IudIok Stan m atM fo jr. bs1 bHad eIf« i a.is. Xi.. Frlday, the Lords showtd du#r vnuatWy, conn.ceing broni buyond the arc seven urnes ta *raw the t Rya d.frnders out o! î Nudlng dld have its moments. -xn) Seron duece lialped die Rayals UMieNuhon teseen powt inhttard quai- tut a tota Owe Redinig matcd tin t. wywva Amende Wlannkti wlio notonly - dteum w*htepohv but wu dm consheut là modi dia bse! wieh 10 reowx& Ooeg cdfrn oeas -vmf VC An SU& 79hVs snng in the poSe anid she's a yreat t lanlciSl i *xi tlte mn t.e fowlth -frt Nation ok aMdgeand bfrw t. gainaopn wta 12-0nm. *W -lye wmI W. mnssed soe layiqnl «eid ts éflte U oru t iodàyr Junnas sM& lits a Umm yta cane mate mistakes against thougli. Any other ream. t e make those sanie mostakes and ut daesVt huit us. (Nelson) 9 Md ways ta in Reding uiso showed tuat abIty ehlougliaut its 11-2 season. Aber wtnn.ng sevrai tighr low-scenng con- tests early in the yeur t.i Royale ofience tact cvii'uin the second hUit Afta wereg.ng 3 1.0 points per gem.e thraugh t.e hmn liait of t.e ragula seeson. Rtding scored et Weese 39 m sdi af les lame five - ad wlns - kUsl 61 in te regular-season fi- nale Conte p unoit im e. Royals showed they lied ta foogoten liow toar- the basket wùnnin e paire!f dufrnsi battles, 27-2Oove Chist t.e Kn in de quarter-finais and 26-22 over G.org.eown in the semis. %ritvi GaRant lied six points and ive re- bounds for Redlng in the final whule Emîly Giai- lent lied five paints and <lv. boards. 'H~I6soarpastleagueledr flosm - prN SALEwSts Cy tAUS S4ý> Iftt le I b' u P/Q e 1 ' vv t v>j½,, ! n' lV *5 m andMISI JIU 1111!i Ail new outerwvear reduced for 4 déaya oinly on premlum brandu TUNIE ME UP FREE GIFT annual ski &Thef&-et 25 people.wget board grlnd a 2 r1 e;e4îlftict Spelalpul SaSSe for the 2013/14 season ftè leàso Atoenlc, Salomnon, Spy and Bonfiro supplier wveekendi tisi yeer et thse saine Cime as the Corbetts Pre-Chnistmas sale Look for morne extra upeclal dodu fr orn Chs brande in store saorm o - w Plus a aheince ta WIN your Atomît,. Salomon, Bonfire or Spy purchase Stwwte*t gooent endS a pr- dw*te corn -eio FaS huge évidmdi for the kattaSa le rà$ qf sS ingo io for avr W, Sq l --i -ow wlt Canada EM frt the Wd4 k. A Chflmr Nova Scotia -Tylort.mewrvd but 4g* tifs sna frte mms MWd Ou Mlt 154 Wn Met w-hdfm amd nalxhy cuw-i.Wtp£d k. Sin. l - aS7 tt bijge wtt ut the efoe forte lhAsHéw4C1 Wono,*w Chu1 S Si'anq f'. - wn - KawEU5e P tho scored t.e first goal and as- slst.d on two othrs. Ryan Buros lied a goa and ai asit whie -ondn out t.e swoing wtre Coope Richards «iwd ta Baird Lwis lid aniother utong sliowrng in WhêAtby Sundwy but fis 46-save effort wesnt reerty enougli as di ke$eks wtt. dumpad 7.2. I iaconetues a fiir-geme rad tnip un Wtt lirgtosi F*I.7. Thry trm tu Mcrruri Aoerw Fdo Nv 22 to face Newmmrte Glarneelme, as alm s 7:30 p. H\St Deals AStinas, Citats' own new anod un" sitore si newly mnovsfld Mid openi for buOeSSe*.JJSS wnet of the nu*i sMan M 144 sp....a Rd. lt*s a gruau way ta gat your emion startsd. Look out for these awesome deals with many more in store Bath fiihe seond in team scoeing Otkoi' éaiga Quebet in te nrnlin& Onti Red blew a "0 laëd un t. Wuc OvuêaSlief IWCte bw %e -CAn wftb the sud- den Gei'ntory. 'We flpuued k would bu e ro unC nloeu Saci' Who rr*ssad the Mun o!fi' hnson wfi' the Mlssnssauga CNiefs rucoverhog front living lier XppunGxemovedbut quwd ty rugatved ber km and cu- rwut$r uts on a ei'r-way tue *top t.e Provinia Woma# Hockey -egu scn race euth n. goals and ai as- mat mn iglit génes *Hockey ta potinýg bflh and butter -Bs ut. -un One of e handful of playars maldng the jwnp <rom BOue ta Nid "bi >n. Saci poned worthy of lier promotion - finshwtg seondi temscor- ing euth two -ul andS ete assis 9w. lied a go and an assiste acti in t.e Mankoba ivin andS e 6- toiraet opanig vktory over Sas- kachewen. andS aiso pickad up e lielpeïr in the lopsided tftfr i ontï Ontario Sute 8acli lapes thone numbars boose lier stock comae me- bion cime loer t.e Canadien lidr18 squad ther'H itaS te Hungary for t.e wod chanipionshiîps in March. Steve LaDlan can b. rvoched oskbloeic#mMonconodWan- c-arincom. 70% O0ff act aN iliMata"" -.id mt4ws -a Rocker R1 skUSM« 1.2 3012 Oht Veau boardi * SpaN binang 0240-fl <wtt. awisés wMSt 201$2 Dt-*t Rocker board I.ad44n S*lOmowýn Ksitt Jackett MAOnso#escente W>.?t &Rhyfthn Ndtng 0049.99 940g *16o9 19 Bai $M5.» ftoq *109-.99 Ut" 910* <nA' -UP" -mm <nhI eutys Im> (Wh muppOn a > OSSE1T -..owosom '10 116*s Refl oavne <»talO, LSO 2U? 'aoh us 1 L U O ILN L IT (it--'AT ý.ýttv