-s Regloal chair candidate says- ho das24polit pldan forIaln By Nathan How. SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Oakville's Syed Ali Nlvi says lie has a 24-point plan for Halton If he's elected regional chair. The October 27 municipal election will sec Ali Naqvi face off against incumbent Gary Carr of Milton, fel- low Oakville resident John Paatl and Greg Woodruff af Bullngton. Syed A One of the issues on Ai! Naqvm s plan is unfettered grawth, which isn't «hap- pening in balance with pcople's aspirations and aur needs, he said. *l've yet ta sec a futuristic document about where (municipalities) are gaing ta be in 25 years, 50 years, 100 years. There's simply been no planning on that respect, Ali Naqvi be- Hieves.. He sald thcrels also a problemr with gridlock, adding there are numerous «bottlenecks across Halton - Hwy. 401 through Milton, Hwy. 403, the QEW and Regional Road 25. »Ifwe can't do it now, we cannot do it 50 years fromn notst imagine What wili happen ta us. There has beeri no united effort to resolve thIs: sald AiU Naqvi. We need funds from everywhere.7 To rectlfy the probtem, h. said-h. wants ta *bring people together, get therm ta talk ta each other and plan more efficlently for people!' 'Everybody has ta have a meeting with an agenda and ta sec what the common goal, s& Ail of these * Na~I common goals need ta be donc *before these mee«ngs are held. It has not been donc. 1 have not scen that' He also wants ta improve the connectian of public transit across HaItoný*~ example, lie sald OakviIIe Transit's Sherl lleIge rout should extend taMiltointao" students to the Trafalgar Campus. «Burllngton (Transit) needs ta b. linked ta ours. The GO Train in Milton necds ta be much bctter, people arc complaining about that. They dan't have the same services to the GO (station) as wc have in Oakvîlle. lt's non- uniform across the board, things are not hap- pening,» said AI! Naqvi. Olf 1 have ta go from Oakvill ta Acton, 1 have ta go via Unlont BUYff 3y GET à4~RE ICE & SUOWII WUMT TMR *Dependable traction an ice, muq ww snow, slush and wet sb aVhls . road conditions. AIIOUCIIqVO J~ ~REIEMBge- TflYOUR CLOCKS ACK QN ~jUJNDAY, IOWt, 2014 E E»RL MOT E UNDERSOLO ON1 TIRS! rwo~ I '.5 - - W I up 59ou5 Mm e3 on outy1m Bu Ruof s4 ffluetrsalinj of MM3, MW20, - Fr. Btay Inspection a àji 1012l eutiin0 or 10W30 Castrai 4 UIrdt *ma. *si dhm Gl «x notoroil $ jl à W S.SOiiâm 114 Re. 95 S E xpire Dec. 31,.2014. e Lires Dec. 31, 2014.io %z *m &fl Um. 610 Martin St. (Hwy 25)Ç4 (JUgStMOuhfHy401eneXttO'MCDonald'S) 905-636-766' A o email: 61 O@acivegroenross.com R*ut erE cerwion