Readei' (bmer Ml munbpal election candidates shouki have police records check Dml Effor nie rocerit article i t Canota Champion regardênq the sentencmng of a Monau local and regianael councillor ta 13 days in W bas promptad ire to matesa suggustxri. I womuM tâe ta sugqest for ewery Moltn mu- naUpal efrcto\, lugirvtnq witti t nont *fction i the fail of 2014, duat ai wîUtcm bein d chiennmforwn courci . ew qufrnd 10 have a background police records check. It uwuld be submitted slong wtth ny athm" documaentation necessay kwr a candi date 10 run for council. The resuits would ho mnade public ta ho utse as one faaoe by vaters i datarmnng the suntabiIty Wf the candidait to reprasmnt thim on tom cowict Tht cour~io wo.d be meting the a standard as mauiy of Uieir constitumnt. u matants orgnulons ct as churchas aid dt Red Cmc&s ta ne a hew, retiuul theaW ucoesmc Iocewq £91 a liSre- cords check. An objective Wf the backcground check iai efo~ to protect the vuineale în our Sociuty. Wolunteers olten trm wlth the Young and the. eldmdty. saine of whona can ho vulaimiable ta explostatiait Couriciflors, in a position af trust in the course cf their vwart cati ua have access ta vuinterable, citizens in Afhough a police records check is noa quai- antte Wf fiure lmw4f canduct et comricet- iraq confirmation, ofa canidates pant behav- tou. It should ho «epcted that candidates wautd w.Iconw the oppcrtunity ta have such a icraaig. We damrv slncd reusnaêof good charactar and W*atgr'ty wbo set a posutive exampbe an the communty. bs dure a valid resa wtay a police records check shouldn't ho ndaxtory for ail candidates running for Milton, council Tiq 5mW Food boit donation appreciated r wi q Io m thes* ai fle uâo genou- owstr doad leothe %ksrm IHuge Mak A 10 to the t ar i bun Thursdafl Capion contaud an anar lhe laite shaSld have haen sigraS Jam OWfome -Pa -Àsh. Tht Chanzgflr regretarthe aid ar and conveSience h cna On Maloeaar nigh. Mvu son and his tesm panner callcued bcod batik donations as rapoesandvus Wf Cralg Klfeburger Second- uy Sdwoolts NotW i Action tem Sa muny famulles rewondmd to the %,yms we put ont. Many sbapped spmcby kwr t food drive, and prowhbd - fu W offod. Ta ail thase who donatacL,0 hau s t much kwr -epn dyse, bis tortuat The stories Wf your gmnercsity wiII ho shared manry dimes Miton -U- net: Champion ireaki Judy Johnston captureci a skiai o! tins umuque lice un 1-ourtki LUni ceai No. 10 Saderoad Do yen have a unique, înreung n or <tti photo taken in Milfon this yon w" mddi 11go subuas go lue coresiedjein Sapshot? Send submsstons (minimum 6MX KS rrsoluuioe) 10 kuiceIiImj- umcwan.dachampm.cou. Pieu incluit the nine of the phKoraphcr (for publicstion) and a drscripdion 4 tht phoso inudng the location whnr il was tahe. nncmdcanlm a mlsIis6q ue%.Mm 1frCuSiCwmuOWsmdiev wtaS *nrn un -as5un --w>,al»Iý1of E,«0* or Lfsutbseattudi nn eeun fl mnwnbAIOcItantkhàSW#0l~ Gsallion- MILTON W./ 1967, 655 MAIN STREE EAST, MILTONl 905-875-FORD<3673) nu match QUJAMI * SALES * LEASING * NEW ePRE-OWNED * SERVICE * PARTS *4I 3 fi~4a, 8I-'(a I i I I i g * vws