*~UU UftfI~IUYOUJ'E SI0K9 WE'Sg WCOKI Extensive Medicabori Revievng 10R UI L SI DI U And Pattent Consultations *Accept Ait Drug Plans ~ft AMWA AUM *10% Seniors Diecount Everyde DR. àLlYàtà%DILExcludmng Rx (femds Dootor) *Walve $2.OQ Co-Pay *Free Delivery Rx Service HOIJRS: MONDAY -IDAV. 10AM-OPM *SAT. 9AM-2PM BitrPacn 8vm uneLhcAv "M~ Seniors 65 years of age and older and peoie wltli disabilUe living in urban Mflton are invited to'register for the Windrow Remnoval Program for the -2014"15 winter season. Windrows are piles of snow Ieft at mhe bottom of driveways afler the *snowplow passes. The service hetps remove wlndrows created during plowving following a snowfall of 10Ocm (4 inches) or more. Rq bm Infrmation: Date:. Friday, October 24, 2014' Time: 9 a.m. to 3-p.m. Place: Milton Seniors'Activity Centre, 500 Childs Drive, Milton, Ontario Reglstiatio file: $50 Progfam duration: 2014-15 winter season (November 2014 to April 2015) ReIglotration must be done in person, and wilI be done on a flmt-come, first-serve basis, to a maximum of 50 residences in Mâton *Methods 0f payment: Cash, Cheque, Debit " The $50.00 registration fee is non-refundable " Persons with disabiltis mnust have medical confirmation (a doctor's note) " Ail registrants must sign a declaration mhat no able-bodied person under mhe age of 65 is living at mheir residence Transportatioir Transportation to mhe Miltn Seniors' Activity Centre is available through Milton Transit Community Bus Service as welI as anyone registered on Milton access+ services. Regular fares apply. For information about Milton Transit, please contact 905-864-4141 or visit wwmlodast * 05-878-7252, ext.. 2500 Noticeqwl nf Tmory Lane i1t0resrcn -o Ino er-o f cco modtete evry an asembly0ftin retitoand Intermittent oad losures wl ei fetfo usa Mn telGrd pralnPOctober 28 torla December 5on ManSret0st1r4g h grade separation. Lane restrictions wlll be In place dally between 9am and 4pmn on Main Street East through the grade separation, with one lane of trafflc maintained ai ai trnes, except during intermittent road closures as noted below: >- fIesday October 28- approximately 10 separate road closures (each approx. 20 minutes in Iength) throughout the day = F rId.y October 31: approximately 10 separate road closures (each approx. 20 minutes in length) throughout the day Tulesd.y Novemnber 4: approximately 2 separate road closures (each approx. 20 minutes in length) throughout the Oay >_ Frly November 7: approximately 2 separate road closures (each approx. 20 minutes in iength) throughout the day Pay duty police officers wiiI be onsite to assist with the management of trafic during the four days noted above where intermittent closures wilI take place and trafflo control personnel wiIl be onsite for the duration of the work period. Ai traffc Impact (kmn restrictions and any closures) wll b. ll1mlted Io the hours of 9am to 4pm, Mondaey to Frlday. Access to ail businesses on Main Street East wilI be maintained during construction and the Main Street entrance to the Miiton Mail wili remain open. hl is expected that vehicular tra fflo wifil experience deiays along Main Street East during the above noted lime frames and motorists are adviéed to seek alternate routes if possible during this time. Please be advised that the above dates are subject to weather and construction schedufingAny changes 10 the dates noted above will b. posted on the Town of Milton Website at www.miiton.ca as weii as Social Media (Facebook and Twitter). The Town of Milton 18 committed.to programs for maintaining and improving our vital infrastructure and services to our community. We respectfully request and thank you for your patience and understanding during this period. Any nquirles should be dimected ta the foliowing: Diana Jiona - Coordinator, Infrastructure Engineering Services Ph: (905) 878-7252 ext. 2513 Fax: (905) 876-5029 e E-mail: diana.jiona@miiton.ca