet ypur school neede? Appl tojaoinaur teem! Star1îrn base wage is $11 tr. Vour abdity ta praduce in a test paced envirornent will resuit in an average wage af $l2irto $16/ir. Corniein and see ifwe can create e work schedtule triat: wortcs for you. Il Nov hiring 8am-4pm and 4prn-l2pm. P!éâsý ýip 1y i p e a0 hsmýov Dismantiar Oakville salvage yard looking tar FI dismanter witu automotive exp. Safety boots requireri. contact Tom 905-849-9 or Fax resmne 905-849-9940. N.w FociIit Immediate Openîng.: General Labour& Forklift, Counterbalance Long Term M-F Day Siits. GL & Waikie Rate $12.50. Caunter- balance Rate $15 Warehause facility exp. Certificats required for Forklift. Reterral bonus tar frientis. Caîl Gloria 905-866-6616 or lnfloaccess caffeer.coni Attendant Service Work.r E Reg11ular Part time Evenings & alternate Wknds Independent Living Halton Z We need werm, versatile persans wfith effective communications skili and physicel strenqth toaessist disabled adults in their awn homes. This is a consumner-directedi servicez and the wark area is OakviIle and Burlington. Drivers license required zc wvith eccess ta an insured car. A ..licants are subjcit o a e Crinall Reference check a Contact: by Fax 905-78-6449 2 leasyfinancial CAREER FAIR -HIRING NOWH! Please Joîn Us for Our Job Faîr 3 Thurs., Septemb.r 251ý', 2014, frons 1-6 PM Easyfinancl Services, 110 King Stree West Namifton, (Jackson Square-Plaza Level, next to Everest Collene) Job Opportu-nitin es ido: Loan Verification Officers, Mortqage Offîcers, Collections Specmalmsts, Financial Services Representatives, Customer, service -agents Wolf estlilhed limousine service la hking fer the tallewlnù pomllnr PT Pro fessional Chauffeur: Able ta work flexible hours includling weekends and some holidays. PT Detailer/Prep person: A vaeid license is required. Able ta dlean aur fleet inside and out by hand ta ensure a pristne vehicle is preseted ta aur clients. Mf interested in either position, read full job descriptions hemo: www4esilm.*bposing Mmsa seuil or fax a caver latter wltt yeur eurrsat rosoms te: er 905-001-1886 FRS SAR FO D ANADA ITD Manufacturlng Et Distribution Faclity Located In Milton G li DZ DELIVERY DRIVERS (JOB No: 14-052) *Day runs within extended GTA *Must have flexibLe shift avaîiabiLity *Loading and untoading deliveries tai customers *Must be abLe tai work on any day incLuding Saturday *Ctean drivers abstract a must *Produce or food delivery expenence an asset *PtiysicaLy fit / 501b ifting requtrement WE PRO VIDE " Team-based Work Environment " -Campetitive Wages Et Benefits " Commitment ta Safety If you meet the above criteria kind(y appty by emaiL. and Quote Job No. ta: FsferecruitmentDf reshstartfoods. com Or fax resumre ta: 905-878-5397