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Pli.,. erraS nresm l * Two yews cusivaer wrvce nid manafaiurng czpcncnce Prelrece in Packagmg lndusury * Techaical drawmg hart gnd- wath abmiv iy ui teiprct cx-l__l-Yt vancty of tectinicat :nstnaccm mn Madwtheau or diagram torm * SuwJwrki/AD.Mwmexoti Ofhcr * Locaumo (>akvir ntaioin * Gmouxp Nn4nm & Medical PLaU Subumi rane by email te: F/T CEC hierý -p~ -eed IIIIII III& I tIIIIII - aý,,I eds A &mof ai Avld lfl &ep i h'aa mm"daarv lxb RINTERMATE LEVEL ADVERTISIN SALES REPRESENTATIVE ThWMaits cmosm i lie a mdiutsdý udepeftt erl.m-Mmne Stan by &dmm~m. tii va posass saex t urfto m4 *ol oaounauon "u Nid b. oMéur «0 UMcrsa compilr qpèocetns11I "e0 aMa uqnnoe an assaI ln tu foie ySj WU heCW cu ncuci. and ai bau utron màvoç aNt ns and eunMg chiant bW enswng #Wi tw nouS r« -ir matl Ya vif hm the SSy Io aBe chai grom adtrtug wlian by preunn a vaety 0 ~i p of tau ailb W pIOmIIS and capabl 0i mrri gi I oat4 badgss amifl speaml a gai K>u w"M Wf Io we« bra Ieafr in mre meSs înrtny ta 0nbru iiera ou m.-zn by Oôc 15ffi to Phas retoence Oulvie Seair ini11 tge Ina l «« teo l fai aI4twwho~'a.mer on4 dhse na lb an nra adeb oenfld, No ;Y"e ralsM eçnsn leN Mra afastf l s fls&Wmnt ai oa finesM aprnen coin sM". dia bas maintenac cuslwnr seinse Siui Deepmnefm btusl Office Sites oeafbagotJew utassa Thais %a UT Mobe 'U service directory Tm marnU lotl answm Cait noa 24,7 Toi ru 1417' 342.,032 Sable 9448. ran 95YChK Ca - .UUnm.CA FiS ra% bue ubs -c -W b *se OMMnt 416-811l-51671 A MW? pinn & cor4m htteueoeteno Resi deulultc4«uel Res Moyw of val" 647-702 960 AsU tee Cent, "IIS*2 234 ILt iu ean * ajà. posu> -M s-aiu l Sonandte JaLx*mý. 0w/cer BOs. Stiners Generi Repatîs liard- code Tuan eic Srna!t CruTHEtl. H1.1; êon Flapsý tachents b*twaoes pamtbnçg uvst!foogh cUwflç 40P S rnuf n do SI a* Psse cui 647487-907D or 647*7-MG? NEATUG eomM Pur- place GU is Sag ttzjindite Au Gondi li on nfltam and seq- iCi Cat R" ai 641'-892-1441 Vou U» cersed Gis Tecinm&sii atmr *ne Bmê ha.iS OMaie CL I Pet« @hrrooe CeraMic Ill Plumbon, Ewtcrc- Franrwbg Dryau Pai etc à6 Mn r_ SauOn coa Ca A 1 proiessio root'ng M$IIe Md NwaNo 64 rz3960 EtttZ MJASTE ELECTREAN LIGENSED E.S.A. 70# Comnwl Pianai t)pgades No Pob l0c sais Dm0 SYSTEUS Nt RoSiKISIII Max. i Req OuURly Sem hmeu fldws 90584-8 bm »nlotoao chF. "tIp i pisC ~1/gnews.ca Uê Obltuaries IObituarios If ture eVar coaes a day ehen ne mai bu to"lhez keupowù layou he«iru day lto oeeC-Wr* eP Passed peaeefuily to GoS in =ir54*1> >va suraundud hy the loi of her familly on Suraday. Decerter 1. 213 ait CMd& ValhY H019puataler a caurageous effort Lovang Ide portie of Edward Kufel Devotied ant ov mother ta Megan 5eymm Jsa Sa>vnouwand Shelhy Seyulo. Sit s siared bher fiattier Wlam George tdwrd Tient anid stunaOlhrMi along wft siblunpsl and la-lOu YIs Echarad (Hellena fatov> Trent Wliried (Lyeri) Trent Marion UMiniés Krafr Triert-ratz JaIem <Sar Trent Thoresa <Rk) Szkaley and Irai tAnnin Satisi.l. Site 's ,xedeoeas.id bier mater Leila CSuno) Agace Tient <200)- 9w wu have and wdl hadert neS by manyi rnuces, nuetu reàatIvs and ai-- fiend. Tai n oe ai » juintnmientand md cral enusic îad nas a former master of Suit Adelsne% and éMtr Choristen. Ted i idicamte ber profeional le ta loca bgruftaVps" e sevatiN~ and sufauf 5h. wus an inteeal co<eax f heMufl Escarp'M.n iSpitue contrbtun greaty ta Ontario anaS CariaS"e fuisse The finily wàhe tu tend Nernin and #M#an4 ta the nurses &Md staff ai tbe Cmit Valley Hospôta Neuroloft KIC. andS Palliativiie Cure for thei coompeson «Wd a W"eo Sesing ta Or Wo swortli for hie hope aid commiirrnent ta Titems. A nmoui seriplace O Tlwnsda% eume 12. 2013 ai 1:30 prt'e* Trinity Anglèran Churrh ira Aurora, 79 tori Sie.Famty raquflt dontinstamon Canada t www.a»ddca woliday t4e#pers Canadait wwwioidayfielper.a aid Aurcia Trnmiy Anrica Endouimen Fund ai www.triramt'oa.caAdoumait.tm in lieu af ilowers. We inere blu te ha nmn Ian and bu WWn hy lire.fer a#wioui ie thie pessing of ez mothec IdmoWttw and FeM Igtandmotfw on Truesda Decembe lotit. 2013 et tiie Carperitu Hospice in aBurtingion, Ros na boir i IWinrnpeg. Manitoba on Mar&i lOt 1926. Sadly n.s. hy ctidren lé& (U ,d CarS (Don MacOonaM> "i as wil as pog pmndduldren Tannet brayden Jdn4 Jade. tSi., Liy a"dOivi. A privU ftvou ceremenny is beirs heMd fi Rasie. As expession of 1Yap~aidy «Wi leu of fawe aleiflSwdonations te the Carper 1er Hos Ct i SuWlitoes would ae appecated. Tht farniily sond& a specia tank youta te. wondodi peoplo ai tii. Carpere 1Hospice for thefr outsarding care ai ouir f mily muriarch Letters of condokenct stared strie and nmmaga doniations may b. toit for lte family animne ut wnd.siêtscheca c$uZtaa-Ka~at 9a1 d#~ PasseS away peaoefuly ait Carpen*wî Hacse Gispoe> Sintwroin, Ont onl Decurmber.2013aet the pofS53 yeam ftseute wftt haï ltng" aiomo 27 yen Mile Fleming Mn07. tSng damiarw of Marion, McDcnil aid te lb" Orvile (2000. Stuviiiiiidi by tie Cathyl MWS Nusod mat* Asci. Oe a mml ta kiff araS wtt Artihu and Mark. 5~a ail ha teever ruembered end loveS by lier fien Donna. ,emauan am Wo ereooehiai IFortloN, A celebratian of SmsaWis tf m it *the Windsor Chapel fnt Hmu -aw OsaptO) SIZ-212 11677 in Wns ON,. on Tuemday Denrobo loe; 2013 Cremr lias éaeei place. hi. lieu aifloe donation moy ho, nu.diirecity te the CaipsaterI aSe <Hospice) 2250 Parkway Surtuigto<t Ontl t.1Î1 orteIlthe Huinan SoICietY AMal Ai 740' Griffith Court 8~ 0ngiri Ont. ¶ LtjRI.Amriu service vM elUh SSw.an. Pise lock ta wvaw.wndsrchpet.com for tim Iamd loction. Onlino conScIences à cheiahed mennt may b haren wt the faauiy ai -w -------------------------------- ce rumMOheu .................. -----------