'-i CD t~a ~a~U oTh1e &W»a Centre for the Art bas Just ben o gévenaàszable flnancial bou& j Recn*I> tomn counci wustd $10.000 nto an endowment to supp~ort"i Ors centre An endowment fund Is bm.ed entily on _chartaN donations andAuoilet w*dre contributions front thse T~wsOW bud- get or tax revenue. SIt wlll be lnvested ttwough theCommunly $10,O00fo Fowndation of Sato North, whlcbc h5mn aged by a voluntee board of directors and comwmuky represmntaives from the "igon. OltIs especiallyrewarding to support the MW- toà Centre for the Arts through an endow- ment bund and b. "N to maire lt happen througs the Comnwnlty Foundation of Hal- ton Neýtbt-su.d Mayer Gord Krantz. Cermui!foundations are instrumental in Elect Br t. - MoeBuhtnF E WadzoCucllr0 l)) o epnil - x..ece - rutorh - omte oMlo supporin oraiationns that provide oppor- tunmtes for people in varlous sectors, indlud- ing arts, culture, social services, heulth, recre- ation and the environment In 2013, the 191 communltty foundations in Canada provided $170 million to charitable causes. 'Having the backing of the Town of Milton provides the Community Foundatios of Hal- ton North with an incredible show of support fund as we embark on what promises to be a future of giving back to our community' said Brad Clements, chair of the Community Founda-1 tion of Halton North. As part of the 2015 budget process, a rec- ommendlation for a feasibility study wiIl be brought forth to determine how to build the endowment through charitable donations, over the next two years. !A ',q M Sii .04 we beheve ... in helping. Anyone. Anywhere. 77777 "L - a Fi - qnKkmlmn-lt --à À 1e11:ý - le