o,Qp o t Road safety Today's fratura story on road safety in Hahon reveils soealarrnln staîistlcs about the nwntbe of vehiclo collisions, and the resuftng deastin d injuries on ILait ywflthe reglon Saw a wehcpphng 7,827 crashes tMclalmed 12 himsnmd inwumor «»ban 1,00 Skyon our moat haI liooldng much botter Ibis year *Mwlh 5.591 car oubes no* fa son Wh" gon ulPlc TU&fi Servce sgt PeaIl & poinMA out **e tas ue of collIsons in 2l12 was actWly domn tom 2011. and t the fa- tilles on oui roads wu low conmldwn the regon's popaitin the pmf tragedy ks ta tht val majorlty of the coSsion uwr prevnubb. To rmliind m«oorIt dba sa" roads don% corn by ac- cideu fisto police have bien lrmvoled in a vauiety Mf InItiate thougbout the yeer. Ont campalgn mn AMaI saw flétan Police issue 835 provincial affunce notices for dlstacted dring, wblch Davites says Is a lNage lssw.e In Sepeembor, Halton police conducted Project Sale LIart wblch in addition to, distracted driving taged people speedng running stop slgns. flot wveartn seat befts and prsctisng other mnalle, drlvng bebav- loti mear tt regon~ schooKLt T'ht psohect wbsch focused on education as well as enftircemmnt resuhad In 1,906 tickets durlng the fwst two weeks of the school year. DaVies notes commercial vehicles an paruicular are often caught travelling our roads wlth glerîng main- tenance problerns, lake faulty brakles, and have ta be ammediately taken out a( service. According t0 police, commercial vehicle safery bliîzes are planned for tht sprlnq. Then theae are the even more appalling cases of arn- paared driving. e criminel act thet continues 10, plague Halton and ont that police try 10 combat through enforcement via tdm Reduce Impmîred Drîving Every- whea'e (WdDE) progrmm. But safety blitzes anld RIDE spot checks alone cen't peuvent a111 the Hilton accidents that înjured or killed mm *a 1,00 people lest yesr First and foremost, road safety is tht responsiblity of ail motorists. lmprovîng safety on oui roads lies within evtry driver of tvery vehicle that passes through the reglon cvery day. But pedesnlians, passengers and cyclasis must knaw and respect ail safety miles of the romd as wel Evtryane who shares ours rads hasea roIe in ensuring everyone's safnty. Jferitajae tMatters Crowds lind NMi Street for the Santa Claus parade wn 1954 whoe Sm wha: nas said t be -te hest parade ever" wtt more tbm 21 Rom., baids and clowns. An estimatrd 2,700 peopke packed the Mihon Art=. fruhepcguuuad 2.500 Chnstna stockkp wme dhwgtd. - 5ubmmfled b> lie ag büMil and Mita ùboe4cdl Socety ibe season of e4ng is f to be heoebeoreyou kzxmit I saw a donation ketile on display at the booth of the Salvaxion Army et the Mil- ton Volunteer Fair Novernber 2 and i reminded me just how close we are 10, another holiday season. Soon the scason Kate Mitai of gMAng will be Managing Editor upon us and it's lime to flirt thînking about how we can help those less fortu- nate than ourselves. Of course. Miltonieris support counuiess non-profit organazations and charitable causes ai year, but neyer is the giving spirit more amplified than it hs durîng the holiday season. But grv.ng docirt necessariy have to mean monetary donations. Il you don'! have cash to spart - and lots dtus dan't - you could gave your tîme. For exançie, the Salvation Army usuaify needi volet- teers 10 man those kenles I meruioned dunng its Christmas Kettie Cwnpaign. Or you coutd even gave bllood. in. facn theres a btlood donar clinic comung tp later Ibis mont in Moln as watt as arle in DOcdlYteL A quicli Internet search cf 'blod domo clkinIs al yhaUs uuquied ta leamn more infomatIon Rrmember. " boer la gin #Ma M- celve. The Champio witl hold Its annuel holiday îoy and food drive anai Ibis yer. Datais ta corne. Karen MJCUà con be reoched ut kn*eAfl- roncaodlachomiortor on Twfirrq ChampionEdiror (HA M P J ) 55>5 ki*ah IO ffan &vm 0%. UTEl 90784M Adstffl FAW Bt&723U4 Ohn*~ 905.Bfl594 VI? --- -- cftifl omqmbt nWM mu M »a0 mu n e *a aue M'M maeOmaon * a UMa un ho mu ar. atg * pmmfwl -* -dm *vl D' «Wuo la OM&W- a iwm * W da.~~ ~~ s*v'wce- frP e a a w~~ ~~ i' et fl w AONO St cJ