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YOU Mll =osu excelent wrilten and veW communication skifs and be faiirWbt Microsoft computer applications. Med" sales experlence an asseit In this roie, you wuiI b. custmer focie and wu ul trn reltinalpewih ew and exin cliente by ensuring tat her detingneeds are met. You wilI have thue abillty toaloler client cretive advertWsn souiosb presenting a variety cf product aors. You wll be ga-rntd ndcapable of meeting regular montuly budget and special section targets. #f you woudh» to wor kbora leader in Un. media indLusty tuLç cpoeturdmay be Mh Vift oine for you. A reflaie vehdic s reqired Hf k*tsestè plase fouard your resume by Fn.,-Oct. lith, ta: dbefrd@oaddfebeevecoe Ploas reeence "Oakvilie Beaveu' in the subisot lins. W. edkU.nloicfaapcnshivnrhoe sewewo for n ifenow iMbeconactd. o phno ati orgon lesose. - NIUE oEu OM, -EK Semou UsImIo kM.. 966e Mimi 1=D ý1=D j e Noybo reh iowoi 11111N11YPIIOVIIER.C111U11 SMI lons and more. ,NO olndit- checkcs 1-877-776-1660. 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Services ~ ~ Neat * Quick SReasonable Niiaa ami"iai Any Size Job ma", ma& Welcome More than 400 stores Coast to cosat. W. are looldng for dynamia Individais tofllN these positions: AssistentMnae sales Assocuats For our Toronto Premluni Outteta location The Idea candidate hould hae: -Great Interpersoinal IL leadershuip skills - Driv ta provide EXCELLENT customer Service - OuMeandlng organuzational sil intersstsd candidates can send.their resume ta: Kkir start your career wfth us! TMUOO(, Elyzabettic noe SIECaKOWVSKI) 9 November 18, 1950 - October 4, 20 14 Of Milton, ON, graduated with honours tram the school of lite in the presence ot her daughter Laure, on Saturday, October 4, 2014, at the age of 63. Born in Toronto on November 18, 1950, ta Wanda and Stanislaw Sieazkowski, Elyzabeth was the beloved wite of husband, Glenn for 8 treasured years. Laving mother af her three cherished children Mark Alexander Adamiak, Laura Ann Adamiak, and Christopher Allan Adamiak. Dear graridmather at her grandson Christapher Hudson Adamiak. Elyzabeth had an insatiable passion for life, lave and Iearning. She always viewed the warld tram a different perspective, and always tried ta see t he Joy and Good in Lite. She shared her Love, and in return, was laved by and cansidered an inspiratian by many. To El abeth, a stranger was a friend she had just not met yet. Elyzabeth had recently become a champion ot argan donation (beadonor.calelyzabeth- turnock). Thanks ta Elyzabeth's generosity, sameone will rece;ve the gift ot sight and will be able ta *view the world through her eyes. Lite is the Course. Lave us the Source. Liv. every day like there is no tomorrow. Every day is a New Beginning. Take a deep BREATH and Start Again! A celebration of Elyzabeth's Lite, Love and Lîght will take place at the Teatra Canterence & Event Centre (121 Chisholm Dr., Milton) tram 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 26, 2014. Those wishing ta attend are kindly requested ta contirm attendance at In lieu ot tlowers, donations may be made ta the Milton District Hospital Foundation. Online well-wishes may be made through Ibnews.carn-7 l Anniversaries Froncoisç and Barb FuiIum a ore their _: 2iSth W.ding Anniversaryl Please join us for an OPEN HOUSE at the Royal Canadian Legion 21 Charles Street, Milton o n Saturday, October 25, 2014 n from2 - 5p.m. No presents, please- ' just your presence. I Obitua ries Reuse Recycle 1 00" Il Fe"" j çý