e-I o <.4 '-I 4 U~ - NEZ SevwraI names floaUng auunct "erding W.wtil t!be first*tW~I track lbree-timne Olymplc *Cycllng rnedalist Curt Hamett (leftand wodd-renown ed trck designer Date Hughes checkout the Sîbermn spruce wood ttiat was used to construct the velodrome track. Wort»-çtnownied track designer Date Hugheus sait! hes been able to get everyone *oim hMupevlnced chtêden to alite rs MoI fortable rlding the track. 'He said once you've got your speed up ta around 20km/h *the, corners are no trouble to handle. Cpi*fuction of the 154,000 sqi.-ft. facility is ekOêteto b. completed ln October with thg~c~tomeopenlng to the public in No- t"tremains a tlghtly-guarded secret just Who-"t b. the. first to, ride the track, which wii formaljy be known as the Cisco Milton Pan AIrtWipan km Velodrome during the Wfesnert July. Reyiolds sald there are several names float- lng aiound, Thr..' -tme Olympic Cycling medalist Curt Harnett enthuslastically offered. Harnett said the Siberian pine track - the only such Olympic-regulation indoor cycling track in Canada - is expected ta be the home of many new track records. He can't wait to ride It. «I brought my bike today just in case:» he saIdn" suggested they peel lback the wrap that Dies on top of it ta protect it white fur- ther construction takes place inside the fa- cillty., Work continues on the ftness centre, along with basketball, volleybal and tennis courts. The 300 --m walkin9/joggfrig track is 50 per cent longer than the track at the Milton Sports Centre, said Reynolds, noting it will cost $25/ year ta use the three-lane track. Jason Fellen, senior director of capital prai- ects for Pan Arn 2015, said the velodrome is more llkely ta set records because of its loca- tion in Milton. 'We're -n<t at.high elevations here, he said. «The track will get fâster with use too." For residents whove been watching con- struction take place over the last year, they can expect terrific views from inside the facil- ity, which cost $56 million to complete. Gen- eral public will get into the facility from doors on the Tremaine Road side of the velodrome, FeIIen'said, white athletes will enter from the esc'arpment side. The courts that are in the infield of the trac k can b. used at the same time as the track cy- dling, but not during race avents. A harsh winter slowed construction and forced a latar opening than originally plan ned, Fallen said. Julie Slack can be reoche4'tJcmltna onadianchampion.com or oÀYmkter @mnilton- musîng.