Readers Corner .1i; t. patwspport %fe wrfin ibis loere as Proud îeam captains Wf ReIay foc Lfe team Rebels with a Cause. As dur toan eagurly siaris off thonr fukaislng for 2014, we bo" bath in amaézernunt ai lhe past year. ln 2013, Rebets wi:h a Cause held the Third Annual Luau te End Cancer ai Ned DevinWs Irish Pub in Milaon. Oui teamn saw an ontr- wbehning flow o! support frein oui frienda. famntv and the general public Wf Milton. ln jusi ftv. houri we raised $3,399- Rels wtt a Cause waould 11ke ta ltant Ned Devin&s Inish Pub for the donation of their location. W. Ioud specifically, fik. to ecognaze lte staff wbo worted endlessly tb. nlght Wf oui fundralser. and AM Enuertainmrew for donatlng thon limne nd muSca expertise. W. would aise hâte to tank ns. mnany local and distant busanesses that donaed prizes. Pins.i visit aur facebook page ta view a listing of ltes. campantes <butpsittwww. facebooLcom/pages/Rebels-wllh- a-Cause1259557920652489}. Oui team kn very happy 10 ain- nouante ltaIt we wilI be wovtêng wib Pied Devtnels Irish Pub again is upcamîng >ear for the Fourth Annual Luau 10 End Cancer on )un. 1, 2014. W. hole te ant you ther. I addition. Rébels wilh a Cause bWi.d lkefressly for thret bat. 1n2013 sales, raêsmng a total of $ 1,764.97. W. wduld 11ke 10 send a large thak-you ta the memibens of the Si. Clair ts>dg. Masoery; especêally Smo Robert Crawford anid im and Parmie Huner. If i ween' for the donation o! theor spollesi koîchen, oui îeamn would neyer have ben able 10 participai. in the Milton Fafrmens'Mark.?. Lastty. Rebels wiîh a Cause co- captains Stophani. Caiselanan and A.shley Mitchell would 11ke ta thank thoir Wam mernbens: Meredith Bar- rit. Sharla Srawnlow. Jer.ny Buck. Gaby Caruso, Laura Coulsou, Tort. Harding. Erin Tan, Tawny Coulson. MOsi. Kohê, Bilante Sroull.y and Mamnie Vlrk. Each cf ltes. individu- ais sacrificed lime and contribuîed an enor 'nous amowcint o! determi- nation to, mate 2013 a greai suc- cess. W. donaxed a sla99erlng $9.670-30 to t.e Canadian Carcer Socey. As leam captains, w. 6usd il harder tact' year te express oui tItougIts and emnotions Wf gratitude. VWre honaured to be part Wf such a car- in and givorg commnunlty and teariL Fol$ow us on Naitter <@reblsWlh- ACauz> and faceboo& or contact us a: rebelswithacausefiegmadlcom to ane whaî Rebels wlit a Cause us up to- Supha)nwe Cam*na ami Ashley Mitche -4 r l'o fr4 t STRIKING CONTRAST: Championu reader Doug RalpIt capwurcd this sbou of a bitte jay and a bumang bush in rural Miltor. Do vou have a unique. ncrruiatg. fun or cuir photo rate. i>' Miton rhiie voîi would like to - ubmil to be con s:derrd Jor Snaphat .Send submasions (minimum 600 «B rrsolunon) go hmaccI4)mnloncanadîavtchampum .coin Pieuse irfuue the naine cf rthe phozographer (for publication) and a description of the photo inclnaduîg thre Woatîon wherr is was rate.. LeterSwMOm lieComket aQee w*omes tnes le Lew e t ensu w Oe 0Wed W« Ulm efllweoieectê a0e 1ppoen Of* Emnoiyour k«ter woo *imilrn-eadlon- chonloncom or MWn êy nna to 555 Indus- Met LZX Mito, Oot, L9T 51*?, or en ahem taOr otar- f uOMMluu'svMonday w Fftmun antf4pam RVIf a ao j-ÏR C AUM n S lUflUb5flI 61em à tU «F0%à i96t i à 4 MV WJlA.L Cu-MAtI COPNOL Cams ccênaW PUxiiwc FOG u01475 Xmio 10,988 :ST NOUDAY sEAON SrX SPOts Siamg¶-5n Coe. jO,à 42 446&'n $31 sO Lus eSTO 34A &WM UV'1SINI AM 2 'R M ' YV A*L'j CENw& MN364 14,488& W Aw - " rrtc ~ AAT