MILTON/CAMP 1344 - MCRE. lautlful 4 bodroom nletached homo ail plenty to offert Th1e main ior futures an overslzed dmnlng room, as weil as a large eut- kitchen aith a beautiful baclcsplash. Th1e Laundry roorn se also eneniently located on th1e main floor. »lthe1 second fOor offerlng large bedrooras plus a large Master ot wlfh a 5 place ensuite. de homeMali be sure to pisas Contact Scott for furbbîer dobailsl fUf1HEWOl..~gtng~ lhre Ca gaag la a %MsWa MWa atone for home offic or sieM onus leatirs 01 pâtIe, . eain-M f ard supenor cnksium. Ci un MM I au4 14Mue1 si11.5 sloey, 4 bedroa dotlached hom a situate os a 50 X 129 Rf lot In des*"ii Old Mon. if you hav a passion for hom rnomaton,' M11 la tie perec homie alOi a large property In a gisat central location. Wakct ownas "me«.ner's Markiet un Pnd/Ia, acomis, sfiops& more! Cal Chis for more M or 11D view (416) 209-2586. Nwe ROYALL Plt~perect busn Goy u fCam and the esoepmmnt eldg hm ali rua idaus This gel bu eul mainerd 4',b-«dnmam asf weN back o a prulfy 2.4 uam lot. Feuami lde Large Mien. Fammu ObÉi meus, Sunroam, Min tor Famly mmamr u h p aor. LarLge upis lOotO warbho. Juat amies naod af tie 401. New mold " bidau -k mary mâlaes. JouI Reduced Ia $65a,00o. Cal Glenne to ew taday $43%700 Beautiful 3 bedraom 3 bath tomn home in VaUareillage on the escarpnient Large main floor office, gaaeacceas tram bouse. Eat-in Ifdtce wfth stainiessa steel applices and waic-out ta large priate decc. Close ta schaols, pa*lcanmd amnenities. Cati ta vlewi today! A local realtor with over 30 years experience Direct: 289-242-2883 Office: 905-878-8101 Sée my listings at ~~~Detaffed. Current. Accssible. - lý $44%MU Beaulfu 3 bootoora 4 balhroom tawohos Slluatedl on a quiet family frienilly srot close to schools and park. Flnished basement roc roorn wli 3 pc batllrom. Large dock onhe backyar. Close to al amooties. Amnple space for a fainlIy Cafl Katorine ta 810w today! b»~o Breltak Ssets And womnr Uvlo fing sa bls To im lleNaieaualkn,0140,47,ewAnd 4HEure Ta M&A Tati P -mu- cle d 4+»34a Polai EsaMiM Bêmc On Ma11mzo Pak Lill Stl Mi MM Sflu » UA DRoWii Moaindu 2.Car Garage ME d* dUuiel Ad emlog Sot Waller biupPool »l NewUMa wLhuo i twfaMEwlla~som. W7.o GOWEST 1 mai r-- - - l