Readers' Corner AUTLJMN SPLENDOUR: Champion reader Janie Hedworth captured this image in the- Miii Pond area. Do you have a unique, interestingfun or cute photo taken in Milton that you would like to submit to be considered for Snapshot? Send subnussions (minimum 600 KB resolution) to Please include the name of the photographer (for jmblication) and a description of the photo ncluding the location where it was taken. Letters wekome The Candion Champion welcomsletrs to the editor induded for vedficutio purpases Sdy>i Letters should be no mmr thon 300 words. W mreeve the Emdiyorleters to kmkdceliml wn w em ndghuoW4kr.vseandrejWtUtes orsend by mail ta 555lndustlal Or, Milton Ont,. L9T SEl1, or Letters must b. sined with first od Iat noime forpublic- leave themn at our oflloe q<e office hours are Monday to Fr1- tio, aod the adress and the telephone number of the wr day from 9 a.m. to.4 pin. >adehatn.wo =r Candidate endorsemnent unethical, believes reader Dear Editor: o The October 16 editorial appears to be an en- dorsement of Gordon Krantr for mayor. Being Milton's only local newspaper, 1 believe the . Champion should remain neutral. You dlaim that experience 15 key - key to what? a Each candidate brings his or her own ideas. 1 be- =R lieve it's unethical for this paper to favour one candidate over another. 0 Why is it that information about ail-candidates 3 meetings and debates has appeared in the pa- per after they have taken place, in particular the one on October 1? There was an aIl-candidates meeting in Camp- belîville October 15. Why was it not publicized in your paper in advance? 1 found out about it quite by chance. As a local newspaper you have a responsibility to keep the community informed on local -events, especially during an election campaign. Hopefully, this letter will be published in your next edition. Agostino Galioto Milton 655 MAIN STREET EAST, MILTON www.pailin gu'fodSmt e 905-875-FORD(3673)