'Imm Proposed budt bekng dM~n tiy seve-al factot, says Scinocca 3 1ousing, henitage programs and orner- cial stablit e c m tb and adapting To maintain existing infrastructure, staff is «Maintainlng a sufficient supply of service- E *n management and econamk develop- to climate dmang. recommending that $5.7 million b. spent to able empioyment land 15 critical to attracting jment. ln addition ta regional services, on the In terms of connecting people witbh services, ensure the Region's existing and aging water and retaining businessos, which adds to a ~average, Halton residents can expect to see the proposed budget includes $1 million for and wastewater romains In a state of good re- communitys long term assessment an>d em- .ftbeïr water bis increase by 4.9 per cent or paramoedk services, $652,000 for housing pair as woIl as an additoral $13 million for ployment base;' Scinocca saud. ,$2next year. Water and wastewater services providers, $641M0 for waste management, the ongoing maintenance of the water and «The goal of the pilot project is to assist the îE aren't supported by property taxes under $306,000 for rent geared ta incarne subsIdy, wastewater infrastructure. Another $1 million Rogion.and the local municipaiity in ensuring -provincial ordors. $306,0O0 for enhancod customer service to- each is being recommended for transporta- that omployment land is investment ready IScinocca said the proposed budget is belng sponse, $250,000 for a cornprohensive bous- tdon and road resurfacong needs. and that urban growrth centres bave the nec- driven by sevoral factors such as investments ing strategy, $224,000 for communicable A sorviclng plan pilot project costing $1 mil- essary Infrastructure identified for intensifica- ta maintain existing infrastructure, connect- disease contraI and $200,000 for crisis pro- lion for oach municipality Is also being roc- tionf' Scinocca said. "Tbe costs will be recov- ing people witb services, maintaining finan- vention. ommonded, counicillors leamed. ered by future development charges.« Man charged following atempted theft A Brampton man Sias been charged in con- nection with an attempted thoft of money from a refreshment kiosk at the Milton GO Station. Halton police say on Decomber 17 they were called ta the Main Street GO Station after a tbeft suspect was confronted by an employee. Police say tbey located a suspect at a nearby gas station. Lionel Wallace, 27, is charged with theft undor $5,000 and failing ta comply with recogni- zance. Ho was scheduled t6 appear for a bail hearing last week. Anyone with information on this incident is asked ta caîl (905) 825-4747, ext. 2415. I Mi It~4nsit I UUS4S44141 *mwuB.ika.aa *ilk'uauILoe I RF ____________________________ _ A g 416-255-5581-